Countries & Regions
Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida Meets with the Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency
April 28, 2015
On Monday, April 27, commencing at 5:05 p.m. (Tuesday, April 28, 6:05 a.m., Japan time) for approximately 10 minutes, Mr. Fumio Kishida, Minister for Foreign Affairs, who is visiting New York, held a meeting with Mr. Yukiya Amano, Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). The overview is as follows.
- Minister Kishida stated that if a final agreement is reached on the Iranian nuclear issue, the IAEA will perform an important role in verifying the implementation of the terms of the agreement, and Japan will support the IAEA's efforts. Director General Amano stated that the IAEA would like to cooperate with Japan.
- Additionally, Minister Kishida mentioned that at the 2015 NPT Review Conference, Japan had pledged a contribution of 25 million U.S. dollars over a five-year period to the IAEA's Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI), and Director General Amano expressed his gratitude.
- In addition, Minister Kishida and Director General Amano exchanged views on the overall relationship of cooperation between Japan and the IAEA, and confirmed that Japan and the IAEA will further strengthen their cooperation.
(Reference): The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
- The IAEA is an international organization that was set up in 1957 based on the IAEA charter with the goal of promoting the peaceful use of nuclear power, and to that end, preventing the diversion of nuclear power for military purposes and ensuring nuclear power safety. (It currently has 164 member states). Validation to ensure that nuclear material etc. is not utilized in ways likely to contribute to military purposes is implemented based on safeguard agreements and additional protocols with member states.
- In order to strengthen the international nuclear non-proliferation framework by having more countries conclude these safeguard agreements and additional protocols, Japan is cooperating with the IAEA to lobby and support the countries concerned.
- Director General Amano was appointed as Director General in December 2009, and reappointed in December 2013.