The 5th International MANGA Award

July 21, 2011

  1. Entries will be accepted for the 5th International MANGA Award from July 21. Guidelines for application (attached) and entry forms will be available on the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and on a New Window.

  2. The International MANGA Award was established to share Japanese pop culture and to help promote understanding of Japan. It was created to honor MANGA artists who have contributed to the promotion of MANGA overseas. This is the fifth such award, the selection of which was officially decided to be carried out at the fifth International MANGA Award Executive committee who held on July 5.

  3. The Golden Prize of the 5th International MANGA Award will be given to the best MANGA from all the entries and three distinguished works will receive the Silver Prize. In addition, the Japan Foundation will invite the prize winners to Japan to attend the award ceremony. They will also have meeting with Japanese MANGA artists and visit publishing companies, etc., in Japan.

Information about the 1st to 4th International MANGA Awards a New Window

    • (*This is a provisional translation. The above date denotes the date of the issue of the original press release in Japanese.)

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