Official Development Assistance (ODA)
Exchange of Notes in Fiscal Year 2002
Grant Aid by Date
March 28, 2003
Date of E/N (Local time) |
Country | Project | (100 million yen) |
March 28, 2003 | Africa and Other Countries | Food Aid (through WFP) | 99.33 |
Philippines | The project for Measles Control | 8.81 | |
March 26, 2003 | Honduras | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 4.00 |
Ecuador | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 5.00 | |
Palestinian Authorities | Food Aid (through UNRWA) | 5.00 | |
Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center | The Project for Construction of a Fisheries Research and Training Vessel | 10.12 | |
March 25, 2003 | Angola | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production (through FAO) | 1.54 |
Mongolia | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production (through FAO) | 2.35 | |
Timor-Leste | Recovery, Employment and Stability Programme for Ex-combatants and Communities in Timor-Leste (through UNDP) | 4.65 | |
March 23, 2003 | Yemen | Non-Project Grant Aid | 10.00 |
Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 3.47 | ||
March 20, 2003 | Nicaragua | Proyecto para el Reforzamiento del Servicio de la Salud Infantil (Fase III) | 4.30 |
March 17, 2003 | Pakistan | Sector Program Grant Aid | 60.00 |
Mongolia | Food Aid | 4.00 | |
March 15, 2003 | Bolivia | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 4.20 |
March 14, 2003 | Kenya | The Project for Reconstruction of Athi Bridge and Ikutha Bridge | 10.92 |
Indonesia | The Project for Research on Decentralization of the Republic of Indonesia (Phase 2) | 0.93 | |
March 13, 2003 | Tanzania | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 2.65 |
China | The project for Improvement of Equipment for the Flood Control System of the Hanjiang River | 5.30 | |
The project for Afforestation for Conservation of Middle Stream of Huang He (Phase II) | 1.79 | ||
March 12, 2003 | Guinea | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 1.06 |
Nepal | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 1.14 | |
March 11, 2003 | Uganda | The project for Improvement of Health Care Service System in Soroti Region | 1.64 |
Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 0.62 | ||
Thailand | The Project for the Construction of the Asia-Pacific Development Center on Disability (Detailed Design) | 0.47 | |
March 9, 2003 | Bangladesh | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 15.74 |
March 7, 2003 | Eritrea | Food Aid | 3.60 |
Timor-Leste | Non-Project Grant Aid | 3.00 | |
March 6, 2003 | Malawi | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 14.35 |
March 5, 2003 | Laos | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 1.33 |
Kenya | The Meru Water Supply Project | 6.30 | |
Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 15.10 | ||
March 4, 2003 | Ethiopia | Food Aid | 10.00 |
February 28, 2003 | Sierra Leone | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 1.00 |
Vietnam | The project for the Construction of the Facilities for Measles Vaccine Production (Detailed Design) | 1.36 | |
February 27, 2003 | Afghanistan | The project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in Afghanistan (through UNICEF) | 6.00 |
Timor-Leste | The Project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste (through UNICEF) | 1.78 | |
February 26, 2003 | Mali | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 1.41 |
February 25, 2003 | Democratic Republic of Congo | The project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (through UNICEF) | 3.09 |
Nepal | The project for the Extension and Reinforcement of Power Transmission and Distribution System in Kathmandu Vally (Phase III) (Detailed Design) | 0.16 | |
Mauritania | The project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Islamic Republic of Mauritania (through UNICEF) | 2.90 | |
February 19, 2003 | Afghanistan | Partnership for Peace: Afghanistan's New Beginnings Programme (through UNDP) | 41.65 |
February 13, 2003 | Tanzania | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 3.49 |
January 12, 2003 | Ethiopia | Non-Project Grant Aid | 10.00 |
January 29, 2003 | Kazakhstan | The project for Improvement of Medical Equipment to Multi-Field Hospital Complex of Kzylorda | 4.67 |
Morocco | Le de Projet Developpement d'un Village de pêche Sidi Hsaine | 5.15 | |
January 22, 2003 | Nepal | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 8.28 |
January 13, 2003 | Cambodia | Peace Building and Comprehensive Small Arms Management Programme in Cambodia | 4.50 |
January 7, 2003 | Bangladesh | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 44.56 |
December 23, 2002 | Egypt | The Project for Supply of Equipment for the Regional Environmental Monitoring Network (Phase II) | 5.48 |
December 20, 2002 | Myanmar | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 0.76 |
December 16, 2002 | Lesotho | Food Aid (through WFP) | 2.00 |
Malawi | Food Aid (through WFP) | 5.00 | |
Swaziland | Food Aid (through WFP) | 1.00 | |
Zambia | Food Aid (through WFP) | 3.00 | |
Tajikistan | The Project for Improving Maternal and Child Health Care in the Republic of Tajikistan (through UNICEF) | 1.85 | |
Hungary | The supply of recording equipment to the Hungarian National Szechenyi Library | 0.44 | |
Tanzania | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 0.93 | |
Dominican Republic | The Project for the Expansion of Immunization Program (through UNICEF) | 2.45 | |
December 15, 2002 | Bangladesh | The project for Mitigation of Arsenic Contamination in the People's Republic of Bangladesh (through UNICEF) | 1.84 |
December 14, 2002 | Pakistan | The project for Eradication of Poliomyelitis | 11.81 |
December 13, 2002 | Guinea | Le projet de construction des coles primaires dans la ville de Conakry | 5.16 |
Le projet de construction d'un march de poissons de K nien Conakry | 8.10 | ||
December 11, 2002 | South Africa | The project for Construction of Primary and Junior Secondary Schools in the Mpumalanga Province | 6.60 |
December 6, 2002 | Viet Nam | The Project for Construction of Marine Culture Research and Development Center in Nha Trang | 8.73 |
December 5, 2002 | Kyrgyz | Non-Project Grant Aid | 3.00 |
December 4, 2002 | Philippines | Sector Program Grant Aid | 15.00 |
November 28, 2002 | Cambodia | The project for Construction of Primary Schools in Phnom Penh | 5.77 |
Sector Program Grant Aid | 20.00 | ||
November 25, 2002 | Uganda | The project for Improvement of Trunk Roads in Kampala, Phase II | 3.68 |
November 24, 2002 | Yemen | The project for Construction of School Facilities of Basic Education | 5.65 |
Bangladesh | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 29.95 | |
November 22, 2002 | Laos | Sector Program Grant Aid | 15.00 |
November 20, 2002 | Philippines | The project for Improvement of Educational Facilities (Phase VI) | 7.11 |
The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 2.06 | ||
November 19, 2002 | Indonesia | The project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 2.70 |
The project for Bridge Construction in the Central and North Sulawesi Provinces (Detailed Design) | 0.61 | ||
November 8, 2002 | Nepal | Sector Program Grant Aid | 13.00 |
November 7, 2002 | Nepal | The project for Improvement of Kathmandu Water Supply Facilities | 9.27 |
November 4, 2002 | Egypt | The project for Rehabilitation of Floating Pump Stations in Upper Egypt (Phase III) | 8.67 |
October 30, 2002 | Dominican Republic | Proyecto de Rehabilitacion de Plantas de Tratamiento de Agua Potable en Comunidades Subdesarrolladas | 5.54 |
October 28, 2002 | Burkina Faso | Projet d'amenagement de l'quipement des studios de la Radiodiffusion Nationale du Burkina Faso | 2.58 |
October 25, 2002 | Indonesia | Non-Project Grant Aid | 25.00 |
Ghana | The Project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road | 1.16 | |
October 10, 2002 | Nigeria | The Project for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Oyo State | 7.10 |
October 9, 2002 | Guatemala | Proyecto de Equipamiento de la Academia de la Policia Nacional Civil | 1.89 |
October 7, 2002 | Senegal | Projet de fourniture des manuels et des equipements scolaires pour les apprentissages | 3.01 |
September 30, 2002 | Myanmar | The Project for Afforestation in Central Dry Zone | 4.80 |
The Project For Human Resourse Development Scholarship | 2.66 | ||
September 27, 2002 | Madagascar | Projet de construction d'un By Pass de la Route nationale no 7 (le Concept Détaillé) | 1.12 |
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 4.00 | ||
September 20, 2002 | Kyrgyz | The project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Obstetric and Gynecologic Hospitals | 6.88 |
September 12, 2002 | Jordan | The Project for Improvement of the Water Supply System for the Zarqa District | 9.68 |
Sector Program Grant Aid | 20.00 | ||
September 10, 2002 | Nepal | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 1.15 |
South Africa | The Project for Rural Water Supply in the Eastern Cape Province | 6.30 | |
September 9, 2002 | Viet Nam | The project for Supply of Equipment for Waste Management in Hanoi City | 8.96 |
September 7, 2002 | Ghana | The Project for Rural Electrification | 7.55 |
Panama | Proyecto de Desarrollo Pesquero a Pequna Escala | 4.49 | |
Yemen | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 1.45 | |
September 6, 2002 | China | The project for human resource development scholarship | 3.63 |
The project for Afforestation for Conservation of Middle Stream of Huang He | 4.89 | ||
The project for Tuberculosis Control in Poor Areas | 4.02 | ||
The project for improvement of control equipment in Chungchun Sino-Japanese People's Friendly waterworks | 9.99 | ||
Mauritius | The Project for Upgrading and Renovation of the Management and Training Facilities for Artisanal Fisheries | 7.79 | |
September 5, 2002 | Moldova | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 3.00 |
September 3, 2002 | Tanzania | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 2.53 |
August 30, 2002 | Mali | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 1.42 |
Viet Nam | The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 4.63 | |
August 28, 2002 | Angola | The Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Luanda | 11.96 |
August 27, 2002 | Cambodia | The project for Flood Protection and Drainage Improvement in the Municipality of Phonom Penh | 20.56 |
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 3.66 | ||
Laos | The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 3.83 | |
The project for construction of the International Cooperation and Training Centre | 7.90 | ||
Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 0.81 | ||
August 26, 2002 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | The Project for Construction of Basic Schools | 10.89 |
August 22, 2002 | Mauritania | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 1.84 |
August 21, 2002 | Mozambique | The Project for Rehabilitation of Chokwe Irrigation Scheme | 8.85 |
Sector Program Grant Aid | 5.00 | ||
August 20, 2002 | Guyana | The Project for Reconstruction of the New Amsterdam Hospital | 7.03 |
August 18, 2002 | Bangladesh | The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 3.35 |
August 16, 2002 | Djibouti | Projet d'approvisionnement en eau urbain pour la capitale en Republique de Djibouti | 4.85 |
Mongolia | The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 2.97 | |
August 13, 2002 | Armenia | The project for Improvement of Road Maintenance Equipment for Yerevan City | 5.41 |
August 12, 2002 | Bangladesh | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 15.83 |
August 7, 2002 | Egypt | The project for Improvement of Water Supply System at the Northern Pyramids Area in Giza City-Detail Design | 0.77 |
Malawi | The Project for Development of Groundwater in Lilongwe-Dedza | 5.18 | |
August 6, 2002 | Tanzania | The Project for Development of School Facilities for Dar es Salaam Primary Schools | 6.33 |
The Project for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Hanang, Singida Rural, Manyoni and Igunga Districts | 3.75 | ||
August 5, 2002 | Syria | The Project for Supply of Equipment in Damascus Intermediate Institute for Textile Industries | 3.80 |
July 31, 2002 | Bangladesh | The Project for Support to Intensive District Approach to Education for All (through UNICEF) | 2.52 |
Myanmar | The Project for Improvement of Maternal and Child Health Care Service (Phase IV) (through UNICEF) | 6.09 | |
July 30, 2002 | Uzbekistan | The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship | 3.48 |
July 25, 2002 | Niger | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 0.83 |
Mozambique | The Project for Groundwater Development for Rural Water Supply in Zambezia Province | 4.28 | |
July 11, 2002 | Angola | The Project for Rehabilitation of Telephone Network in Luanda Phase II | 9.75 |
The Project for Improvement of Josina Machel Hospital | 11.36 | ||
Kazakhstan | The Project for Improvement of Emergency Medical Center in Astana | 4.54 | |
Nigeria | Increase of Food Production | 4.70 | |
The Project for Rural Electrification | 16.28 | ||
July 10, 2002 | Maldives | The Project for Reconstruction of the Third Primary School in Male' | 5.56 |
Yemen | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 3.50 | |
The Project for Expansion of Tuberculosis Control in the Southern Governorates | 5.89 | ||
July 9, 2002 | Grenada | The Project for Improvement of Fish Marketing for Grenville | 14.01 |
Tanzania | The Project for Infectious Diseases Control | 3.14 | |
July 8, 2002 | Bosnia and Herzegovina | The Project for Improvement of Community Based Rehabilitation Centers | 5.93 |
July 5, 2002 | Indonesia | The Project for Urgent Countermeasures for Sedimentation in Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir | 7.18 |
The Project for Expansion of Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya | 12.86 | ||
Rural Water Supply Project in Sulawesi Island | 8.64 | ||
July 4, 2002 | Viet Nam | The project for the Groundwater Development in Rural Part of Northern Provinces | 8.67 |
July 3, 2002 | Sri Lanka | The Project for Improvement of Nuwara Eliya Water Supply | 5.55 |
July 2, 2002 | Nepal | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 8.32 |
June 29, 2002 | Bolivia | Proyecto de Fortalecimiento del Sistema de Atencion Hospitalaria Materno Infantil de Cochabamba | 18.36 |
June 28, 2002 | Mali | Projet de construction des salles de classe d'ecoles fondamentales au Mali | 9.76 |
June 26, 2002 | Eritrea | Food Aid | 4.22 |
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 5.00 | ||
Ecuador | El Proyecto para el Desarrollo de Aguas Subterraneas en la Provincia de Loja | 3.23 | |
Haiti | Food Aid | 3.00 | |
Honduras | El Proyecto de Fortalecimiento de la Red Hospitalaria de la Region Sanitaria No. 3 | 9.27 | |
Morocco | Projet d'amelioration des soins de sant maternelle en milieu rural | 7.84 | |
Nicaragua | El Proyecto de Rehabilitacion y Equipamiento de Centros de Salud del Pacifico 2 | 6.58 | |
Philippines | The project for Construction of Bridges along Rural Roads in Northern Luzon | 16.64 | |
The Improvement of Earthquake and Volcano Monitoring System (Phase II) | 9.10 | ||
The project for Improvement of Water Quality in Local Areas | 7.95 | ||
June 24, 2002 | Cameroon | Projet de construction d'ecoles primaires phase II | 9.83 |
China | The project for support of combat with poverty at Tian Hu poor areas in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region | 6.70 | |
June 21, 2002 | Cape Verde | Projet d'Extension du Port de Peche de Praia | 5.13 |
Zambia | The Project for Groundwater Development and Sanitation Improvement in Drought Prone Rural Areas | 4.89 | |
June 19, 2002 | Bangladesh | The project for Improvement of Steel Bridges for Roads in Rural Areas | 3.63 |
Guatemala | The Project of Reconstruction and Equipment of the National Hospital of Puerto Barrios | 14.34 | |
Laos | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 0.53 | |
June 18, 2002 | Yugoslavia | The project for Rehabilitation of the Bajna Basta Pumped storage Hydroelectric Power Plant | 6.98 |
June 17, 2002 | Mongolia | The project for Improvement of Shortwave Radio Broadcasting Network | 11.27 |
The project for Improvement of Primary Education Facilities (Phase II) | 9.02 | ||
Senegal | Projet de construction de salles de classe de l'enseignement elementaire (2/3) | 11.46 | |
Projet de construction d'un bloc scientifique polyvalent et de fourniture d'equipement l'Ecole nationale de developpement sanitaire et social | 9.11 | ||
Syria | The Project for Improvement of Water Supply in the Rural Province of Damascus (Phase II) | 4.40 | |
June 14, 2002 | Fiji | The project for Construction of the New Pharmaceutical Services Center | 10.59 |
June 13, 2002 | Bangladesh | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 44.81 |
Cambodia | The project for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Peri-Urban of Phnom Penh City | 7.84 | |
The project for Improvement of Equipment for Demining Activities (Phase III) | 7.98 | ||
June 3, 2002 | Ethiopia | The project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) | 3.31 |
India | The project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) | 7.50 | |
Nigeria | The project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) | 3.65 | |
Sudan | The Project for Infectious Disease Prevention for the children in the Sudan (through UNICEF) | 2.92 | |
June 2, 2002 | Bangladesh | The project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) | 3.84 |
May 31, 2002 | Ghana | The project for Infectious Disease Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) | 1.00 |
May 24, 2002 | Georgia | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 3.50 |
May 23, 2002 | Cambodia | The Project for Expansion of Electricity Supply Facilities in Siem Reap | 21.31 |
Ghana | Food Aid | 3.00 | |
May 19, 2002 | Bangladesh | Grant Aid for Debt Relief | 30.22 |
May 17, 2002 | Ethiopia | The project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road, Phase II | 33.80 |
May 16, 2002 | Laos | The Project for Rehabilitation of the Nam Ngum I Hydropower Station | 12.04 |
Mauritania | Projet d'amenagement des installations d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans la ville de Kiffa | 12.53 | |
May 14, 2002 | Commonwealth of Dominica | The Project for Improvement of Marigot Fish Landing Facilities | 16.63 |
Tanzania | The project for Rehabilitation of TANZAM Highway (Kitonga Gorge Section) | 7.16 | |
May 10, 2002 | Myanmar | The project for Rehabilitation for Baluchaung No.2 Hydro Power Plant | 6.28 |
May 6, 2002 | Mongolia | Food Aid | 4.00 |
April 30, 2002 | Azerbaijan | The project for Improvement of Rehabilitative Equipment in Rehabilitation Centers | 4.12 |
April 25, 2002 | Benin | Projet d'appui au Programme elargi de vaccination | 3.13 |
Food Aid | 1.30 | ||
Indonesia | The Project for Improvement of Broadcasting Equipment for Television of the Republic of Indonesia (TVRI) JAKARTA News Division | 5.39 | |
The Project for Research on decentralization of the Republic of Indonesia | 1.17 | ||
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 12.00 | ||
April 23, 2002 | Mozambique | Food Aid | 5.00 |
April 22, 2002 | Myanmar | The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment for Hospitals in Yangon | 7.92 |
Viet Nam | The project for Procurement of Bush Cutter and Related Equipment for Ho Chi Minh Highway Project | 14.54 | |
April 21, 2002 | Jordan | The project for Water Pollution Monitoring System | 8.60 |
Syria | The Project for Rehabilitation of Water Distribution Pipelines in Damascus City :Phase2 | 7.96 | |
April 19, 2002 | Burkina Faso | Projet d'amenagement de l'equipement des studios de la Radiodiffusion Nationale du Burkina Faso | 2.29 |
Kyrgyz | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 3.00 | |
April 18, 2002 | China | The project for promotion of prevention of infectious diseases in western seven provinces | 4.06 |
The project for supply of equipment for the Secondary Vocational Schools | 13.68 | ||
April 16, 2002 | Bangladesh | The project for Support to Strengthening of Emergency Obstetric Care Service | 3.60 |
April 12, 2002 | Ethiopia | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 5.00 |
Yugoslavia | The Project for Rehabilitation of the Public Transportation Capacity in Belgrade City | 18.50 | |
April 10, 2002 | Angola | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 3.50 |
Food Aid | 5.50 | ||
Lesotho | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 2.50 | |
Nicaragua | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 5.00 | |
April 8, 2002 | Laos | Food Aid | 3.80 |
April 5, 2002 | Tanzania | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 7.00 |
Uzbekistan | Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production | 5.00 |