Press Releases
Visit of the IAEA Officials to Japan for Safety Review of the Handling of ALPS
Treated Water at the TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station
From 14th to 18th of February, IAEA officials and international experts led by Mr Gustavo Caruso, Director and Coordinator, Department of Nuclear Safety and Security, International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) will visit Japan. During the visit, they will conduct an IAEA’s Safety Review on ALPS treated water at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) and hold meetings with relevant ministries and Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) to discuss cooperation regarding the handling of ALPS treated water. They will also visit the FDNPS. This visit will be conducted in compliance with strict preventive measures against coronavirus.
- The purpose of this visit is to conduct a Safety Review on the ALPS treated water, following the signing on the Terms of Reference (TOR) on Reviews of Safety Aspects of Handling ALPS Treated Water at TEPCO’s FDNPS in July, 2021.
- Some IAEA officials will also stay in Japan during the weeks starting from 7th and 21st of February for relevant preparatory meetings etc.
- By continuing its cooperation with the IAEA, including this visit of the IAEA officials and the international experts, the Government of Japan will continue its efforts to promote an understanding regarding the handling of ALPS treated water in the international community through ensuring safety of the ALPS treated water, as well as confidence and transparency of the handling of the ALPS treated water.
ALPS treated water is water which is processed by devices such as ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System) to ensure that the radioactive materials other than tritium surely meets the regulatory standards for safety.