Press Releases

Signing of “International Energy Charter”

May 21, 2015

1. On, May 20, the “International Energy Charter” was signed at the International Energy Charter Ministerial Conference held in The Hague, Netherlands. H. E. Mr. Masaru Tsuji, the Ambassador of Japan to the Netherlands, attended this conference and signed the Charter.

2. The International Energy Charter is a political declaration which encourages international cooperation in the field of energy, and supports the modernization of the Energy Charter Process.

3. Through the signing the Charter, it is expected to strengthen energy security through global cooperation.

Energy Charter Process
In 1991, the European Energy Charter was signed on purpose to promote market-oriented reform in the energy sector, and encourage stable and favorable climate for energy trade and investment against the backdrop of changes in the Soviet Union and Central Europe. To establish a legal framework to promote cooperation in the energy field in accordance with the objectives and principles of the Charter, the Energy Charter Treaty was adopted in 1994 and entered into force in 1998. Japan has ratified the treaty in 2002. For the purpose of the modernization of the Energy Charter Process, the International Energy Charter, which is based on the European Energy Charter, was reached to sign in May 2015.

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