Press Releases

Communication to the Government of the Republic of Korea on Japan’s position
regarding a lawsuit in the Republic of Korea filed by former comfort women and others

November 23, 2023
  1. On November 23, Mr. OKANO Masataka, Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs, summoned H.E. Mr. YUN Dukmin, Ambassador of the Republic of Korea to Japan, and lodged a strong protest, stating that it is extremely regrettable that, in a lawsuit filed by former comfort women and others against the Government of Japan, the Seoul High Court had rendered a judgement in favor of the plaintiffs, denying the application of the principle of State immunity under international law, following the judgment on January 8, 2021, and that this judgement is absolutely unacceptable to the Government of Japan.
  2. The issue concerning property and claims between Japan and the Republic of Korea, including the issue of comfort women, was “settled completely and finally” with the Agreement on the Settlement of Problem concerning Property and Claims and on the Economic Co-operation between Japan and the Republic of Korea of 1965. Furthermore, it was confirmed that the issue of comfort women was “resolved finally and irreversibly” with the agreement between Japan and the Republic of Korea in 2015.
  3. The Government of Japan once again strongly urges the Government of the Republic of Korea to take appropriate measures to remedy its breaches of international law.

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