Press Releases

Minister for Foreign Affairs Fumio Kishida Sends a Congratulatory Message on the 25th Anniversary of Democratization in the Republic of Poland

June 3, 2014

1. The Government of the Republic of Poland instituted the “Solidarity Prize” this year for rewarding the people who have been promoting democracy, human rights, and freedom over a long period of time. The ceremony for the “Solidarity Prize” will be held today, June 3.

2. On June 3, Mr. Fumio Kishida, Minister for Foreign Affairs, sent a message to H.E. Mr. Radosław Sikorski, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Poland, in which Minister Kishida highly appreciated the initiative taken by the Government of the Republic of Poland for the “Solidarity Prize” and stated that Japan would work together with Poland in order to solve global issues as a partner who shares fundamental values.

(* The foregoing is a provisional translation. The above date denotes the date of the issue of the original press release in Japanese.)
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