Press Releases
Telephone Talk between Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida and Foreign Minister Nabil Fahmi of Egypt
August 21, 2013
On August 21, from 4:05 p.m. for approximately 25 minutes, Mr. Fumio Kishida, Minister for Foreign Affairs, held a telephone talk with His Excellency Mr. Nabil Fahmi, Foreign Minister of the Arab Republic of Egypt. The outline of the talk is as follows.
1. Foreign Minister Kishida conveyed the views of the Government of Japan concerning the current situation in Egypt as follows.
(1) Since last month, Japan has consistently been calling for all relevant parties to desist from acts of violence, behave with the greatest extent of self-restraint, and resolve problems in a peaceful manner. The fact that a tremendous number of civilians have become victims is extremely shocking and it should not be repeated. Japan also offers its condolences in regard to the persons who died in the line of duty for this cause.
(2) Issues regarding human rights are internationally sensitive and should be dealt with rightly. In this regard, Japan hopes for the early lift of the declaration of state of emergency and curfew.
(3) Japan reemphasizes our sincere hope for stability and prosperity in Egypt, and will support Egypt in its effort to achieve these going forward. Japan hopes that the interim government will quickly achieve stability, advance its road map properly, and return to the process of democratization.
(4) Since many Japanese citizens still reside in Egypt at present, Japan asks Egypt to ensure the safety of the Japanese people.
2. Foreign Minister Fahmi stated that although the situation in Egypt is difficult and there have been numerous casualties over the past several days, the interim government will work to restore stability in accordance with the law, advance the roadmap for the future political process, and aim to lift the declaration of state of emergency in the near future. Foreign Minister Fahmi added that Egypt will do its utmost to ensure the safety of Japanese citizens.
1. Foreign Minister Kishida conveyed the views of the Government of Japan concerning the current situation in Egypt as follows.
(1) Since last month, Japan has consistently been calling for all relevant parties to desist from acts of violence, behave with the greatest extent of self-restraint, and resolve problems in a peaceful manner. The fact that a tremendous number of civilians have become victims is extremely shocking and it should not be repeated. Japan also offers its condolences in regard to the persons who died in the line of duty for this cause.
(2) Issues regarding human rights are internationally sensitive and should be dealt with rightly. In this regard, Japan hopes for the early lift of the declaration of state of emergency and curfew.
(3) Japan reemphasizes our sincere hope for stability and prosperity in Egypt, and will support Egypt in its effort to achieve these going forward. Japan hopes that the interim government will quickly achieve stability, advance its road map properly, and return to the process of democratization.
(4) Since many Japanese citizens still reside in Egypt at present, Japan asks Egypt to ensure the safety of the Japanese people.
2. Foreign Minister Fahmi stated that although the situation in Egypt is difficult and there have been numerous casualties over the past several days, the interim government will work to restore stability in accordance with the law, advance the roadmap for the future political process, and aim to lift the declaration of state of emergency in the near future. Foreign Minister Fahmi added that Egypt will do its utmost to ensure the safety of Japanese citizens.
* The foregoing is a provisional translation. The date indicated above denotes the date of issue of the original press release in Japanese.