Cultural Exchange

August 3, 2017
(Photo 1) Courtesy Call on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  by Representatives of the World Cosplay Summit 2017
(Photo 2) Courtesy Call on the Ministry of Foreign Affairs  by Representatives of the World Cosplay Summit 2017
  1. On August 2, Mr. Motome Takisawa, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs received a courtesy call from participants of “World Cosplay Summit 2017” (July 29th - Aug 6th) representing Belgium, Chile and UAE.
  2. Mr. Takisawa stated that he looked forward to the 2017 World Cosplay Championship joined by the three countries in which cosplayers from total 34 countries and regions would compete. He hoped, during this visit to Japan, the representatives will experience not only the field of pop culture but also various other aspects of Japan including traditional culture.
  3. The representatives stated that they were very honored to join the Summit and to visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. They enjoyed a chat with Mr. Takisawa in a friendly atmosphere about the charm of Japan.

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