Japan-Democratic Republic of the Congo Relations

August 26, 2022
(Photo) Japan-DRC Summit Video Teleconference Meeting Japan-DRC Summit Video Teleconference Meeting (Photo: Cabinet Public Affairs Office)

On August 26, commencing at 6:50 p.m. for approximately 30 minutes, Mr. KISHIDA Fumio, Prime Minister of Japan, held a summit video teleconference meeting with H.E. Mr. Jean-Michel SAMA LUKONDE KYENGE, Prime Minister of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, who is visiting Tunisia to attend the 8th Tokyo International Conference on African Development (TICAD 8). The overview of the meeting is as follows.

  1. At the outset, Prime Minister Kishida told Prime Minister Sama Lukonde that he regretted that he would not be able to participate in the meeting in person, but that he hoped to lead TICAD 8 to a success with the cooperation of Prime Minister Sama Lukonde. He stated that Japan supports efforts to stabilize the eastern DRC through assistance for institutional building and human resource development for the consolidation of peace. Prime Minister Kishida also touched on cooperation in climate change measures and mineral resources. Moreover, Prime Minister Kishida proposed the establishment of a bilateral business environment improvement committee to promote the entry of Japanese companies into the DRC. In response, conveying his condolence to former Prime Minister Abe and Prime Minister, Sama Lukonde expressed his appreciation for Japan's extensive support for the development, peace and stability of DRC, recognizing Japan's actions through TICAD to date and welcomed the proposal to launch a bilateral business environment improvement committee. Both sides confirmed to work for further development of bilateral relations based on the outcome of TICAD 8.
  2. Prime Minister Kishida then stated that it is essential for the international community to cooperate in its response to Russia's aggression against Ukraine, and that Japan intends to continue contributing to strengthening food security in Africa. Prime Minister Sama Lukonde stated that the vulnerability of food security in Africa is evident and that he appreciates the food assistance from Japan. Prime Minister Kishida also raised the importance of transparency and fairness of development finance and the two sides confirmed to cooperate with each other.
  3. Furthermore, the two sides shared the view to continue to work together in responding to regional and international issues, such as North Korea, including on the nuclear, missile, and abductions issues, disarmament and non-proliferation, including cooperation in maintaining and strengthening the NPT regime, and strengthening of the functions of the United Nations as a whole, including the Security Council reform.

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