Japan-Argentina Relations

May 22, 2018
Japan-Argentina Foreign Ministers’ Meeting1
Japan-Argentina Foreign Ministers’ Meeting2
Japan-Argentina Foreign Ministers’ Meeting3

On May 22, commencing at 8:30 a.m. (local time; 8:30 p.m. on May 22, Japan time) for approximately 30 minutes, Mr. Taro Kono, Minister for Foreign Affairs, who is visiting the Argentine Republic to attend the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting, held a foreign ministers' meeting with H.E. Mr. Jorge Marcelo Faurie, Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cult of the Argentine Republic. The overview of the meeting is as follows.

  1. At the beginning, Minister Kono appreciated Argentina's leadership as holder of the G20 Presidency, and particularly Minister of Foreign Affairs and Worship Faurie's contribution at the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting, along with expressing support for the economic policies and reform efforts of the Macri Administration, and explaining that as one part of that support Japan supports Argentina's candidacy to be invited to open OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) accession discussions. Minister Kono also pointed out that this year marks the 120th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, and various events are being held in both countries.
    In response, Minister Faurie explained that he is grateful that Minister Kono undertook a bilateral visit in conjunction with his attendance at the G20, which is an expression of Japan's position with regard to Argentina.  
  2. Minister Kono expressed expectation that economic relations will strengthen as a result of improvements in the bilateral trade and investment environment, along with stating that he hopes to proceed with negotiations on an investment agreement and other cooperation. In addition, Minister Kono also conveyed Japan’s decision to adopt the One Village One Product (OVOP) technical cooperation project, as requested by Argentina. In response, Minister Faurie expressed the view that strengthening Argentina’s relationship with Japan in the field of the economy is important and he wants to continue strengthening that relationship. Minister Faurie stated that Japanese companies are already achieving success in Argentina in areas such as the automotive industry, and he appreciated that Japanese investment is being undertaken from a long-term perspective. In addition, the two ministers shared the view that the two countries will pursue the procedures necessary to enable reciprocal exportation of beef produced in Argentina (Patagonia) and beef produced in Japan toward July this year.
  3. Minister Kono expressed gratitude for Argentina's warm acceptance of large numbers of Japaneseimmigrants, along with expressing the view that the trust the Nikkei community has cultivated is connected to Argentina's trust in Japan.
  4. The two sides confirmed cooperation in the international arena, including the G20 troika, and exchanged views on various regional affairs. 
(Reference) Technical cooperation “One Village One Product (OVOP)” Project (Official name: “Project of the Strengthening of Institutional Capacities of Local Development”) aims to contribute to finding, forming and supporting regionally-led regional development initiatives (such as village revitalization that utilizes local agricultural products, handicrafts and other specialty goods, and tourism resources such as the natural environment and cultural heritage), which are coordinated at the level of province, city, town and village, with Argentina’s Ministry of Social Development as the core implementing organization. The Project was adopted in May this year.

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