Press Conferences
Extraordinary Press Conference by Foreign Minister HAYASHI Yoshimasa
Thursday, September 7, 2023, 4:44 p.m. Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
Opening Remarks
Mr. HAYASHI Yoshimasa, Minister for Foreign Affairs:For five days from September 3, I visited Jordan, Egypt, and Saudi Arabia, and attended the third Japan-Arab Political Dialogue at the League of Arab States headquarters, the first Japan-Egypt-Jordan Trilateral Ministerial Consultations, and the first Japan-Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. In addition, I held a total of 13 bilateral meetings on the margins of these conferences.
During this visit, as the international community including the Middle East is at a historic turning point, I held candid exchanges of views in each of the countries on regional and international affairs, including Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and the situations in the Middle East and East Asia, and we confirmed to coordinate to maintain and strengthen the free and open international order based on the rule of law. I also conveyed Japan’s intention to continue contributing to the peace, stability, and development of the Middle East region. Furthermore, I explained about the discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea, and the respective countries expressed their understanding and trust in Japan’s efforts.
In the first destination country, Jordan, I paid courtesy calls on His Majesty King Abdullah and Prime Minister Al-Khasawneh, and we concurred to continue to coordinate closely for peace and stability at both the regional and global levels.
Additionally, I held the fourth Foreign Ministers’ Strategic Dialogue with Foreign Minister Safadi. Building on the third dialogue held in Tokyo in March, we concurred on further strengthening our relationship across a broad spectrum of areas, including politics, economics, security, and assistance for refugees, with a view to enhancing our strategic partnership.
At my next destination, Egypt, I paid a courtesy call on President El-Sisi and held a meeting with Foreign Minister Shoukry. We concurred to further deepen the Japan-Egypt relationship, which was elevated to a “Strategic Partnership” during Prime Minister Kishida’s visit to Egypt in April, in a wide range of areas, such as the economy, development assistance, and cooperation in the international arena.
I also held a meeting with Secretary General Aboul Gheit of the League of Arab States, and we concurred to promote cooperation between Japan and the League of Arab States in the areas of economy, culture, and people exchange. Furthermore, at the third Japan-Arab Political Dialogue, I advocated that, as the international community is at a historic turning point, Japan wishes to build a relationship as “partners” with the Arab countries that tackle together challenges faced by the region and the international community.
Specifically, I conveyed Japan’s intention to deepen cooperation under the following three pillars: strengthening the economic relationship from a long-term perspective in a wide range of areas with Middle Eastern countries, initiatives toward peace and stability in the region including Palestine, and efforts toward maintaining and strengthening the free and open international order based on the rule of law. The Arab countries expressed their strong support. This was followed by the first Japan-Egypt-Jordan Trilateral Ministerial Consultations, where we confirmed the progress of our trilateral cooperation on Lebanon, Palestine, and Iraq, and concurred to expand the areas of cooperation and beneficiary countries and regions.
Additionally, here in Saudi Arabia, I attended the first meeting of the Japan-Saudi Arabia Foreign Ministerial Level Strategic Dialogue and the first Japan-GCC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. During the Japan-Saudi Arabia Foreign Ministerial Level Strategic Dialogue, Foreign Minister Faisal and I concurred to build on the outcomes of Prime Minister Kishida’s recent visit to Saudi Arabia by continuing to enhance Japan-Saudi Arabia cooperation in areas including decarbonization, investment, tourism, and education under the “Japan-Saudi Vision 2030” and working together more closely to resolve the issues facing the international community.
At the Japan-GCC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting, Japan and the GCC countries updated the action plan from 2024 to 2028 and concurred to promote cooperation in a wide range of fields, including politics, security, trade and investment, energy, and culture. In addition, we reaffirmed that the two sides will coordinate on resuming negotiations for a Japan-GCC FTA by the end of 2024, for which industries have high expectations.
At all of these meetings, in light of the current severe international energy market, I requested the countries’ cooperation with stable supply and increased production of oil and natural gas. Through this visit to the Middle East, the respective countries and Japan were able to confirm they would strengthen relations in a range of fields, as well as work together in responding to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and maintaining and strengthening the free and open international order based on the rule of law. Using these visits as a steppingstone, Japan will continue to work to further enhance its cooperation with the Middle East region. That is all from me.
Question-and-Answer Session
Reporter:While there may be some overlap with your opening remarks, I would like to once again ask for an overall summary, your impressions, and the significance of your visits to the three Middle Eastern countries.
Minister Hayashi:As the international community including the Middle East is at a historic turning point, I visited three major countries in the region and I was able to confirm to strengthen relations in a range of fields, as well as to work together in responding to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and maintaining and strengthening the free and open international order based on the rule of law.
At the third Japan-Arab Political Dialogue held in Egypt, I called for promoting Japan-Arab cooperation under three pillars. In response, many participating countries appreciated Japan’s past support for peace and stability in the region and expressed high expectations for further deepening their cooperation with Japan. It made me more confident that we can further expand cooperation between Japan and Middle Eastern countries.
Similarly, in Saudi Arabia, I attended the first meeting of the Japan-Saudi Arabia Foreign Ministerial Level Strategic Dialogue and the first Japan-GCC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting. Each of the countries indicated high expectations for further strengthening their cooperation with Japan.
Using these visits as a steppingstone, Japan will continue to work to further enhance its cooperation with the Middle East region.
Reporter:Several meetings took place for the first time, including the Foreign Ministerial Level Strategic Dialogue with Saudi Arabia and the first Japan-GCC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting since it was regularized. It seems that there were many positive takeaways from the meetings, with countries expressing support for the ALPS treated water and confirming FTA negotiations. Please tell us your outlook and expectations for the way forward.
Minister Hayashi:The GCC countries, including Saudi Arabia, have recently been playing an increasingly leading role in foreign policy discussions of Arab and Islamic countries. As the balance of power in the international community changes, it is becoming ever more important to cooperate with the GCC countries, including Saudi Arabia, not only for a stable energy supply but also for resolving the issues facing the international community.
Under these circumstances, it is extremely significant that, based on the agreements reached during Prime Minister Kishida’s visit to the Middle East this July, we were able to hold the first Japan-Saudi Arabia Foreign Ministerial Level Strategic Dialogue and Japan-GCC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting within a short timeframe, exchange candid views on regional and international affairs, convey the views and position of Japan, and discuss how we can cooperate further.
Of course, as you mentioned in your question, it was also meaningful that countries expressed support and understanding for the ALPS treated water in response to Japan’s explanation and that we were able to reaffirm the FTA.
Japan intends to continue to hold the Japan-Saudi Arabia Foreign Ministerial Level Strategic Dialogue and Japan-GCC Foreign Ministers’ Meeting and further promote cooperation and collaboration with the GCC countries, including Saudi Arabia.
Reporter:Egypt and Saudi Arabia, which you visited, have recently been approved for admission into BRICs, which China and Russia are members of. In this way, some Arab countries have been noted to be drawing closer to China and Russia. Amid this situation, what do you think Japan must do to further increase its presence in the Middle East?
Minister Hayashi:To this day, Japan has provided need-based, long-term support to realize peace and stability in the Middle East. In doing so, we never imposed particular values. As a result, we have been able to build trusting relationships with Middle Eastern countries over many years. Even in the course of my visits, I felt that the countries have a very high level of trust and expectations toward Japan.
Believing that prosperity in the Middle East will lead to that in Japan, we will continue support towards the peace and stability of the region and expand the horizons of cooperation to a range of fields, including politics, economy, culture, education, and energy, based on the foundation of trust forged over the years.
In addition, as the international community including the Middle East is at a historic turning point, it is essential to further enhance ministerial level dialogues. By promoting understanding of a Free and Open Indo-Pacific (FOIP) in the region, Japan will continue to strive to work with the Middle East region to maintain and strengthen the free and open international order based on the rule of law.