Japan's Official Development Assistance White Paper 2014
Statistics and Reference Materials

Table of Contents

Part III Statictics and Reference Materials

Chapter 1 Japan’s ODA Budget

  1. Section 1 FY2014 ODA Budget (Initial Budget)
    1. Chart III-1 ODA Budget
    2. Chart III-2 ODA General Account Budget (for the 10 Ministries and 2 Agencies)
    3. Chart III-3 Breakdown of the ODA Project Budget
    4. Chart III-4 ODA Project Budget (for the 10 Ministries and 2 Agencies)
    5. Chart III-5 Financing Sources for the ODA Project Budget and Expenditure by Type of Assistance
  2. Section 2 Project Budget of Ministries and Agencies (Initial Budget) and Project Outlines
    1. Chart III-6 ODA Budget Changes by each Ministry and Agency (General Account)
    2. Chart III-7 ODA Budget Changes by each Ministry and Agency (Project Budget)
    3. Chart III-8 FY2014 Project Budget and Project Outlines by Each Ministry and Agency

Chapter 2 Japan’s ODA Disbursements

  1. Section 1 The Flow of Financial Resources to Developing Countries
    1. Chart III-9 The Flow of Financial Resources from Japan to Developing Countries
  2. Section 2 Bilateral ODA Disbursements by Income Groups
    1. Chart III-10 Bilateral ODA Disbursement by Income Groups (Breakdown by DAC Classification)
    2. Chart III-11 Comparison of Bilateral ODA with Amount of Assistance and Amount of Grants for LDCs
  3. Section 3 Disbursements by Country
    1. Chart III-12 Breakdown of Bilateral ODA by Country and Type
    2. Chart III-13 Top 30 Recipients of Japan’s Bilateral ODA by Type in 2013
    3. Chart III-14 List of Countries for which Japan is their Top Donor
    4. Chart III-15 Countries and Regions Which Have Received Japan’s ODA (Disbursements Up to 2013)
  4. Section 4 Distribution by Sector
    1. Chart III-16 Distribution of Bilateral ODA by Sector
  5. Section 5 Disbursements for Overseas Disaster Assistance
    1. Chart III-17 Emergency Grant Aid Projects (FY2013)
    2. Chart III-18 Projects for Dispatch of Japan Disaster Relief Team and Provision of Emergency Relief Goods (FY2013)
    3. Chart III-19 Dispatch of Japan Disaster Relief Team and Provision of Emergency Relief Goods (FY2013)

Chapter 3 List of Bilateral Assistance Projects

  1. Section 1 Bilateral Grants
    1. Chart III-20 Chart III-20 List of Grant Aid Projects
  2. Section 2 Bilateral Loans
    1. Chart III-21 List of Loan Aid Projects
    2. Chart III-22 List of Debt Relief Projects

Chapter 4 ODA Disbursements through Multilateral Institutions

  1. Chart III-23 Trends in ODA Disbursements through Multilateral Institutions
  2. Chart III-24 Contributions, Subscriptions, etc. to Multilateral Institutions by Major Donor Countries (Top 5 Countries)

Chapter 5 Reference Materials on Japan’s ODA

  1. Section 1 Developments in Japan’s Assistance to Developing Countries (October 2013–end of October 2014)
  2. Section 2 Japan’s Policy on Official Development Assistance
    1. 1.The Development Cooperation Charter (approved by Cabinet decision in February 2015)
    2. 2.The ODA Charter (approved by Cabinet decision in August 2003)
    3. 3.Japan’s Medium Term Policy on Official Development Assistance
    4. 4.List of Current Sector-Specific Development Policies and Initiatives
  3. Section 3 List of Heavily Indebted Poor Countries (HIPCs)

(Reference) Other Countries’ ODA Disbursement

  1. Section 1 DAC Countries’ ODA Disbursements
    1. Chart III-25 DAC Countries’ ODA Disbursements(2013)
    2. Chart III-26 DAC Countries’ ODA Disbursements by Type(2012)
    3. Chart III-27 Share of Disbursements by Major DAC Countries by Region (2012)
    4. Chart III-28 Grant Share of DAC Countries
    5. Chart III-29 Grant Amounts of DAC Countries
    6. Chart III-30 Grant Element of DAC Countries
    7. Chart III-31 Tying Status of Bilateral ODA of DAC Countries
    8. Chart III-32 Comparison of ODA by Major DAC Countries
    9. Chart III-33 Sector Distribution of Bilateral ODA by Major DAC Countries (2012)
    10. Chart III-34 Share of Aid through Multilateral Institutions among the ODA Totals of Major DAC Countries
  2. Section 2 The Flow of Financial Resources from DAC Countries to Developing Countries
    1. Chart III-35 The Flow of Financial Resources from DAC Countries to Developing Countries (2012)
    2. Chart III-36 Support to NGOs by DAC Countries
  3. Section 3 DAC List of ODA Recipients
    1. Chart III-37 DAC List of ODA Recipients (Countries and Regions)
  4. Section 4 ODA from Non-Dac Donors
    1. Chart III-38 ODA Disbursements from Non-DAC Donor Countries and Regions