Press Releases

India’s Participation in the Australia Group

January 22, 2018

1. On January 19th, it was announced that India formally joined the Australia Group (AG) as the group’s 43rd member.

2. As stated in the Japan-India Joint Statement issued in September 2017, Japan has supported India’s participation in the AG with the aim of strengthening the international non-proliferation efforts.

3. Japan welcomes India’s participation in the AG, which will contribute to strengthening export controls on chemicals, biological agents, and related dual-use facilities and equipment for use in the development and manufacture of chemical and biological weapons in the Asian region.

(Note 1) Australia Group
The Australia Group is an export control regime established in 1985 with the aims of preventing the spread of chemical and biological weapons by using licensing measures to control the transfer of certain chemicals, biological agents, and related dual-use manufacturing facilities and equipment. Participating States are required to implement export controls based on control lists and procedures agreed by the AG.

(Note 2) Excerpt from the Japan-India Joint Statement (PDF)Open a New Window (September 2017)
The two Prime Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to work together for India to become a full member in the remaining three international export control regimes: Nuclear Suppliers Group, Wassenaar Arrangement and Australia Group, with the aim to strengthen the international non-proliferation efforts.

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