Women's Issues
World Assembly for Women: WAW! 2022
December 2, 2022
On Saturday, December 3, the Government of Japan will host the World Assembly for Women: WAW! 2022 at the Mita Conference Hall in a hybrid format.
- WAW! has been held five times since 2014 where the Government of Japan promotes gender equality and women's empowerment, and this will be the sixth time.
- The main theme of WAW! 2022 is "Gender Mainstreaming for New Capitalism," and the participants from various fields in Japan and abroad will exchange views toward the creation of a better society in which gender equality is realized.
- Prime Minister KISHIDA will deliver the opening remarks, followed by keynote speeches by H.E. Dr. Gudni Thorlacius Johannesson, President of the Republic of Iceland and H.E. Ms. Sima Sami Bahous, UN Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations and Executive Director of UN Women, a high-level roundtable (moderated by MORI Masako, the Special Advisor to the Prime Minister of Japan on Women’s Empowerment) will be also held with the participation of cabinet-level officials.
- In addition to the keynote speeches and the high-level roundtable, 10 sessions will be held to discuss various policies from gender perspectives, and thereby promote gender mainstreaming, in anticipation of discussions under the G7 Japanese Presidency next year. Furthermore, two special sessions on rural women and the youth will be held to incorporate wider views to the discussions. In this regard, for the first time, WAW! will connect 22 regional satellite venues in including Hokkaido, Aomori, Fukushima, and Wakayama with the main venue in Tokyo to allow direct participation from the regions.
- WAW! 2022 is to be live-streamed online. A video recording of WAW! 2022 will also be uploaded on the MOFA website at a later date.
(Reference1) Attatched
Lists of WAW! 2022 Live-streaming Links(PDF)
(Reference2) Details of WAW! 2022 programs and participants