Japan-Peru Relations

November 17, 2024
Prime Minister Mr. Ishiba is passing before children of Nikkei people in Peru, shaking Hinomaru and Peru national flag Meeting with People of Nikkei in Peru (Photo: Cabinet Public Affairs Office)
Prime Minister Mr. Ishiba is talking on the stage Meeting with People of Nikkei in Peru (Photo: Cabinet Public Affairs Office)
Prime Minister Mr. Ishiba is talking with the people of Nikkei in Peru Meeting with People of Nikkei in Peru (Photo: Cabinet Public Affairs Office)

On November 17, from 9:00 a.m. (local time; 11:00 p.m. JST), Mr. ISHIBA Shigeru, Prime Minister of Japan, during his visit to the Republic of Peru, attended a welcome ceremony and a meeting with representatives of Nikkei (Japanese immigrants and descendants) communities in Peru, held at the Peruvian Nikkei Association. The welcome ceremony was attended by approximately 300 people, most of them were Nikkei, including Mr.Francisco Okada, President of the Peruvian Nikkei Association, and the meeting was attended by approximately 140 people.

Prime Minister Ishiba delivered an address at the ceremony, stating that this year marked the 125th anniversary of the Japanese immigration to Peru, and that he was proud of the great contribution that Nikkei have made to Peruvian society by overcoming difficulties throughout its long history. He also paid tribute to the spirit of mutual assistance of Nikkei people, noting that the Japanese Peruvian Centennial Clinic provided the largest number of beds for Covid- 19 patients in the country during the Covid-19 pandemic.

President Okada welcomed Prime Minister Ishiba's visit, noting that it was an honor for the Peruvian Nikkei community to have the Prime Minister visit, and that he would continue to make efforts to strengthen friendly and cooperative relations between Peru and Japan.

Afterwards, Prime Minister Ishiba took pictures with representatives of the Peruvian Nikkei community and had a discussion with them.

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