Japan and the United Nations

June 18, 2021

Today, following the reappointment of H.E. Mr. António Manuel de Oliveira Guterres as the Secretary-General of the United Nations by the General Assembly, Prime Minister Suga Yoshihide sent a congratulatory letter to the Secretary-General.

  1. In his letter, Prime Minister Suga extended his appreciation to Secretary-General Guterres for his role in tackling the challenges facing the international community such as COVID-19. In addition, the Prime Minister expressed his hope that Secretary-General Guterres would exercise leadership in further reforms of the United Nations, including the Security Council, in order for the United Nations to properly address these common issues, and that Japan would cooperate even more closely with the Secretary-General.
  2. Prime Minister Suga also conveyed that Japan will reinforce efforts to achieve universal health coverage, based on the principle of human security and that he is determined to continue working hand in hand with Secretary-General Guterres to overcome the current crisis of the pandemic and lead the world to "build back better."

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