Official Development Assistance (ODA)

April 10, 2019
Date of E/N
(Local time)
Country Project (100 million yen)
March 27, 2019 Madagascar The Economic and Social Development Programme 4
March 26, 2019 Cuba Project for the Improvement of Power Supply in the Isle of Youth 23.92
The Economic and Social Development Programme 10.50
March 21, 2019 Cambodia The Project for the Development of the Base for Disaster Prevention for Improving Living Environment in Cambodia (through WFP) 3
March 20, 2019 Laos Project for the Expansion of Water Supply System in Luang Prabang City (Detailed Design) 0.97
The Economic and Social Development Programme (Fisheries and Aquaculture Sector) 2
The Economic and Social Development Programme (Public Security Sector) 2
The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
March 18, 2019 South Sudan The Project for Construction of Nile River Bridge 81.34→112.29
Marshall The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
The Economic and Social Development Programme 5.50
March 13, 2019 Saint Lucia The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
March 12, 2019 Mongolia The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
March 11, 2019 Côte d'Ivoire The Project for the Improvement of the University Hospital Center of Cocody for the Improvement of the Referral System of Maternal and Infant Health Care in Greater Abidjan (Detailed Design) 1.26
Antigua and Barbuda The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
Haiti Food Assistance 4
March 8, 2019 Palau The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
March 7, 2019 Eritrea The Project for the Provision of Cold Chain Equipment for Expanded Program on Immunization 2.72
March 6, 2019 Cambodia The Project for the Support for Improving Living Environment and Disaster Prevention Capacity in Cambodia (in collaboration with UN and implemented through UN-Habitat) 1
Laos The Project for the Improvement of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in Schools and their Surrounding Communities in Floods Affected Areas (through UNICEF) 2.50
The Project for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of School Education Sector in Floods Affected Areas (through UNICEF) 2.50
The Project for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Agricultural Sector in Floods Affected Areas (through FAO) 1
The Project for the Rehabilitation and Reconstruction of Housing Sector in Floods Affected Areas (in collaboration with UN and implemented through UN-Habitat) 2.50
Sri Lanka The Project for the Improvement of Access to Information and Services of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and of Gender-based Violence (GBV) for Women and Young People (through UNFPA) 1.63
Philippines Project for Agricultural Training for the Establishment of Peace in Mindanao(throush FAO) 2
Project for the Improvement of Water Supply Equipment Management Capacity for the Establishment of Peace in Mindanao(throush ILO) 3
March 5, 2019 Jordan The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
March 3, 2019 Sao Tome and Principe The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
February 28, 2019 Haiti The Project for the Distribution of Home Grown School Meals in Haiti (through WFP) 2.27
February 27, 2019 Mauritania The Project for the Construction of the Inspection and Analysis Laboratories of the National Office of Sanitary Inspection of Fishery and Aquaculture Products in Nouadhibou 14.25
February 26, 2019 Sierra Leone Food Assistance Programme 2
Uganda The Project for the Improvement of Traffic Control in Kampala City (Detailed Design) 0.93
Myanmar Project for Responding to the Humanitarian Situation in Rakhine State, Kachin State and Northern Part of Shan State (through WFP) 12
Project for Responding to the Humanitarian Situation in Rakhine State, Kachin State and Northern Part of Shan State (through UNICEF) 8
Project for Responding to the Humanitarian Situation in Rakhine State, Kachin State and Northern Part of Shan State (through UNFPA) 2
Project for Humanitarian and Development Assistance in Rakhine State (through UNHCR) 6
Project for Humanitarian and Development Assistance in Rakhine State (through UNDP) 9
Timor-Leste The Project for Strengthening Science and Mathematics in Primary Education in Timor-Leste (through UNESCO) 2.27
February 25, 2019 Armenia The Project for Electral Assistance (through UNDP) 1.14
Kiribati, Samoa, Tuvalu, Vanuatu, Palau, Fiji and Marshall Islands The Project for Enhancing Livelihoods and Food Security through Fisheries with Nearshore Fish Aggregating Devices in the Pacific Ocean (through FAO) 5.10
February 21, 2019 Kosovo The Economic and Social Development Programme 2.50
Philippines The Programme for the Urgent Improvement of Socioeconomic Infrastructures in Bangsamoro Region 18
The Economic and Social Development Programme 5.60
The Economic and Social Development Programme 12
February 20, 2019 Cambodia The Project for the Development of Port Electric Interchange (EDI) System for Port Moderization 13.40
February 19, 2019 Pakistan The Project for Nutrition Support for Malnourished Children and Pregnant and Lactating Women in the Hosting Districts of Afghan Refugees in Khyber Pakhtunkwa (through WFP) 3.96
The Project for Stabilization through Inclusive Livelihoods in the Tribal Districts of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (through UNDP) 4.03
The Project for Strengthening Preparedness for Tsunami and Earthquakes in Coastal Areas in Pakistan (through UNDP) 4.11
Burundi The Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 2
Uganda The Project for the Construction of Nyara Bridge in Arua District (through UNOPS) 1.83
February 18, 2019 Lesotho The Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 1.50
Myanmar Project for the Urgent Improvement of Solid Waste Management in Yangon City (in collaboration with UN and implemented through UN-Habitat) 6.24
February 13, 2019 Ghana The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
Palestine The Project for the Improvement of Collection and Transport System for Solid Waste Management 17.85
January 31, 2019 Yemen The Project for Agricultural Livelihoods Support for Households with Severe Food Insecurity in Yemen (through FAO) 8.91
January 22, 2019 Cambodia The Project for the Prevention of and Response to Violence against Children in Cambodia (through UNICEF) 2.23
January 18, 2019 Gambia Food Assistance 2.40
January 8, 2019 Côte d'Ivoire Project for Improvement of the Japan-Ivorian Friendship Intersection (Phase 2) 50.27
Rwanda The Project for Strengthening Nzove-Ntora Principal Water Transmission Pipeline in Kigali City 31.91
January 6, 2019 Bangladesh The Project for Livelihood Support to Bangladeshi Smallholder Farmers and Food Assistance to Displaced People from Myanmar 5.57
December 20, 2018 Guinea-Bissau Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 2.40
The Project for Electoral Support in Guinea-Bissau (through UNDP) 1.10
December 19, 2018 Zambia The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
Tuvalu The Project for the Construction of the Multi-purpose Vessel for Outer Islands Development 4.63
December 18, 2018 Fiji The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
December 12, 2018 Myanmar Economic and Social Development Programme 8
Project for Establishment of Japan-Myanmar Aung San Vocational Training Institute(Detailed Design) 1.65
December 11, 2018 Ghana The Project for Rehabilitation of National Trunk Road N8 (Phase 2) 64.86
December 10, 2018 Guinea The Project for Reconstruction of a bridge on the National Road No3 (Detailed Design) 0.57
Bangladesh The Fourth Primary Education Development Programme 5
December 5, 2018 Nauru The Economic and Social Development Programme 2.50
The Economic and Social Development Programme 6
December 4, 2018 Maldives The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
December 3, 2018 Syria The Project for Strengthening Humanitarian Early Recovery and Resilience in East Ghouta (through UNDP) 5.57
Yemen The Project for the Crisis Support for Solid Waste, Water Supply and Sewage Institutions in Aden and Mukalla City (through UNDP) 8.91
Niger Food Assistance 5
Afghanistan The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 10.09
December 2, 2018 Paraguay The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
November 28, 2018 Togo Food Assistance 4
Djibouti The Economic and Social Development Programme 39
November 27, 2018 Yemen Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 5
Eswatini Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 2
November 23, 2018 Nigeria Project for Emergency Rehabilitation and Reinforcement of Lagos Transmission Substations 23.49
November 21, 2018 Palestine The Project for the Installment of Photovoltaic Solar System for Primary Health Centers in Palestine Refugee Camps in Gaza Strip (through UNRWA) 4.95
November 20, 2018 Ghana The Project for Addressing Malnutrition in Ashanti and Northern Regions 5.50
Comoros The Project for Scaling Up Treatment of Severe Acute Malnutrition 1.76
Food Assistance 3.50
November 19, 2018 Burkina Faso Food Assistance 5
Pakistan The Project for the Control and Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 5.10
Nepal Food Assistance 3.50
November 16, 2018 Papua New Guinea The Economic and Social Development Programme 12
November 13, 2018 Papua New Guinea The Project for Bougainville Referendum Support (through UNDP) 1.01
November 12, 2018 Zimbabwe The Economic and Social Development Programme 3.90
November 6, 2018 Liberia Food Assistance 3
Uganda The Project for the Development of Irrigation System in Atari Basin Area 27.90
October 31, 2018 Mauritania Food Assistance 3.50
Guinia Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 4.50
October 30, 2018 Lesotho The Project for the Improvement of Secondary Schools 18.64
October 29, 2018 Afghanistan The Project for Enhancing Rural Livelihoods through Improved Irrigation Facilities in Bamyan, Kabul and Kapisa Provinces (through FAO) 10.95
October 25, 2018 Nepal The Project for the Rehabilitation of Sindhuli Road Affected by Earthquake 10.47
October 23, 2018 Suriname The Economic and Social Development Programme 4
Haiti The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
October 12, 2018 Timor-Leste The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 1.59
October 11, 2018 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines The Economic and Social Development Programme 4
October 9, 2018 Syria Project for the Strengthening of Comprehensive Health Care Services in Syria (through WHO) 11.48
October 8, 2018 Laos The Project for the Acceleration of the Clearance of Unexploded Ordnance in the Southern Region 9
Viet Nam The Project for Enhancing Laboratory Capacities of the Reference Testing and Agrifood Quality Consultancy(RETAQ) Center for Ensuring Safety of Agricultural and Fisheries Foods 12.04
October 5, 2018 Tajikistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 1.60
Nepal The School Sector Development Program 3
October 3, 2018 Côte d'Ivoire Project for the Improvement of Wharf site and the Construction of Central Market for the Development of Commercial Zone in the City of Sassandra 29.27
Myanmar Project for Water Supply in Southern Yangon 41.76
Pakistan The Project for the Protection of Afghan Refugees and Pakistani Youth 2.94
October 2, 2018 Burundi The Project for the Reinforcement of Maternal and Child Health Services in Four Provinces of Burundi 3.83
October 1, 2018 Central Africa The Project for Supporting Sustainable Income Generating Activities of Vulnerable People in Batangafo City 2.43
September 28, 2018 Tajikistan The Project for Promoting Cross-Border Cooperation through Effective Management of Tajikistan's Border with Afghanistan (Phase 2) 5.06
September 25, 2018 Congo, Republic of Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 2
Cameroon Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 3
September 20, 2018 Mali The Economic and Social Development Programme 3.50
Food Assistance 3.20
September 19, 2018 Rwanda The Project for Improvement of Substations and Distribution Network (Phase 3) 26.35
South Sudan Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 2
September 17, 2018 Kiribati The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
September 7, 2018 Timor-Leste Project for Development of Birth Registration System in Timor-Leste (through UNICEF) 2.73
August 31, 2018 Pakistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.28
The Project for the Installation of Weather Surveillance Radar in Multan City 20.42
August 30, 2018 Djibouti The Economic and Social Development Programme 2.50
August 29, 2018 Afghanistan The Project for Improving Economic Growth in the Western Region of Afghanistan through Community Irrigation and Livelihood Enhancement (through FAO) 5.47
Food Assistance Programme (through WFP) 3
August 28, 2018 (Palestine Refugees) Food Assistance Programme (through UNRWA) 6
Vanuatu The Economic and Social Development Programme 2.50
August 27, 2018 Bangladesh The Project for Improvement of Rescue Capacities in Coastal and Inland Waters 27.29
Afghanistan The Project for Promoting Maternal and Child Health Handbook (through UNICEF) 8.94
August 23, 2018 Kyrgyz Republic The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.08
August 22, 2018 Bolivia The Project for Okinawa Road Improvement Project 42.49
August 20, 2018 Mozambique The Project for the Improvement of Vocational Training Centers 8.80
August 16, 2018 Samoa The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
August 14, 2018 Central Africa Food Assistance (through WFP) 3.50
Papua New Guinea The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
August 13, 2018 Ecuador The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
August 8, 2018 Kenya The Economic and Social Development Programme 4
August 7, 2018 Congo, Democratic Republic of The Project for Improvement of Road Maintenance Equipment in Kinshasa City 10.62
Chad Food Assistance (through WFP) 3
August 2, 2018 Ethiopia The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
July 18, 2018 Marshall The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
July 13, 2018 Nepal The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.82
July 10, 2018 Ghana The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 1.90
July 5, 2018 Uzbekistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.62
July 4, 2018 Palestine Food Assistance (through WFP) 4
June 29, 2018 Kyrgyz Republic The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship(three-year cycle) 2.05
June 27, 2018 Republic of Guyana Project for the Introduction of Renewable Energy and the Improvement of Power System 18.48
June 26, 2018 Sri Lanka The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.65
June 25, 2018 Mongolia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.09
Indonesia The Programme for the Development of Fisheries Sector in Outer Islands 25
June 23, 2018 Bhutan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 1.83
June 21, 2018 Niue The Economic and Social Development Programme 1
Cook Islands The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
June 20, 2018 Benin Food Assistance 3
Bangladesh The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 4.33
June 19, 2018 Zimbabwe The Project for improvement of road section along the northern part of the North-South Corridor 22.88
June 15, 2018 Maldives The Economic and Social Development Programme 3
June 14, 2018 Myanmar Project for the Development of Financial Market Infrastructures 55.49
June 13, 2018 Philippines The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (three-year cycle) 2.38
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.25
The Project for Improving Flood Forecasting and Warning System for Cagayan de Oro River Basin 12.78
June 12, 2018 Laos The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.10
June 4, 2018 Sudan The Project for Improvement of Water Treatment Plant in Kosti City 40.87
Nicaragua The Project for the Construction of Department Hospital of SILAIS Zelaya Central 20.90→26.55
June 1, 2018 Myanmar Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 6.20
May 31, 2018 Viet Nam The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (5projects) 7.45
The Project for Trenchless Sewerage Pipe Rehabilitation in Ho Chi Minh City 18.82
May 30, 2018 Uzbekistan The Economic and Social Development Programme 8
May 28, 2018 Micronesia The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
May 23, 2018 Tuvalu The Economic and Social Development Programme 2
May 22, 2018 Cambodia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.42
May 18, 2018 Sao Tome and Principe Food Assistance 2.60
India The Project for Construction of the International Cooperation and Convention Center in Varanasi (Phase 2) 8.02
Nepal The Economic and Social Development Programme 7
May 17, 2018 Côte d'Ivoire The Project for Strengthening Capacity of Disaster Prevention for the Improvement of Civil Protection (through UNDP) 3.84
May 16, 2018 Solomon The Project for the Improvement of the Honiara International Airport 43.64
Palau The Project for the Construction of National Landfill 13.11
Tonga The Project for Introduction of Nationwide Early Warning System and Strengthening Disaster Communications 28.37
May 8, 2018 Togo Food Assistance 3
May 1, 2018 Jordan The Project for the Improvement of Waste Management Equipment in Northern Region Hosting Syrian Refugees 16.31
April 30, 2018 Burkina Faso The Economic and Social Development Programme 6.50
April 26, 2018 Uganda The Project for Improvement of Regional Referral Hospitals in Northern Uganda 28.60
April 18, 2018 Afghanistan The Project for the Improvement of Access in the South East Area of Kabul City (through UNOPS) 12.50
April 8, 2018 Cambodia The Economic and Social Development Programme 5
April 7, 2018 Comoros Food Assistance 3.20
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