Press Releases

Measures to Freeze Assets of Those Who Are Considered to Be Directly Involved in “Annexation” of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol or Destabilization of Eastern Part of Ukraine

August 5, 2014

In view of the current international situation over Ukraine, for the purpose of contributing to the international efforts for achieving international peace for a solution of the issue, in line with the measures taken by other major countries, the Government of Japan has implemented measures under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act to freeze assets (restrictions on payment and capital transactions) of 40 individuals and two entities designated by the Government of Japan as ones considered to be directly involved in the “annexation” of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol or the destabilization of Eastern Part of Ukraine as well as to introduce restrictive measures with regard to imports of all goods originating in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or the City of Sevastopol. 

  • (1) Contents of the measures

    As of August 5, under the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act, Japan implements the measures (i) and (ii) as described below, on those who are designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Notice (issued on August 5) as ones considered to be directly involved in the “annexation” of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the City of Sevastopol or the destabilization of Eastern Part of Ukraine as well as the measure (iii) as described below on all goods originating in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or the City of Sevastopol.
    • (i)Restriction on payment
      A permission system will be applied to payments, etc. to the individuals and entities designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Notice.

    • (ii) Restriction on capital transactions
      A permission system will be applied to capital transactions (i.e., contract of deposit, trust, and money loan) with the individuals and entities designated by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Notice.

    • (iii) Restriction on import
      An approval system will be applied to imports of all goods from Ukraine (limited only to goods originating in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea or the City of Sevastopol).
  • (2) Individuals and entities designated (PDF)Open a New Window

(* The foregoing is a provisional translation. The above date denotes the date of the issue of the original press release in Japanese.)
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