Official Development Assistance (ODA)

March 28, 2003
Region Country Project Date of E/N
(Local time)
(100 million yen)
East Asia (Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center) The Project for Construction of a Fisheries Research and Training Vessel March 26, 2003 10.12
Cambodia Peace Building and Comprehensive Small Arms Management Programme in Cambodia January 13, 2003 4.50
The project for Construction of Primary Schools in Phnom Penh November 28, 2002 5.77
Sector Program Grant Aid November 28, 2002 20.00
The project for Flood Protection and Drainage Improvement in the Municipality of Phonom Penh August 27, 2002 20.56
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship August 27, 2002 3.66
The project for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Peri-Urban of Phnom Penh City June 13, 2002 7.84
The project for Improvement of Equipment for Demining Activities (Phase III) June 13, 2002 7.98
The Project for Expansion of Electricity Supply Facilities in Siem Reap May 23, 2002 21.31
China The project for Improvement of Equipment for the Flood Control System of the Hanjiang River March 13, 2003 5.30
The project for Afforestation for Conservation of Middle Stream of Huang He (Phase II) March 13, 2003 1.79
The project for human resource development scholarship September 6, 2002 3.63
The project for Afforestation for Conservation of Middle Stream of Huang He September 6, 2002 4.89
The project for Tuberculosis Control in Poor Areas September 6, 2002 4.02
The project for improvement of control equipment in Chungchun Sino-Japanese People's Friendly waterworks September 6, 2002 9.99
The project for support of combat with poverty at Tian Hu poor areas in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region June 24, 2002 6.70
The project for promotion of prevention of infectious diseases in western seven provinces April 18, 2002 4.06
The project for supply of equipment for the Secondary Vocational Schools April 18, 2002 13.68
Indonesia The Project for Research on Decentralization of the Republic of Indonesia (Phase 2) March 14, 2003 0.93
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship November 19, 2002 2.70
The project for Bridge Construction in the Central and North Sulawesi Provinces (Detailed Design) November 19, 2002 0.61
Non-Project Grant Aid October 25, 2002 25.00
The Project for Urgent Countermeasures for Sedimentation in Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir July 5, 2002 7.18
The Project for Expansion of Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya July 5, 2002 12.86
Rural Water Supply Project in Sulawesi Island July 5, 2002 8.64
The Project for Improvement of Broadcasting Equipment for Television of the Republic of Indonesia (TVRI) JAKARTA News Division April 25, 2002 5.39
The Project for Research on decentralization of the Republic of Indonesia April 25, 2002 1.17
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 25, 2002 12.00
Laos Grant Aid for Debt Relief March 5, 2003 1.33
Sector Program Grant Aid November 22, 2002 15.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship August 27, 2002 3.83
The project for construction of the International Cooperation and Training Centre August 27, 2002 7.90
Grant Aid for Debt Relief August 27, 2002 0.81
Grant Aid for Debt Relief June 19, 2002 0.53
The Project for Rehabilitation of the Nam Ngum I Hydropower Station May 16, 2002 12.04
Food Aid April 8, 2002 3.80
Mongolia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production (through FAO) March 25, 2003 2.35
Food Aid March 17, 2003 4.00
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship August 16, 2002 2.97
The project for Improvement of Shortwave Radio Broadcasting Network June 17, 2002 11.27
The project for Improvement of Primary Education Facilities (Phase II) June 17, 2002 9.02
Food Aid May 6, 2002 4.00
Myanmar Grant Aid for Debt Relief December 20, 2002 0.76
The Project for Afforestation in Central Dry Zone September 30, 2002 4.80
The Project For Human Resourse Development Scholarship September 30, 2002 2.66
The Project for Improvement of Maternal and Child Health Care Service (Phase IV) (through UNICEF) July 31, 2002 6.09
The project for Rehabilitation for Baluchaung No.2 Hydro Power Plant May 10, 2002 6.28
The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Hospitals in Yangon April 22, 2002 7.92
Philippines The project for Measles Control March 28, 2003 8.81
Sector Program Grant Aid December 4, 2002 15.00
The project for Improvement of Educational Facilities (Phase VI) November 20, 2002 7.11
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship November 20, 2002 2.06
The project for Construction of Bridges along Rural Roads in Northern Luzon June 26, 2002 16.64
The Improvement of Earthquake and Volcano Monitoring System (Phase II) June 26, 2002 9.10
The project for Improvement of Water Quality in Local Areas June 26, 2002 7.95
Thailand The Project for the Construction of the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (Detailed Design) March 11, 2003 0.47
Timor-Leste Recovery, Employment and Stability Programme for Ex-combatants and Communities in Timor-Leste (through UNDP) March 25, 2003 4.65
Non-Project Grant Aid March 7, 2003 3.00
The Project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (through UNICEF) February 27, 2003 1.78
Viet Nam The project for the Construction of the Facilities for Measles Vaccine Production (Detailed Design) February 28, 2003 1.36
The Project for Construction of Marine Culture Research and Development Center in Nha Trang December 6, 2002 8.73
The project for Supply of Equipment for Waste Management in Hanoi City September 9, 2002 8.96
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship August 30, 2002 4.63
The project for the Groundwater Development in Rural Part of Northern Provinces July 4, 2002 8.67
The project for Procurement of Bush Cutter and Related Equipment for Ho Chi Minh Highway Project April 22, 2002 14.54
South Asia Bangladesh Grant Aid for Debt Relief March 9, 2003 15.74
Grant Aid for Debt Relief January 7, 2003 44.56
The project for Mitigation of Arsenic Contamination in the People's Republic of Bangladesh (through UNICEF) December 15, 2002 1.84
Grant Aid for Debt Relief November 24, 2002 29.95
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship August 18, 2002 3.35
Grant Aid for Debt Relief August 12, 2002 15.83
The Project for Support to Intensive District Approach to Education for All (through UNICEF) July 31, 2002 2.52
The project for Improvement of Steel Bridges for Roads in Rural Areas June 19, 2002 3.63
Grant Aid for Debt Relief June 13, 2002 44.81
The project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) June 2, 2002 3.84
Grant Aid for Debt Relief May 19, 2002 30.22
The project for Support to Strengthening of Emergency Obstetric Care Service April 16, 2002 3.60
India The project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) June 3, 2002 7.50
Maldives The Project for Reconstruction of the Third Primary School in Male' July 10, 2002 5.56
Nepal Grant Aid for Debt Relief March 12, 2003 1.14
The project for the Extension and Reinforcement of Power Transmission and Distribution System in Kathmandu Vally (Phase III) (Detailed Design) February 25, 2003 0.16
Grant Aid for Debt Relief January 22, 2003 8.28
Sector Program Grant Aid November 8, 2002 13.00
The project for Improvement of Kathmandu Water Supply Facilities November 7, 2002 9.27
Grant Aid for Debt Relief September 10, 2002 1.15
Grant Aid for Debt Relief July 2, 2002 8.32
Pakistan Sector Program Grant Aid March 17, 2003 60.00
The project for Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) December 14, 2002 11.81
Sri Lanka The Project for Improvement of Nuwara Eliya Water Supply July 3, 2002 5.55
Central Asia and the Caucasus Armenia The project for Improvement of Road Maintenance Equipment for Yerevan City August 13, 2002 5.41
Azerbaijan The project for Improvement of Rehabilitative Equipment in Rehabilitation Centers April 30, 2002 4.12
Georgia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production May 24, 2002 3.50
Kazakhstan The project for Improvement of Medical Equipment to Multi-Field Hospital Complex of Kzylorda January 29, 2003 4.67
The Project for Improvement of Emergency Medical Center in Astana July 11, 2002 4.54
Kyrgyz Non-Project Grant Aid December 5, 2002 3.00
The project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Obstetric and Gynecologic Hospitals September 20, 2002 6.88
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 19, 2002 3.00
Tajikistan The Project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Republic of Tajikistan (through UNICEF) December 16, 2002 1.85
Uzbekistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship July 30, 2002 3.48
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 5, 2002 5.00
Middle East Afghanistan The project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in Afghanistan (through UNICEF) February 27, 2003 6.00
Partnership for Peace: Afghanistan's New Beginnings Programme (through UNDP) February 19, 2003 41.65
Egypt The Project for Supply of Equipment for the Regional Environmental Monitoring Network (Phase II) December 23, 2002 5.48
The project for Rehabilitation of Floating Pump Stations in Upper Egypt (Phase III) November 4, 2002 8.67
The project for Improvement of Water Supply System at the Northern Pyramids Area in Giza City-Detail Design August 7, 2002 0.77
Jordan The Project for Improvement of the Water Supply System for the Zarqa District September 12, 2002 9.68
Sector Program Grant Aid September 12, 2002 20.00
The project for Water Pollution Monitoring System April 21, 2002 8.60
Morocco Le de Projet Developpement d'un Village de pêche Sidi Hsaine January 29, 2003 5.15
Projet d'amelioration des soins de sant maternelle en milieu rural June 26, 2002 7.84
Palestinian Authorities Food Aid (through UNRWA) March 26, 2003 5.00
Sudan The Project for Infectious Disease Prevention for the children in the Sudan (through UNICEF) June 3, 2002 2.92
Syria The Project for Supply of Equipment in Damascus Intermediate Institute for Textile Industries August 5, 2002 3.80
The Project for Improvement of Water Supply in the Rural Province of Damascus (Phase II) June 17, 2002 4.40
The Project for Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Pipelines in Damascus City: Phase 2 April 21, 2002 7.96
Yemen Non-Project Grant Aid March 23, 2003 10.00
Grant Aid for Debt Relief March 23, 2003 3.47
The project for Construction of School Facilities of Basic Education November 24, 2002 5.65
Grant Aid for Debt Relief September 7, 2002 1.45
Grant Aid for Debt Relief July 10, 2002 3.50
The Project for Expansion of Tuberculosis Control in the Southern Governorates July 10, 2002 5.89
Africa Africa and Other Countries Food Aid (through WFP) March 28, 2003 99.33
Angola Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production (through FAO) March 25, 2003 1.54
The Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Luanda August 28, 2002 11.96
The Project for Rehabilitation of Telephone Network in Luanda Phase II July 11, 2002 9.75
The Project for Improvement of Josina Machel Hospital July 11, 2002 11.36
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 10, 2002 3.50
Food Aid April 10, 2002 5.50
Benin Projet d'appui au Programme elargi de vaccination April 25, 2002 3.13
Food Aid April 25, 2002 1.30
Burkina Faso Projet d'amenagement de l'quipement des studios de la Radiodiffusion Nationale du Burkina Faso October 28, 2002 2.58
Projet d'amenagement de l'equipement des studios de la Radiodiffusion Nationale du Burkina Faso April 19, 2002 2.29
Cameroon Projet de construction d'ecoles primaires phase II June 24, 2002 9.83
Cape Verde Projet d'Extension du Port de Peche de Praia June 21, 2002 5.13
Congo, Democratic Republic of The project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (through UNICEF) February 25, 2003 3.09
Djibouti Projet d'approvisionnement en eau urbain pour la capitale en Republique de Djibouti August 16, 2002 4.85
Eritrea Food Aid March 7, 2003 3.60
Food Aid June 26, 2002 4.22
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production June 26, 2002 5.00
Ethiopia Food Aid March 4, 2003 10.00
Non-Project Grant Aid January 12, 2003 10.00
The project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) June 3, 2002 3.31
The project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road, Phase II May 17, 2002 33.80
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 12, 2002 5.00
Ghana The Project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road October 25, 2002 1.16
The Project for Rural Electrification September 7, 2002 7.55
The project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) May 31, 2002 1.00
Food Aid May 23, 2002 3.00
Guinea Grant Aid for Debt Relief March 12, 2003 1.06
Le projet de construction des coles primaires dans la ville de Conakry December 13, 2002 5.16
Le projet de construction d'un march de poissons de K nien Conakry December 13, 2002 8.10
Kenya The Project for Reconstruction of Athi Bridge and Ikutha Bridge March 14, 2003 10.92
The Meru Water Supply Project March 5, 2003 6.30
Grant Aid for Debt Relief March 5, 2003 15.10
Lesotho Food Aid (through WFP) December 16, 2002 2.00
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 10, 2002 2.50
Madagascar Projet de construction d'un By Pass de la Route nationale no 7 (le Concept Détaillé) September 27, 2002 1.12
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production September 27, 2002 4.00
Malawi Grant Aid for Debt Relief March 6, 2003 14.35
Food Aid (through WFP) December 16, 2002 5.00
The Project for Development of Groundwater in Lilongwe-Dedza August 7, 2002 5.18
Mali Grant Aid for Debt Relief February 26, 2003 1.41
Grant Aid for Debt Relief August 30, 2002 1.42
Projet de construction des salles de classe d'ecoles fondamentales au Mali June 28, 2002 9.76
Mauritania The project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (through UNICEF) February 25, 2003 2.90
Grant Aid for Debt Relief August 22, 2002 1.84
Projet d'amenagement des installations d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans la ville de Kiffaa May 16, 2002 12.53
Mauritius The Project for Upgrading and Renovation of the Management and Training Facilities for Artisanal Fisheries September 6, 2002 7.79
Mozambique The Project for Rehabilitation of Chokwe Irrigation Scheme August 21, 2002 8.85
Sector Program Grant Aid August 21, 2002 5.00
The Project for Groundwater Development for Rural Water Supply in Zambezia Province July 24, 2002 4.28
Food Aid April 23, 2002 5.00
Niger Grant Aid for Debt Relief July 25, 2002 0.83
Nigeria The Project for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Oyo State October 10, 2002 7.10
Increase of Food Production July 11, 2002 4.70
The Project for Rural Electrification July 11, 2002 16.28
The project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) June 3, 2002 3.65
Senagal Projet de fourniture des manuels et des equipements scolaires pour les apprentissages October 7, 2002 3.01
Projet de construction de salles de classe de l'enseignement elementaire (2/3) June 17, 2002 11.46
Projet de construction d'un bloc scientifique polyvalent et de fourniture d'equipement l'Ecole nationale de developpement sanitaire et social June 17, 2002 9.11
Sierra Leone Grant Aid for Debt Relief February 28, 2003 1.00
South Africa The project for Construction of Primary and Junior Secondary Schools in the Mpumalanga Province December 11, 2002 6.60
The Project for Rural Water Supply in the Eastern Cape Province September 10, 2002 6.30/td>
Swaziland Food Aid (through WFP) December 16, 2002 1.00
Tanzania Grant Aid for Debt Relief March 13, 2003 2.65
Grant Aid for Debt Relief February 13, 2003 3.49
Grant Aid for Debt Relief December 16, 2002 0.93
Grant Aid for Debt Relief September 3, 2002 2.53
The Project for Development of School Facilities for Dar es Salaam Primary Schools August 6, 2002 6.33
The Project for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Hanang, Singida Rural, Manyoni and Igunga Districts August 6, 2002 3.75
The Project for Infectious Diseases Control July 9, 2002 3.14
The project for Rehabilitation of TANZAM Highway (Kitonga Gorge Section) May 14, 2002 7.16
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 5, 2002 7.00
Uganda The project for Improvement of Health Care Service System in Soroti Region March 11, 2003 1.64
Grant Aid for Debt Relief March 11, 2003 0.62
The project for Improvement of Trunk Roads in Kampala, Phase II November 25, 2002 3.68
Zambia Food Aid (through WFP) December 16, 2002 3.00
The Project for Groundwater Development and Sanitation Improvement in Drought Prone Rural Areas June 21, 2002 4.89
Latin America and the Caribbean Bolivia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 15, 2003 4.20
Proyecto de Fortalecimiento del Sistema de Atencion Hospitalaria Materno Infantil de Cochabamba June 29, 2002 18.36
Commonwealth of Dominica The Project for Improvement of Marigot Fish Landing Facilities May 14, 2002 16.63
Dominican Republic The Project for the Expansion of Immunization Program (through UNICEF) December 16, 2002 2.45
Proyecto de Rehabilitacion de Plantas de Tratamiento de Agua Potable en Comunidades Subdesarrolladas October 30, 2002 5.54
Ecuador Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 26, 2003 5.00
El Proyecto para el Desarrollo de Aguas Subterraneas en la Provincia de Loja June 26, 2002 3.23
Grenada The Project for Improvement of Fish Marketing for Grenville July 9, 2002 14.01
Guatemala Proyecto de Equipamiento de la Academia de la Policia Nacional Civil October 9, 2002 1.89
The Project of Reconstruction and Equipment of the National Hospital of Puerto Barrios June 19, 2002 14.34
Guyana The Project for Reconstruction of the New Amsterdam Hospital August 20, 2002 7.03
Haiti Food Aid June 26, 2002 3.00
Honduras Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production March 26, 2003 4.00
El Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de la Red Hospitalaria de la Region Sanitaria No. 3 June 26, 2002 9.27
Nicaragua Proyecto para el Reforzamiento del Servicio de la Salud Infantil (Fase III) March 20, 2003 4.30
El Proyecto de Rehabilitacion y Equipamiento de Centros de Salud del Pacifico 2 June 26, 2002 6.58
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production April 10, 2002 5.00
Panama Proyecto de Desarrollo Pesquero a Pequna Escala September 7, 2002 4.49
Oceania Fiji The project for Construction of the New Pharmaceutical Services Center June 14, 2002 10.59
Europe Bosnia and Herzegovina The Project for Construction of Basic Schools August 26, 2002 10.89
The Project for Improvement of Community Based Rehabilitation Centers July 8, 2002 5.93
Moldova Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production September 5, 2002 3.00
Yugoslavia The project for Rehabilitation of the Bajna Basta Pumped storage Hydroelectric Power Plant June 18, 2002 6.98
The Project for Rehabilitation of the Public Transportation Capacity in Belgrade City April 12, 2002 18.50
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