Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and Economic Partnership Agreement (EPA)
Related Information on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (Japan-EU EPA Chapter 20)
June 8, 2023
The Japan-EU EPA provides that each Party should offer useful information on trade with the other Party on its website, in order to facilitate the use of the EPA by small and medium-sized enterprises (Chapter 20).
Please refer to the links below and make use of the EPA for your business.
- Japan-EU EPA SME Contact points:Joint Activity Report to the 3rd Meeting of the EU-Japan EPA Joint Committee (PDF)
- Japan-EU EPA SME Contact points:Joint Activity Report to the 4th Meeting of the EU-Japan EPA Joint Committee (PDF)
Contact point:European Union Economic Affairs Division, Economic Affairs Bureau,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs TEL:+81-(0)3-5501-8348
European Commission
Useful information for Small and Medium-sized enterprises
- Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (JETRO Website)
Customs regulations and procedures
Certificate for the export of wine products and procedures
Regulations and procedures concerning intellectual property rights
- Japan Patent Office Website
- Systems / Procedures
- Geographical Indications
Technical regulations and standards
- Food labeling Act
- Household Goods Quality Labeling Act
- Radio Equipment Conformity Certification System
- Terminal Facilities Regulations Certification Conformity System (PDF)
- Pharmaceuticals and Medical Devices
- Organic JAS
- Geographical Indications
- Fertilizer(available in Japanese language only)
- Agricultural chemicals(available in Japanese language only)
- Veterinary drugs
- Vehicle(available in Japanese language only)
- Railway
- Aviation(available in Japanese language only)
- Act on the Protection of the Ozone Layer Through the Control of Specified Substances, etc. and Other Measures
- Chemical Substances Control Law
- Act on Preventing Environmental Pollution of Mercury
- High Pressure Gas Safety Act
- Electrical Appliance and Material Safety Act
- Top Runner Program (PDF)
- Consumer Product Safety
- Gas Business Act
- Act on the Securing of Safety and the Optimization of Transaction of Liquefied Petroleum Gas(available in Japanese language only)
Sanitary and phytosanitary measures relevant for importation and exportation
- Imported Foods
- Exported food(available in Japanese language only)
- Animal Quarantine
- Plant protection
- Feed additives
- Veterinary drugs
- Pet food
- Agricultural chemicals(available in Japanese language only)