Press Releases

Japan’s assistance to address the Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa
(Provision of medicine to Guinea)

June 14, 2016

1. The Government of Japan has decided, in response to a request from the Government of Guinea, to provide favipiravir (“Avigan” Tablets), an anti-influenza drug developed by the Fujifilm Group company Toyama Chemical Co.

2. The drug’s safety and efficacy for the Ebola treatment have been suggested through clinical trials that took place in Guinea last year, and the Government of Guinea places great importance to this drug.

3. It is now known that Ebola virus lives in a survivor’s body for a long period, and the Ebola reemergence in Guinea in March this year was, in fact, considered caused by the remaining virus in survivors’ bodies. Against this background, the Government of Guinea made a request for the drug in preparation for future Ebola resurgences, and it is this request that prompted Japan’s decision on this asssitance.

4. As globalization continues and movements of persons and goods accelerate, the risk of infectious diseases crossing borders is also growing. The Government of Japan intends to continue international cooperation on infectious diseases.

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