Official Development Assistance (ODA)

March 29, 2002
Date of E/N
(Local time)
Country Project (100 million yen)
March 29, 2002 Viet Nam The project for Reconstruction of Bridges in the Central Area of Viet Nam 7.39
Mongolia The project for Improvement of Fire Fighting Equipment and Maintenance Workshop 7.39
March 27, 2002 Laos The Project for Malaria Control (Phase 2) and Parasitic Diseases Control 3.05
March 23, 2002 Angola Food Aid (through FAO) 1.35
Dominican Republic The Project for the Expansion of Immunization Program (through UNICEF) 6.09
Honduras Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
March 22, 2002 Cambodia The Project for Reducing Infant and Child Mortality and Morbidity in the Kingdom of Cambodia (through UNICEF) 3.08
Democratic Republic of Congo The project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 3.08
March 19, 2002 Maldives Food Aid 1.50
March 18, 2002 Tanzania Grant Aid for Debt Relief 3.63
March 15, 2002 Mali Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.50
Mauritania Food Aid 2.50
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
Philippines The project for Improvement of Earthquake and Volcano Monitoring System (Phase II) 7.09
March 14, 2002 Albania Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
Kenya Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.02
Uganda Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.25
Zambia Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.95
Dominican Republic El Proyecto de Rehabilitacion de Plantas de Tratamiento de Agua Potableen Comunidades Subdesarrolladas 5.68
March 13, 2002 Ethiopia Non-Project Grant Aid 15.00
Sri Lanka The Project for Improvement of Educational Equipment for the Faculty of Engineering, University of Moratuwa 5.06
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.03
Yemen Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.46
March 12, 2002 India Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.60
March 10, 2002 Bangladesh Grant Aid for Debt Relief 15.97
March 9, 2002 Guatemala El Proyecto de Construccion y Equipamiento del Hospital Nacional 0.81
Non-Project Grant Aid 6.00
March 8, 2002 Nepal Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.15
Niger Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 5.00
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.84
March 7, 2002 Ecuador Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 5.00
March 6, 2002 Armenia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.20
Laos Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.82
Indonesia Non-Project Grant Aid 30.00
The Project for Expansion of Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya 5.36
The Project for Urgent Countermeasures for Sedimentation in Wonogiri Multipurpose Dam Reservoir (Detailed Design) 0.41
March 5, 2002 Macedonia Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
March 4, 2002 China The project for Improvement of Equipment for Maternal and Child Health Care in Chongqing 11.48
March 3, 2002 Syria Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 7.00
March 2, 2002 Central African Republic Projet de construction d'ecoles primaires 7.12
March 1, 2002 Mali Non-Project Grant Aid 10.00
February 28, 2002 Nigeria Non-Project Grant Aid 10.00
February 26, 2002 Cambodia Food Aid (through WFP) 10.00
Sudan Food Aid (through WFP) 7.00
Kenya Food Aid (through WFP) 8.00
Guinea Food Aid 3.00
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 2.50
Zambia Grant Aid for Debt Relief 3.01
February 25, 2002 Botswana Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.49
Pakistan Sector Program Grant Aid 50.00
February 22, 2002 Guinea Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.26
February 20, 2002 Macedonia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 2.70
Malawi Grant Aid for Debt Relief 13.35
February 18, 2002 Uzbekistan Non-Project Grant Aid 9.50
February 15, 2002 Tajikistan Sector Program Grant Aid 9.50
February 14, 2002 Niger Projet de renforcement en medicaments et materiels pour la lutte contre le paludisme et les maladies respiratoires et diarrheiques 4.13
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.84
February 12, 2002 India Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.64
Sri Lanka Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.39
February 9, 2002 Sao Tome and Principe Food Aid 1.50
February 7, 2002 Cape Verde Food Aid 1.50
Ethiopia The project for Consolidation of Educational Television and Radio Recording Studios 2.36
Palau The Project for Improvement of Fishery Infrastructure in Kayangel State 4.87
February 6, 2002 Cambodia The Project for Flood Protection and Drainage Improvement in the Municipality of Phnom Penh -Detail Design 0.66
Philippines Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 15.00
February 5, 2002 Senegal Projet de construction du Marche Central au Poisson de Kapolack 7.12
Projet de construction d'un bloc scientifique polyvalent et de fourniture d'equipement a l'Ecole nationale de developpement sanitaire et social (le Concept Détaillé) 0.67
Sector Program Grant Aid 10.00
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 2.00
January 31, 2002 Gambia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 1.70
Azerbaijan Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
Mauritania Projet d'amenagement des installations d'approvisionnement en eau potable dans la ville de Kiffa (le Concept Détaillé) 0.35
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.56
January 28, 2002 Benin Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 2.00
January 25, 2002 Fiji The project for Construction of the New Pharmaceutical Services Center (Detailed Design) 0.54
Swaziland Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 2.00
January 24, 2002 Mali Projet de construction des salles de classe d'ecoles fondamentales au Mali 4.34
January 23, 2002 Laos Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.53
January 22, 2002 Morocco Projet d'amelioration des soins de sante maternelle en milieu rural 4.65
Tanzania Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.66
January 17, 2002 Bangladesh Grant Aid for Debt Relief 45.15
South Africa The Project for Improvement of the Health Facilities in the KwaZulu-Natal Province 10.47
January 15, 2002 Myanmar The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.03
January 14, 2002 Kenya The project for Reconstruction of Athi Bridge and Ikutha Bridge 0.27
Grant aid for increase of food production 7.00
Mongolia Non-Project Grant Aid 12.00
January 13, 2002 Yemen Grant Aid for Debt Relief 2.44
January 11, 2002 Nicaragua Sector Program Grant Aid 8.00
Rehabilitation and Medical Equipment of Health Centers of the Pacific Side of Nicaragua 4.57
January 8, 2002 Haiti Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.00
December 28, 2001 Burkina Faso Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.00
Cape Verde Projet d'Extension du Port de Peche de Praia 9.80
December 27, 2001 Nepal The project for Improvement of Kathmandu Water Supply Facilities 10.40
Grant Aid for Increased Food Production 7.00
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 8.38
December 20, 2001 Armenia The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment 4.95
December 14, 2001 Viet Nam The project for accelerated Measles Control 6.20
December 13, 2001 Angola The project for Water Supply in Luanda Province (Phase II) 6.24
Myanmar The Project for Improvement of the Road Construction Equipment for Kokang Region in Northern Shan State 5.84
The Project for Electrification of Kokang Region in Northern Shan State 2.16
Philippines The supply of audio-visual and sound equipment to Leyte Normal University 0.48
Philippines The Project for Construction of Bridges along Rural Roads in Northern Luzon 7.17
The Project for Establishment of Laboratory Facilities for Advanced Aquaculture Technologies 8.95
December 11, 2001 Gambia The Project for Improvement of Artisanal Coastal Fisheries in the Kombo South District 8.82
Mauritania Projet d'extension de l'Ecole Nationale d'Enseignement Maritime et des Peches 6.03
Senegal Projet de construction de salles de classe de l'enseignement elementaire 5.21
December 10, 2001 Moldova Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.00
December 6, 2001 Cambodia Sector Program Grant Aid 20.00
December 4, 2001 Morocco Projet de construction du centre specialise de technologie et de valorisation des produits de la mer 11.21
Tanzania The Project for Development of School Facilities for Dares Salaam Primary Schools 6.90
The project for Rehabilitation of TANZAM Highway (Kitonga Gorge Section) 0.43
December 3, 2001 Mongolia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.13
Guinea Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.28
Mali Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.42
November 29, 2001 Laos Sector Program Grant Aid 15.00
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.82
November 28, 2001 Sri Lanka The Project for Improvement of Nuwara Eliya Water Supply 4.81
November 27, 2001 Yugoslavia Non-Project Grant Aid 15.00
November 26, 2001 Guinea Projet de Construction d'un Navire de Recherche Halieutique 8.81
Viet Nam Sector Program Grant Aid 20.00
November 25, 2001 Bangladesh Grant Aid for Debt Relief 30.36
November 20, 2001 Bolivia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.50
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.75
Proyecto de Fortalecimiento del Sistema de Atencion Hospitalaria Materno Infantil de Cochabamba 1.16
November 19, 2001 Malawi The Project for Development of Groundwater in Lilongwe-Dedza 4.98
November 18, 2001 Yemen Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.10
November 16, 2001 Tanzania Grant Aid for Debt Relief 5.33
November 12, 2001 Bangladesh The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.92
November 1, 2001 Myanmar Grant Aid for Debt Relief 18.17
October 17, 2001 Dominican Republic el Proyecto de Construccion de Escuelas de Educacion Basica en las Zonas Urbano-Marginales 10.11
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
October 12, 2001 Zambia Grant Aid for Debt Relief 11.70
October 9, 2001 Honduras Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
October 5, 2001 Pakistan Non-Project Grant Aid 30.00
September 21, 2001 Senegal Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
September 19, 2001 Guinea Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.60
Nepal The project for Construction of Primary Schools under Basic and Primary Education Programme II 7.94
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.16
September 18, 2001 Tanzania The Project for Rural Drinking Water Supply in Hanang, Singida Rural, Manyoni and Igunga Districts 4.10
September 14, 2001 Vietnam The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.79
September 12, 2001 Guyana Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
Bhutan Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
September 10, 2001 South Africa The Second Project for Construction of Primary and Junior Secondary Schools in the Eastern Cape Province 6.75
The Project for Construction of Primary and Junior Secondary Schools in the Kwazulu-Natal Province 8.06
September 7, 2001 Indonesia Rural Water Supply Project in Sulawesi Island 8.39
Kenya The Meru Water Supply Project 7.40
Mongolia The Project for Rehabilitation of Power Plants of Sum Centers (Phase IV) 6.93
September 6, 2001 Tuvalu The Project for Construction and Supply of Medical Equipment for Princess Margaret Hospital 7.05
September 3, 2001 Philippines The Project for Development of Agrarian Reform Communities in Marginal Areas 7.11
Non-Project Grant Aid 20.00
September 1, 2001 Syria The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment of Hospitals at Aleppo University 3.05
The Project for Improvement of Seed Multiplication Capacity 4.92
August 31, 2001 Papua New Guinea The Project for Town Water Supply 10.22
August 30, 2001 Tajikistan Non-Project Grant Aid 20.00
August 29, 2001 Sri Lanka Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 6.00
Angola The Project for Rehabilitation of Telephone Network in Luanda Phase II 9.01
The Project for Construction of Primary Schools in Luanda 9.55
August 27, 2001 Laos The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.86
August 23, 2001 Pakistan The project for Expansion of Immunization against Neonatal Tetanus 3.90
Zambia The Project for Improvement and Maintenance of Lusaka City Roads (Phase II) 7.67
The Project for Groundwater Development and Sanitation Improvement in Drought Prone Rural Areas 6.42
The Project for Improvement of Expanded Program on Immunization 3.16
August 21, 2001 Cambodia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.11
Uzbekistan The Project for Upgrading the Emergency Medical System in Tashkent City 7.93
The Project for human resource development scholarship 3.83
August 17, 2001 Nepal The project for Construction of Sindhuli Road [Section II: Sindhuli Bazar-Khurkot] 33.17
The project for Improvement of Storage Facilities of Iodized Salt 9.16
August 16, 2001 Cameroon Le projet de construction d'ecoles primaires phase II 9.78
August 15, 2001 Peru Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 5.00
August 14, 2001 Djibouti Projet d'approvisionnement en eau urbaine pour la capitale en Republique de Djibouti 8.20
August 13, 2001 Yemen Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 5.00
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.47
August 7, 2001 Bangladesh Grant Aid for Debt Relief 16.05
Nigeria The Project for Rural Electrification 6.53
August 6, 2001 Bangladesh The project for Improvement of Steel Bridges for Roads in Rural Areas 5.88
August 3, 2001 China The project for Development of the Beijing Center for Japanese Studies 8.51
August 2, 2001 Kiribati The Project for Upgrading of Electric Power Supply in Tarawa Atoll 12.33
July 27, 2001 Saint Lucia The Project for Improvement of Coastal Fisheries Development 13.18
July 20, 2001 Central African Republic Projet de bitumage de la route nationale nº 3 9.59
July 16, 2001 Malawi The Project for Improvement of Expanded Program on Immunization 1.74
July 13, 2001 Antigua and Barbuda The project for Rehabilitation of Artisanal Fishery 7.98
July 12, 2001 Georgia The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment of the National Refarrel Hospitals 4.62
Kenya The project for Improvement of Health Centers in the Western Part of Kenya 6.53
The project for Construction of African Institute for African Development 17.26
Saint Christopher and Nevis The project for Construction of the Basseterre Fisheries Complex 5.67
July 10, 2001 Papua New Guinea The Project for Reconstruction of Leron Bridge and Bitija Bridge on the Highlands Highway 9.40
July 6, 2001 Mongolia The Project for Improvement of Primary Education Facilities 7.94
Tanzania Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 8.00
July 5, 2001 Bosnia and Herzegovina The Project for Construction of Basic Schools 9.92
July 4, 2001 Vietnam The project for Afforestation on the Coastal Sandy Area in Southern Central Viet Nam 10.27
July 3, 2001 Nepal The project for Improvement of Intersections in Kathmandu City 10.39
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 8.42
Senegal Projet de reboisement de la zone du littoral 10.74
June 29, 2001 Ecuador El Proyecto para el Desarrollo de Aguas Subterraneas en la Provincia de Loja 3.43
El Proyecto de Reforzamiento de los Equipos para el Mejoramiento Vial en las Zonas Frontera Sur 9.58
June 28, 2001 Laos The Project for Rehabilitation of Water Supply Facilities in Savannakhet Area 6.38
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.50
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.54
Mozambique The Project for Groundwater Development for Rural Water Supply in Zambezia Province 5.70
The Project for Rehabilitation of Chokwe Irrigation Scheme 13.11
The Project for Construction of Primary and Secondary Schools in Maputo City 9.84
Commonwealth of Dominica The Project for Rehabilitation of Chokwe Irrigation Scheme 11.14
June 27, 2001 Philippines The Project for Rehabilitation of Apron at Angat Afterbay Regulator Dam 13.03
The Project for Construction of a Hydraulic Laboratory Building 8.45
June 26, 2001 Mali Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.44
Mauritania Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.49
Guatemala Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
June 22, 2001 Haiti Food Aid 3.60
June 21, 2001 Tunisia Projet de renforcement des equipements de formation pour le centre de formation professionnelle des peches de Mahadia 7.89
June 20, 2001 Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Bridges on National Highway Route 6A 8.51
Yemen Grant Aid for Debt Relief 2.47
June 19, 2001 Maldives The project for the Seawall Construction in Male' Island (phase IV) 6.54
June 15, 2001 Botswana Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.51
China The project for Afforestation for Conservation of Middle Stream of Huang He 7.96
The project for Improvement of Environmental Information Network (Phase II) 10.51
Sri Lanka The Project for Reconstruction of Gampola Bridge and Mugawama Bridge 14.97
Guinea Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.77
June 14, 2001 Armenia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
June 13, 2001 Guinea Projet d'approvisionnement rural en eau potable de la Guinee Maritime 4.19
June 11, 2001 Bangladesh Grant Aid for Debt Relief 45.39
The project for Improvement of Portable Steel Bridges for Feeder Roads 9.27
June 8, 2001 Ethiopia The project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road, Phase II 11.82
June 5, 2001 Indonesia The Project for Improvement of Forest Fire Equipment 3.90
The Project for Neonatal Tetanus Control 1.40
The Project for Rehabilitation of the National Park Degraded by Forest Fire 1.59
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 14.00
June 4, 2001 Mongolia The Project for Improvement of Roads in Ulaanbaatar 25.12
June 3, 2001 Egypt Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 8.40
June 1, 2001 Vietnam The project for Reconstruction of Bridges in Mekong Delta Area 37.34
May 31, 2001 Ethiopia The project for Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 5.56
Mozambique The project for Groundwater Development for Rural Water Supply in Zambezia Province 9.90
Cape Verde Food Aid 1.60
Nicaragua Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 5.00
May 30, 2001 Sudan The project for Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 2.76
Ghana The project for Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 1.02
Nigeria The project for Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 7.43
Palau The Project for Improvement of Terminal Building at Palau International Airport 16.92
Samoa The Project for the Second Development of Apia Port 22.45
Burkina Faso Food Aid 2.50
May 29, 2001 India The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 9.72
Bangladesh Grant Aid for Debt Relief 30.64
The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 9.55
May 26, 2001 Niger Food Aid 3.00
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
May 25, 2001 Mauritania Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.00
Gambia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 1.70
May 23, 2001 Laos The Project for Improvement of the National Road Route 9 (Phase 2) 32.26
May 22, 2001 Tanzania The Project for Makuyuni-Ngorongoro Road Rehabilitation 31.09
Grant Aid for Debt Relief 0.95
Nigeria Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.40
Micronesia The Project for the Road Improvement for the State of Yap 8.55
May 20, 2001 Yemen Grant Aid for Debt Relief 1.12
May 17, 2001 Cambodia The Project for Rehabilitation of National Road No.7 Kampong Cham 19.75
The Project for Expansion of Phum Prek Water Treatment Plant 25.80
El Salvador The Project for Emergent Reconstruction of the Bridges on the Highway 7.26
May 16, 2001 Kenya Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 9.20
May 15, 2001 Bosnia and Herzegovina The Project for Rehabilitation of Public Transportation System in Mostar 7.69
May 12, 2001 Sao Tome and Principe Food Aid 1.50
May 11, 2001 Ghana The Project for Construction of Small and Medium Scale Bridges 10.01
Food Aid 2.80
Benin Food Aid 2.00
Maldives Food Aid 1.70
May 8, 2001 Bhutan The Project for Reconstruction of Bridges 17.13
April 24, 2001 Palestine Emergency Job Creation (through UNDP) 2.99
Food Aid 2.40
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.50
April 19, 2001 Namibia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 2.50
April 18, 2001 Haiti Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 3.00
April 15, 2001 Jordan The Project for Improvement of Equipment for Vocational Training for the People with Disabilities 2.43
April 13, 2001 China The Project for Improvement of the Equipment for the Secondary Vocational Education 9.17
The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment of Shaanxi Province People's Hospital 13.86
The Project for Tuberculosis Control in Poor Area 3.21
April 12, 2001 Angola The Project for Rehabilitation of Telephone Network in Luanda Phase II 5.78
The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment in Primary Health Facilities in Luanda Province 3.81
The Project for Water Supply in Luanda Province 2.59
Food Aid 5.90
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 2.50
April 11, 2001 Sri Lanka The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment in General Hospital Matara 3.62
April 9, 2001 Eritrea Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 5.00
April 6, 2001 Ecuador The Project of Reinforcement of the Equipment for the Improvement of the Roads in the Province of El Oro Province 7.50
Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 5.30
April 6, 2001 Lesotho Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 1.90
April 4, 2001 Georgia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 4.00
April 3, 2001 Ethiopia Grant Aid for Increase of Food Production 5.50
April 2, 2001 Madagascar The Project for the Exploitation of Groundwater in the Southwest Region (Phase II) 3.47
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