Science and Technology
Visit of Prof. Matsumoto, Science and Technology Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Dr. Kotani, Science and Technology Co-Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, to Rwanda
May 16, 2024

From April 29 to May 3, Prof. MATSUMOTO Yoichiro, Science and Technology (S&T) Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, and Dr. KOTANI Motoko, S&T Co-Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs, visited the Republic of Rwanda to attend the FMSTAN (Foreign Ministries Science and Technology Advisors Network) meeting and the 5th international conference of the INGSA (International Network for Government Science Advice) held in Kigali. They also exchanged views with Rwandan government officials and academics. The overview of their visit is as follows.
- At the FMSTAN meeting, they discussed with the S&T advisors and experts from various countries on topics of the use of science and technology to address SDGs and global challenges, and S&T diplomacy initiatives in light of the current state of emerging technologies such as AI.
- The INGSA International Conference was attended by government officials, academics and others from around the world. Participants discussed a wide range of perspectives on the role of science advice in policy-making. Dr. Kotani participated as a panelist in a session entitled "Connecting Science Diplomacy Agendas in a Fragmented World", and introduced Japan's S&T diplomacy efforts.
- Prof. Matsumoto and Dr. Kotani met with H.E. Ms. Paula Ingabire, Minister of ICT and Innovation, and other Rwandan S&T officials and academics to exchange views on the potential for promoting S&T cooperation and exchange between Japan and Rwanda.