Press Releases
Revision of Development Cooperation Charter
- The government of Japan will revise the "Development Cooperation Charter", which articulates the basic policy of Japan's development cooperation, based on changes in the situation since its formulation in 2015. The revision aims to update Japan's development cooperation so that it will be implemented in a more effective and strategic manner.
- In proceeding with consideration for the revision, an advisory panel on the revision of the Deveolpment Cooperation Charter has been established under Mr. HAYASHI Yoshimasa, Minister for Foreign Affairs. The advisory panel is to be chaired by Mr. NAKANISHI Hiroshi, Professor at Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University. The first meeting of the panel will be convened in the Ministry of Foreign Affiars on September 16th.
- Providing opportunities to hear views from a wide range of stakeholders including civil societies and businesses and based on those comments obtained, the government will develop a new Development Cooperation Charter in the first half of next year.
[Reference 2] Advisory Panel on the revision of the Deveolpment Cooperation Charter
Mr. NAKANISHI Hiroshi Professor at Graduate School of Law, Kyoto University [international politics]
Academia (2 persons)
Dr. JINBO Ken Professor at Faculty of Policy Management, Keio University [international politics]
Mr. MINE Yoichi Professor at Graduate School of Global Studies, Doshisha University [human security]
Businesses (3 persons)
Mr. YASUNAGA Tatsuo Chairperson of Committee on Overseas Development Cooperation, Keidanren (Japan Business Federation)
Representative Director, Chair of the Board of Directors, Mitsui & Co., Ltd.
Dr. YOSHITAKA Mari Fellow at Mitsubishi UFJ Research & Consulting [ESG investment, Climate Finance]
Ms. HARA Yukari Founder and CEO, SKYAH Co., Ltd., Founder & Co-Executive Director, MY DREAM. org (an NGO incorporated in Ghana)
NGO (1 person)
Mr. INABA Masaki Representative NGO member for the revision of Development Cooperation Charter, NGO-Ministry of Foreign Affairs Regular Consultation Meetings
International Organization (1 person)
Ms. YUGE Akiko Professor at Department of Global Politics, Faculty of Law, Hosei University
Former Special Advisor to the Administrator of United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Tokyo