Official Development Assistance (ODA)

March 30, 2012
Date of E/N
(Local time)
Country Project (100 million yen)
March 30, 2012 Malawi The Project for Re-Construction and Expansion of Selected Community Day Secondary Schools (Phase II) 10.85
The Project for Replacement of South Rukuru Bridge on the Main Road M001 (Phase II) 1.11
March 29, 2012 Viet Nam The Project for Development of Traffic Control System for Expressway in Hanoi 5.27
Philippines The Project for the Improvement of Equipment for Disaster Risk Management 10.00
The Project for the Bridge Construction for Expanded Agrarian Reform Communities Development, Phase II (Umiray Bridge) 13.94
March 28, 2012 Zambia Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy 3.00
March 26, 2012 India The Project for the Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 1.20
March 23, 2012 Samoa Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy 1.00
March 22, 2012 Viet Nam The Project for E-Customs and National Single Window for Customs Modernization 26.61
March 21, 2012 Viet Nam Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
Non-Project Grant Aid 6.00
Philippines Non-Project Grant Aid 2.50
Myanmar Non-Project Grant Aid 16.00
March 20, 2012 Uzbekistan Non-Project Grant Aid 2.50
Nigeria The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 6.00
Cambodia The Project for Improvement of Medical Equipment in National, Municipal and Provincial Referral Hospitals 3.74
Non-Project Grant Aid 6.00
March 19, 2012 Kyrgyz The Project for Establishment of Child-Friendly Learning Spaces through Rehabilitation of Educational Institutions (through UNICEF) 3.77
March 16, 2012 Laos Non-Project Grant Aid 6.00
Ecuador Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
Ghana Food Aid (through WFP)
(Provision of Processed Marine Products as Requested by Developing Country)
Republic of Congo Food Aid (through WFP)
(Provision of Processed Marine Products as Requested by Developing Country)
Senegal Food Aid (through WFP)
(Provision of Processed Marine Products as Requested by Developing Country)
Cambodia Food Aid (through WFP)
(Provision of Processed Marine Products as Requested by Developing Country)
Sri Lanka Food Aid (through WFP)
(Provision of Processed Marine Products as Requested by Developing Country)
March 15, 2012 Tajikistan Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers 1.90
March 12, 2012 Mongolia The Project for Improvement of Capacity of Fire Fighting Techniques and Equipment in Ulaanbaatar 8.40
Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
Guinea Non-Project Grant Aid 11.00
Maldives Non-Project Grant Aid 2.50
Papua New Guinea Non-Project Grant Aid 1.50
March 11, 2012 Afghanistan The Project for Socio-Demographic and Economic Survey in Ghor and Dikundi Provinces (through UNFPA) 8.88
March 10, 2012 Afghanistan The Project for Rehabilitation and Expansion of Aircraft Parking Aprons at Kabul International Airport 19.60
The Project for Rehabilitation of Small Irrigation Facilities and Village Accessibility in Dehsabz Area, Kabul Province 6.96
The Project for Improvement of East-West Arterial Road and Community Road in Kabul 25.09
The Project for Improvement of Existing Bamyan Airport 12.60
The Project for Improvement of Kabul University 6.68
Non-Project Grant Aid 28.00
March 9, 2012 Guatemala Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
March 8, 2012 Jordan Non-Project Grant Aid 2.50
Tonga Non-Project Grant Aid 2.50
March 7, 2012 Haiti Food Aid 4.90
Guinea Programme Supporting Job Training for Youths in Guinea (through UNIDO) 2.34
Pakistan Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
March 6, 2012 Cote d'Ivoire The Community Security and Prevention of Proliferation of Small Arms Support Programme 3.84
Ethiopia Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers 4.90
Sri Lanka Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
The Project for Rehabilitation of Killinochchi Water Supply Scheme 6.77
March 5, 2012 Morocco Non-Project Grant Aid 3.00
March 2, 2012 Burundi Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers 1.50
March 1, 2012 Pakistan Social Cohesion and Peace Building Programme for the Refugees Affected and Hosting Areas Adjacent to the Peshawar Torkham Express Way 9.96
February 29, 2012 Democratic Republic of Congo The Project for Peace Consolidation in Mining Areas in North Kivu 5.10
Marshall Non-Project Grant Aid 2.50
February 28, 2012 Ghana Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy (the Multi-Donor Budget Support Programme) 3.50
Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy (the Sector Budget Support for the Health Sector Programme) 2.00
February 24, 2012 Cote d'Ivoire Non-Project Grant Aid 7.00
Nepal The Project for Basic Education Improvement in Support of the School Sector Reform in Nepal 9.30
February 23, 2012 Sao Tome and Principe Food Aid 2.40
Nigeria The Project for Improvement of Rural Water Supply 11.63
Uganda The Project for Rebuilding Community for Promoting Return and Resettlement of Internally Displaced Persons in Acholi Sub-Region in Northern Uganda 11.53
February 22, 2012 Micronesia Non-Project Grant Aid 2.50
February 21, 2012 Mozambique Maputo Fish Market Construction Project 9.18
February 17, 2012 Togo Projet d'Approvisionnement en Eau Potable et Assainissement en Milieu Rural et Semi-Urbain dans les Régions Maritime et Savanes 8.99
February 15, 2012 Nepal The Project for Construction of Sindhuli Road Section III 5.77
February 13, 2012 Guinea-Bissau The Project for Construction of Schools in Bissau 9.98
February 12, 2012 Egypt Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
February 3, 2012 Nauru Non-Project Grant Aid 1.00
Tuvalu Non-Project Grant Aid 1.00
February 2, 2012 Burkina Faso Food Aid 4.80
January 25, 2012 Cameroon, Central African Republic, Democratic Republic of Congo, and Republic of Congo Capacity Building for Sustainable Management of Tropical Rainforests and Biodiversity Conservation in the Congo Basin Countries (through ITTO) 2.78
January 24, 2012 Gambia Food Aid 2.70
Afghanistan The Project for Criminal Justice Capacity Building in Bamyan, Herat and Balkh (through UNODC) 7.01
Vanuatu The Project for Redevelopment of Vila Central Hospital (Detailed Design) 0.65
Bangladesh The Project for Improvement of the Capacity of Public Food Storage in the People's Republic of Bangladesh (Detailed Design) 0.42
January 19, 2012 Cape Verde Food Aid 2.40
January 17, 2012 Niger Food Aid 4.90
Comoros Food Aid 1.00
January 15, 2012 Afghanistan The Project for Rehabilitation of the Provincial Hospital in Ghor Province 6.23
January 12, 2012 Afghanistan The Project for Construction of Schools in Three Central Highland Provinces (through UNICEF) 18.95
January 10, 2012 Mozambique Food Aid 6.30
December 28, 2011 Afghanistan The Project for Capacity Development Support to the Afghan National Police (through UNDP) 4.29
December 21, 2011 Mauritania Food Aid 4.30
December 20, 2011 Haiti Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers 3.70
Togo Food Aid 4.20
December 12, 2011 Tajikistan The Project for the Rehabilitation of Kurgan Tyube-Dusti Road (Phase 2) 18.89
December 10, 2011 Afghanistan The Project for Infectious Diseases Prevention for Children (through UNICEF) 7.16
December 8, 2011 Sierra Leone Food Aid 2.50
December 5, 2011 Benin Food Aid 3.40
Tanzania Grant Aid for Poverty Reduction Strategy 1.50
December 1, 2011 Angola The Project for Equipment Renovation of Viana Training Center 2.20
November 28, 2011 Bhutan Non-Project Grant Aid 2.00
November 26, 2011 Afghanistan The Programme for Improvement of Irrigation Systems in Kabul and Bamyan Provinces (through FAO) 13.10
November 17, 2011 Egypt Non-Project Grant Aid 5.00
November 14, 2011 Liberia Food Aid 5.40
November 7, 2011 Democratic Republic of Congo The Project for Electoral Cycle Support in the Democratic Republic of the Congo 0.77
November 3, 2011 Pakistan The Project for the Control and Eradication of Poliomyelitis (through UNICEF) 2.03
October 27, 2011 Ethiopia Food Aid (through WFP) 5.80
Kenya Food Aid (through WFP) 6.00
Somalia Food Aid (through WFP) 3.10
Djibouti Food Aid (through WFP) 2.10
Sudan Food Aid (through WFP) 4.10
South Sudan Food Aid (through WFP) 2.00
Sri Lanka The Project for Reintegration and Reconciliation Assistance to Northern Conflict-Affected Communities 1.22
September 28, 2011 Myanmar The Provision of Equipment for Rural Water Supply Project in the Central Dry Zone 6.29
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.60
September 13, 2011 Afghanistan The Project for Improvement of Roads in Bamyan District 12.18
Sri Lanka The Project for Construction of Manmunai Bridge 12.06
September 6, 2011 Guyana The Project for the Rehabilitation of the East Demerara Water Conservancy II 3.02
Rwanda The Project for Construction of Rusumo International Bridge and One Stop Border Post Facilities 18.60
August 31, 2011 Bangladesh Food Aid (through WFP) 8.10
Uganda Food Aid (through WFP) 4.90
Chad Food Aid (through WFP) 2.70
Central African Republic Food Aid (through WFP) 2.50
Lesotho Food Aid (through WFP) 1.80
August 30, 2011 Paraguay Proyecto de Mejoramiento del Sistema de Suministro de Agua en Concepción y Pilar 14.89
Benin Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers (through FAO) 2.10
August 29, 2011 Tanzania The Project for Construction of Rusumo International Bridge and One Stop Border Post Facilities 18.60
The Project for Improvement of Transport Capacity in Dar es Salaam (Detailed Design) 0.37
August 25, 2011 Palestinian Authorities Food Aid (through WFP) 2.70
August 24, 2011 Mali Projet de Construction d'Ecoles Primaires (Phase lV) 10.11
Tuvalu The Project for Improvement of Education Facilities at Motufoua Secondary School 6.92
August 22, 2011 Sudan The Project for Improvement of Water Supply System at Kassala City (Detailed Design) 0.96
August 18, 2011 Indonesia The Project for Urgent Reconstruction of East Pump Station of Pluit in Jakarta 19.85
August 17, 2011 Palestinian Authorities Food Aid (through UNRWA) 6.00
August 16, 2011 Philippines The Project for Evacuation Shelter Construction in Disaster Vulnerable Areas in Province of Albay 7.39
August 12, 2011 Benin Projet de Renforcement des capacités d'une Ecole Normale d'Instituteurs à Djougou 6.77
China The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.83
August 11, 2011 Democratic Republic of Congo Le projet d'aménagement de l'institut d'enseignement médical de Kinshasa 17.67
Timor-Leste The Project of Democratic National Elections for Peace Building (through UNDP) 1.35
August 8, 2011 Kenya The Project for Rural Water Supply (Phase II) 6.09
The Project for the Reinforcement of Vaccine Storage in Kenya 8.99
The Project for the Upgrading and Refurbishment of the Centre for Mathematics, Science and Technology Education in Africa 5.81
Bhutan The Project for Restoration and Improvement of Vital Infrastructure for Cyclone Disaster 10.19
August 2, 2011 Laos The Project for Improvement of National Road No.9 as East-West Economic Corridor of the Mekong Region 32.73
The Project for Expansion of Vientiane International Airport in the Lao People's Democratic Republic 19.35
July 25, 2011 Uzbekistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.02
July 20, 2011 Viet Nam The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 3.29
July 19, 2011 Cameroon The 5th Project for Construction of Primary Schools 9.66
July 12, 2011 Pakistan Strategic Strengthening of Flood Warning and Management Capacity (through UNESCO) 2.84
July 6, 2011 Pakistan The Project for Strengthening of DAE Mechanical & Architecture Departments in GCT Railway Road of Punjab Province 8.67
July 4, 2011 Cambodia Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers 2.90
June 30, 2011 Palestinian Authorities Non-Project Grant Aid 10.00
June 29, 2011 Zambia The Project for the Improvement of the Living Environment in the Southern Area of Lusaka 27.76
The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply Condition in Ndola City 21.16
Paraguay Food Security Project for Underprivileged Farmers 1.30
Sri Lanka The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.08
Kiribati The Project for Expansion of Betio Port 30.52
June 28, 2011 Philippines The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.62
June 27, 2011 Central African Republic The Project for Rebuilding Social Facilities in the North and South-East Region (through UNICEF) 9.98
June 26, 2011 Bangladesh The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 1.95
June 24, 2011 Kyrgyz The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.18
June 21, 2011 Mongolia The Programme for Ulaanbaatar Water Supply Development in Gachuurt 33.05
The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.20
June 20, 2011 Nicaragua The Project for Reconstruction of Bridges on Managua?El Rama Road 18.78
Tajikistan The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 1.05
Republic of Congo The Project for Support to Child-Friendly Environments Through Community Participation (through UNICEF) 5.29
June 16, 2011 Honduras The Project for Landslide Prevention in Tegucigalpa Metroplitan Area 10.53
June 14, 2011 Laos The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.52
Jordan The Project for Rehabilitation and Improvement of Water Facilities in Tafieleh Governorate 19.11
Afghanistan The Programme for Literacy for Empowering Afghan Police (through UNESCO) 2.49
Cambodia The Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship 2.73
June 9, 2011 Ethiopia The Project for Replacement of Awash Bridge on A1 Trunk Road 12.01
The Project for Rehabilitation of Trunk Road, Phase IV 41.58
The Project for Construction of Secondary Schools in Amhara Region 12.08
June 6, 2011 Afghanistan The Programme for Increase of Agricultural Production by the Improvement of Productivity in Afghanistan (Phase II) 9.14
June 2, 2011 Zambia The Project for Groundwater Development in Luapula Province Phase 2 7.12
Tajikistan The Project for the Improvement of Water Supply in Mir Saiid Alii Khamadoni District of Khatlon Region (Phase 2) 7.79
May 20, 2011 Kyrgyz The Project Towards Automation of Border Management System (through IOM) 1.31
May 11, 2011 Moldova The Project for Introduction of Clean Energy by Solar Electricity Generation System 4.17
April 11, 2011 Nigeria The Project for Emergency Repair and Overhaul Works for the Jebba Hydro Power Station 19.90
April 6, 2011 Sudan The Project for Urgent Improvement of Water Supply Facilities at Kassala City 10.86
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