Official Development Assistance (ODA)

List of Charts Presented in the White Paper

May 2, 2014
Chart II-1 Japan's ODA by Type (2012) Excel (35KB)
Chart II-2 Trends in Japan's Bilateral ODA by Region - Gross Disbursements Excel (30KB)
Chart II-3 Trends in the ODA of Major DAC Countries - Net Disbursements Excel (32KB)
Chart II-3 Trends in the ODA of Major DAC Countries - Gross Disbursements Excel (32KB)
Chart II-4 Per Capita ODA in DAC Countries (2012) Excel (26KB)
Chart II-5 Ratio of ODA to GNI in DAC Countries (2012) Excel (26KB)
Chart II-6 Trends in Japan's ODA and as Percent of GNI Excel (24KB)
Chart II-7 Japan's Bilateral ODA by Region (2012) Excel (31KB)
Chart II-8 Japan's Assistance in the East Asia Region Excel (29KB)
Chart II-9 Japan's Assistance in the South Asia Region Excel (27KB)
Chart II-10 Japan's Assistance in the Central Asia and the Caucasus Region Excel (27KB)
Chart II-11 Japan's Assistance in the Middle East and North Africa Region Excel (29KB)
Chart II-12 Japan's Assistance in the Sub-Saharan Africa Region Excel (36KB)
Chart II-13 Japan's Assistance in the Latin America and the Caribbean Region Excel (31KB)
Chart II-14 Japan's Assistance in the Oceania Region Excel (28KB)
Chart II-15 Japan's Assistance in the Europe Region Excel (28KB)
Chart III-1 ODA Budget Excel (28KB)
Chart III-2 ODA General Account Budget Excel (32KB)
Chart III-3 Breakdown of the ODA Project Budget Excel (32KB)
Chart III-4 ODA Project Budget Excel (32KB)
Chart III-5 Financing Sources for the ODA Project Budget and Expenditure by Type of Assistance Excel (38KB)
Chart III-6 ODA Budget Changes by each Ministry and Agency (General Account) Excel (29KB)
Chart III-7 ODA Budget Changes by each Ministry and Agency (Project Budget) Excel (29KB)
Chart III-8 FY2013 Project Budget and Project Outlines by each Ministry and Agency Excel (99KB)
Chart III-9 The Flow of Financial Resources to Developing Countries Excel (31KB)
Chart III-10 Bilateral ODA Disbursement by Income Groups (Breakdown by DAC Classification) Excel (31KB)
Chart III-11 Comparison of Bilateral ODA with Amount of Assistance and Amount of Grants for LDCs Excel (38KB)
Chart III-12 Breakdown of Bilateral ODA by Country and Type Excel (64KB)
Chart III-13 1. Top 30 Recipients of Japan's Bilateral ODA by Type (including debt relief) in 2012 Excel (34KB)
Chart III-13 2. Top 30 Recipients of Japan's Bilateral ODA by Type (excluding debt relief) in 2012 Excel (33KB)
Chart III-14 List of Countries for which Japan Is Their Top Donor Excel (30KB)
Chart III-15 Countries and Regions Which Have Received Japan's ODA Excel (35KB)
Chart III-16 Distribution of Bilateral ODA by Sector Excel (33KB)
Chart III-17 Emergency Grant Aid Projects (FY2012) Excel (28KB)
Chart III-18 Projects for Dispatch of Japan Disaster Relief Team and Provision of Emergency Relief Goods (FY2012) Excel (28KB)
Chart III-19 Dispatch of Japan Disaster Relief Team and Provision of Emergency Relief Goods (FY2012) Excel (31KB)
Chart III-20 List of Grant Aid Projects Excel (64KB)
Chart III-21 List of Loan Aid Projects Excel (38KB)
Chart III-22 List of Debt Relief Projects Excel (29KB)
Chart III-23 Trends in ODA Disbursements through Multilateral Institutions Excel (26KB)
Chart III-24 Contributions, Subscriptions, etc. to Multilateral Institutions by Major Donor Countries (Top 5 Countries) Excel (49KB)
Chart III-25 DAC Countries' ODA Disbursements (2012) Excel (30KB)
Chart III-26 DAC Countries' ODA Disbursements by Type (2011) Excel (28KB)
Chart III-27 Share of Disbursements by Major DAC Countries by Region (2011) Excel (88KB)
Chart III-28 Grant Share of DAC Countries Excel (27KB)
Chart III-29 Grant Amounts of DAC Countries Excel (26KB)
Chart III-30 Grant Element of DAC Countries Excel (27KB)
Chart III-31 Tying Status of Bilateral ODA of DAC Countries Excel (29KB)
Chart III-32 Comparison of ODA by Major DAC Countries Excel (31KB)
Chart III-33 Sector Distribution of Bilateral ODA by Major DAC Countries (2011) Excel (26KB)
Chart III-34 Share of Aid through Multilateral Institutions among the ODA Totals of Major DAC Countries Excel (25KB)
Chart III-35 The Flow of Financial Resources from DAC Countries to Developing Countries (2011) Excel (27KB)
Chart III-36 Support to NGOs by DAC Countries Excel (32KB)
Chart III-37 DAC List of Aid Recipients (Countries and Regions) Excel (39KB)
Chart III-38 ODA Disbursements from Non-DAC Donor Countries and Regions Excel (31KB)
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