
January 8, 2021
  Name of the Site Summary Period
1 Ancient Ruins of Angkor (Cambodia) Hosting international meetings, such as those of the International Coordination Committee
Technical support to Angkor conservation office
Preservation and restoration works
Cultivation of human sources at Royal University of Fine Art
Study on Angkor inscriptions

2 Ancient Ruins of Jiaohe City (China) Creation of a preservation master plan, preventative measures against erosion and collapse of the cliffs, cultivation of human resources 1993-1998
3 Daming Palace (China) Creation of a preservation master plan, repair work, creation of publicity materials 1995-2003
4 Monuments of Hue City (Viet Nam) Preservation and landscaping of Ngo Mon (the Noon Gate) of Hue City, cultivation of human resources 1992-1995
5 Wat Phu (Laos) Creation of a master plan, cultivation of human resources 1996-1997
6 Historic Area of Bagan (Myanmar) Creation of a master plan for repairs
Improvement of the conservation standard of monuments
7 Monuments of the Kathmandu Valley (Nepal) Investigation into the causes behind the deterioration of the monuments, establishment of plans for preservation,Recovery and rehabilitation of cultural heritage in the Hanumandhoka Durbar Square 1992-1997
8 Ancient Ruins of Kharakhorum City (Mongolia) Investigation of the ruins and the nearby area, map creation, establishment of the scope of the ruins 1995-1998
9 Monuments of Moenjodaro (Pakistan) Cultivation of human resources, revision and strengthening of publicity activities, improvement of the research facilities 1992-1997
10 Gandhara Bhuddist Monuments (Pakistan) Implementation of preservation and restoration pilot projects, cultivation of human resources, investigation of the distribution of the monuments 1993-2008
11 Monuments of Paharpur Vihara (Bangladesh) Cultivation of human resources, investigation of the causes behind the destruction of the monuments, establishment of plans for preservation and restoration 1992-1997
12 Monuments of Bagerhat (Bangladesh) Cultivation of human resources, investigation of the causes behind the destruction of the monuments 1992-1997
13 Buddhist Monuments of Sanchi and Satdhara (India) Map creation through aerial photography, afforestation and irrigation, repairs to the temples and other structures 1994-1999
14 Monuments of the Malwatta Vihara Complex (Sri Lanka) Creation of a survey map, repairs to the temples and other structures 1990-1996
15 Monuments of Nubia (Egypt) Donation made to the UNESCO Campaign for the Establishment of the Nubia Museum in Aswan and the National Museum of Egyptian Civilization in Cairo 1988-1989
16 Chogha Zanbil (Iran) Investigation of the causes behind the deterioration of the site, creation of plans for repairs, partial repair of the ziggurat 1998-2010
17 Probota Monastry (Romania) Repairs to the monastery and the frescoes 1996-2001
18 Kuntur Wasi Prehistoric Temples (Peru) Preservation and repair of the temple podiums and the stone stairs, preservation treatment for the carvings 2000-2005
19 Fayaz Tepa Buddhist Remains (Uzbekistan) Preservation treatment for the remains, establishment of partial roof coverings, repairs to the stupa 2000-2006
20 Moai Sculptures of Easter Island (Chile) Investigation of the causes behind the deterioration of the structures, implementation of preservation and repair pilot projects, cultivation of human resources 2002-2006
21 Wall Paintings of the Royal Tomb of Amenhotep III (Egypt) Repairs to the wall paintings, cultivation of human resources 2003-2005
22 The Royal Palaces of Abomey (Benin) Repairs to the interior of the palaces, cultivation of human resources 2002-2005
23 Otrar Tobe (Kazakhstan) Data collection, cultivation of human resources, establishment of a master plan, preservation work 2001-2005
24 Kumtura Thousand Buddha Caves (China) Data collection, investigations and experiments, establishment of a master plan and plans for preservation 2001-2009
25 Longmen Grottoes (China) Data collection, investigations and experiments, cultivation of human resources 2001-2009
26 Monuments of Bamyan Valley (Afghanistan) Preservation of the wall paintings, establishment of a master plan, fixing of the niche of the Great Buddha, Preparation for the consolidation of the Western Buddha Niche 2003-ongoing
27 Historic Area of Plovdiv (Bulgaria) Surveying and repairing of the houses within the historic district, cultivation of human resources 2003-2006
28 Monuments of Krasnaya Rechka (Kyrgyzstan) Data collection, investigations, establishment of preservation plans, emergency preservation measures 2003-2006
29 San Sebastian Fortress (Mozambique) Preliminary investigations, preservation and repairs, cultivation of human resources 2003-2009
30 Iraq National Museum(Iraq) Reconstruction of the laboratory for repairs and restoration work, cultivation of human resources 2004-2011
31 Bam's Cultural Heritage (Iran) Dispatch of a specialist mission, skill-building training 2004-2009
32 Ruins of Ajina-Tepa (Tajikistan) Scientific investigations, master planning, preservation of the stupa 2005-2008
33 Tiwanaku and the Akapana pyramid (Bolivia) Establishment of plans for management, cultivation of human resources (preservation management, excavation technology, et cetera) 2008-2018
34 Cultural Heritage complex of Thang Long (Vietnam) Academic support for evaluation of value; Support for preservation measures; Support for the preparation of a management plan 2010-2013
35 Monuments of Lumbini (Nepal) Structure-preservation measures Archaeological investigation Creation of comprehensive master plan, Review of management processes; Capacity building of experts 2010-ongoing
36 Silk Road -Support for Documentation for Recommendation to World Heritage (Kazakhstan, Kyrygyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan) On-site documentation training at the monuments; Capacity Building 2010-2019
37 Assistance to World Heritage Site Museums (Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnum) Field training and theroic study, Site museum 2011-2015
38 Capacity building to support the conservation of world heritage sites and enhance sustainable development of local communities in Small Island Developing States
(SIDS; the Caribbean, Africa (Atlantic and Indian Oceans) and the Pacific)
Coordinating exchanges of information on and support to activities implemented as part of the Mauritius Strategy 2011-2015
39 Kasubi Tombs (Uganda) Creation of a prevention scheme for reconstruction 2013-ongoing
40 Tikal (Guatemala) 3D data acquisition and registration, Capacity Building 2016-2019
41 South Asian Cultural Landscape (Bhutan) Organizing workshops 2016-2018
42 Qhapaq Nan, Andean Road System (Latin American region) Establishment of a monitoring system 2016-2019
43 Goree Island (Senegal) Emergency protection intervention on the Southern coastline of Goree Island 2016-2018
44 Kasbah (Algeria) Organizing an expert meeting 2016-2018
45 World Heritage Site Museums in Philippines and Malaysia
(Philippines ,Malaysia)
Developing the capacities of management of World heritage sites and heritage tourism 2018-
46 Building Capacity and Raising Awareness for Underwater Cultural Heritage Research in Africa (Africa) Protection and preservation for underwater cultural heritage; Capacity Building 2019-
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