Foreign Policy

1 Multilateral

  • (1) Debt Management Facility (DMF)Open a New Window
     The DMF provides Debt Management Performance Assessment diagnostic tools and technical assistance to design Debt Management Reform Plans to lay out a detailed, sequenced, country-owned, capacity-building project plan. The DMF also offers advisory services on the design of institutional arrangements to strengthen institutional and legal frameworks for debt management.

  • (2) IMF Data for Decisions Fund (D4D)Open a New Window
     The D4D Fund is dedicated to putting more and better data in the hands of decision-makers to support evidence-based macroeconomic policies to strengthen national statistical systems to cope with a more challenging national and international policy environment, promote transparency and accountability, and offer efficient solutions to capacity development.

  • (3) Revenue Mobilization Thematic FundOpen a New Window
     The RMTF was launched in 2011 to support low-income and lower-middle-income countries as they design and administer effective tax systems. Well-designed tax systems help generate sustainable revenue to pay for essential infrastructure and the social spending needed to meet growth and development objectives.

  • (4) Japan Administered Accounts for Selected IMF Activities (IMF JSA)Open a New Window
     IMF JSA ‘s capacity development helps members of the IMF build effective institutions and acquire the skills to formulate and apply sound macroeconomic and financial policies, including through strengthening debt management capacity.

  • (5) Managing Natural Resource WealthOpen a New Window
     The MNRW was launched in 2011 to support resource-rich countries in their efforts to mobilize and manage their natural resource wealth effectively. The MNRW also helps build capacity to design and implement macroeconomic and macroprudential policies in countries that are highly dependent on large and volatile resource revenues.

  • (6) The Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Centre (PFTAC)Open a New Window
     The Pacific Financial Technical Assistance Centre (PFTAC) was established in 1993 to promote macro-financial stability in the Pacific Island countries (PICs) through a focused program of technical assistance and training. PFTAC was the first of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) regional technical assistance centers, representing a collaborative venture between the IMF, the member countries, and bilateral donor partners. The goal of PFTAC is to strengthen the institutional capacity of Pacific countries to design and implement sound macroeconomic and financial policies.

2 Bilateral

  • (1) Australia’s debt management capacity building efforts and policy reforms are supported by bilateral programs, budget support and associated policy dialoguesOpen a New Window.

  • (2) The Ministry of External Affairs of India provides various capacity building programmes. Under Indian Technical and Economic Cooperation Programme (ITEC)Open a New Window , the Ministry provides capacity building courses on finance including through Institute of Government Accounts and Finance.

  • (3) Japan is organizing several various projects to improve debt management capacity of developing countries and here is the example (PDF)Open a New Window.

  • (4) The U.S. Treasury Office of Technical Assistance (OTA) provides financial sector assistance in five core disciplines (PDF)Open a New Window : revenue policy and administration, budget and financial accountability, government debt and infrastructure finance, banking and financial services, and economic crimes. Assistance is provided through advisors working directly in the counterpart agency under a Terms of Reference, either intermittent or resident. OTA does not provide financing or any form of budgetary support to counterpart agencies. OTA’s Government Debt and Infrastructure Finance Team (GDIF) works with finance ministries, central banks and related institutions on government debt management, capital markets development, and infrastructure finance.

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