Foreign Policy

June 5, 2013
Discussion is taking place in the international community on the ideal form of international development goals in advance of 2015 (post-MDGs), which is the deadline for achievement of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs).

Amid this debate, Japan has formulated Japan's Strategy on Global Health Diplomacy [PDF]PDF to articulate its intention to contribute to the progress of universal health coverage (UHC), under which every person can receive basic health and medical services as well as continuing further support toward the achievement of MDGs during the 5th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TIVAD V).

 (1) In his Opening Speech [PDF]PDF at the opening ceremony of TICAD V, Prime Minister Shinzo Abe stated that he "would like to advance UHC as Japan's diplomatic strategy in a literal PPP between the private sector and the government," and that he intends to "make UHC into a 'Japan brand'." In his Opening Remarks at the Symposium on Human Security [PDF]PDF, held June 2, Prime Minister Abe also expressed his determination to contribute to the advancement of UHC, stating that he had "positioned global health as an important agenda for Abe diplomacy."

 (2) In his Opening Remarks [PDF]PDF at TICAD V Thematic Session 3: Towards the Post-2015 Development Agenda, Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida stated that UHC should be pursued in order to address diversifying health needs, while introducing Japan's Strategy on Global Health Diplomacy.

Under this strategy, Japan will continue to contribute to the health of the world's people though more effective implementation of bilateral aid, strategic coordination with initiatives undertaken by international organizations, and the strengthening of systems and cultivation of human resources domestically.

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