Press Releases
Meeting between Dr. Miyagawa, Director-General, Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau and H.E. Mr. El-Zimaity, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt
August 20, 2013
1. On August 19, Dr. Miyagawa, Director-General, Middle Eastern and African Affairs Bureau summoned H.E. Mr. El-Zimaity, Ambassador of the Arab Republic of Egypt and extended the following views of the Japanese Government on the current situations in Egypt.
(1) Japan has called, since the political change on July 3, for a peaceful solution of the domestic conflict within Egypt, and has strongly urged all relevant parties to desist from acts of violence and behave with the greatest extent of self-restraint.
(2) Japan understands that Egypt is facing a big political turning point and is sincerely engaged in stabilizing the Egyptian society despite many challenges. However, the fact that a tremendous number of civilians have become victims cannot be accepted from the viewpoint of many of the Japanese people and it should not be repeated. Japan is concerned about the series of the events in Egypt since we hope for stability and prosperity in Egypt.
(3) Especially, issues regarding human rights are internationally sensitive so they should be dealt with rightly. In this regard, Japan hopes that the declaration of state of emergency and the curfew will be lifted soon.
(4) Egypt is an important country for the stability and prosperity of the Middle East and Africa. Japan expects that the interim government will advance its road map properly and return to the process of democratization.
2. In response, Ambassador El-Zimaity stated that he received the message, and that the Egyptian interim government is commited to the roadmap for the future political process. He also expressed Egypt’s commitment to an inclusive dialogue with all Egyptian stakeholders who have not engaged in violence and its intention to work with friends and international partners.
3. Dr. Miyagawa also asked Ambassador El-Zimaity to ensure the safety of Japanese citizens, since many Japanese people still reside in Egypt at present, and Ambassador El-Zimaity expressed his understanding.
(1) Japan has called, since the political change on July 3, for a peaceful solution of the domestic conflict within Egypt, and has strongly urged all relevant parties to desist from acts of violence and behave with the greatest extent of self-restraint.
(2) Japan understands that Egypt is facing a big political turning point and is sincerely engaged in stabilizing the Egyptian society despite many challenges. However, the fact that a tremendous number of civilians have become victims cannot be accepted from the viewpoint of many of the Japanese people and it should not be repeated. Japan is concerned about the series of the events in Egypt since we hope for stability and prosperity in Egypt.
(3) Especially, issues regarding human rights are internationally sensitive so they should be dealt with rightly. In this regard, Japan hopes that the declaration of state of emergency and the curfew will be lifted soon.
(4) Egypt is an important country for the stability and prosperity of the Middle East and Africa. Japan expects that the interim government will advance its road map properly and return to the process of democratization.
2. In response, Ambassador El-Zimaity stated that he received the message, and that the Egyptian interim government is commited to the roadmap for the future political process. He also expressed Egypt’s commitment to an inclusive dialogue with all Egyptian stakeholders who have not engaged in violence and its intention to work with friends and international partners.
3. Dr. Miyagawa also asked Ambassador El-Zimaity to ensure the safety of Japanese citizens, since many Japanese people still reside in Egypt at present, and Ambassador El-Zimaity expressed his understanding.
* The foregoing is a provisional translation. The date indicated above denotes the date of the original in Japanese.