Dispatch of Japanese Instructors to PKO Centers in Egypt and Ghana

November 19, 2008

  1. As part of Japan’s ongoing assistance for Peacekeeping Operation (PKO) centers in Egypt and Ghana, the Government of Japan decided to dispatch Japanese instructors for training programs of African soldiers and civilians engaged in peacekeeping operations or humanitarian activities.  This decision was made following the joint press conference on June 30 by then Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda and the United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon.  At the press conference, Japan announced that it would make efforts to strengthen the capability of PKO centers in Africa, including by sending Self-Defense Force officers as instructors.  
  2. (1) Two Ground Self-Defense Force officers (Lieutenant Colonels Yoji Takahashi and Yoshiyuki Sakaemura) and Dr. Hideaki Shinoda, Associate Professor at Hiroshima University and Director of the Hiroshima Peacebuilder Centers (HPC), will be dispatched as instructors for a training program to be held for two weeks from November 23 (Sun) at the PKO center in Egypt (CCCPA: Cairo Regional Center for Training on Conflict Resolution & Peacekeeping in Africa). These two officers sent by the Ministry of Defense will give lectures based on the Self-Defense Forces’ experience of humanitarian and reconstruction assistance in Iraq and international emergency relief operations.  Meanwhile, Associate Professor Shinoda will give lectures focusing on the importance of human resource development in the field of international peace cooperation.

    (2) Ms. Eri Komukai (Senior Advisor for the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) in charge of Peacebuilding) has been dispatched as instructor for a training program on the control of small arms and light weapons.  The two-week training started on November 17 (Mon) mainly for government officials from western African countries.  Based on her own experience, Ms. Komukai gave a lecture on peacebuilding activities from a viewpoint of development, and in particular, she focused on how to control small arms and light weapons.

  1. Recognizing that peace is indispensable for achieving development, Japan has been providing assistance for these PKO centers with a view to enhancing the peacekeeping capabilities of African countries.  As is seen in the dispatch of these instructors, the Government of Japan will continue to provide effective assistance, not only by giving financial assistance, but also by mobilizing Japan’s experts and specialists in this area.