Japan-Palau Relations
30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Palau
Guidelines to Apply for the Endorsement of Commemorative Events
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan invites applications for events to commemorate the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Palau, with purpose of marking the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Japan and Palau in 2024 as a year for the further development of cordial relations between Japan and Palau, and will provide accreditation to the relevant proposals as the commemorative event of "the 30th Anniversary Japan-Palau Diplomatic Relations ".
In implementing the accredited events, the organizers will be entitled to use the title and official logo of "the 30th Anniversary of the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations between Japan-Palau" in their public media (posters, pamphlets, websites, signboards, banners, etc.) for the respective events.
The criteria for eligible events, privileges of endorsed events, application and endorsement process, notes, and where to send application documents and inquiries are listed below.
1. Eligibility for accreditation
- (1) Events and projects should contribute to the promotion of exchange, mutual understanding, and strengthening of cordial relations between Japan and Palau in a wide range of areas, including economic, social, art, culture, academics, sports, and tourism. This includes the implementation of the social contribution projects conducted by private companies and promotion.
- (2) In principle, the events should take place in Japan or Palau between January and December 202431 of the same year.
- (3) The event may not be accredited for any of the following;
- (a) Events offensive to public order and morals;
- (b) Events that violate or may violate Japanese laws and regulations;
- (c) Events that are carried out by a particular principle, political statement, or religion;
- (d) Events not pursued in the public interest;
- (e) Events for primarily profit-making purposes.
2. Application Procedure
- (1) Organizations wishing to obtain the accreditation for their events should submit the following documents to the Oceania Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan or the Embassy of Japan in Palau at least one month prior to the implementation of the events.
- (a) application form (Word)
- (b) Revenue and Expenditure Budget Statement (Excel)
- (c) Letter of Pledge (Word)
- (d) Documents that show the outline of the event (proposal, list of exhibited works (for exhibitions), contents (for films, plays), program, application guidelines (for art exhibition and competitions), etc.)
- (e) Documents that show the outline of the organization
- - List of board of directors and executive officers
- - Articles of Incorporation or other equivalent documents (rules, constitution, bylaws, act of endowment, etc.)
- - History of the organization, business results, activities, etc.
- - If the organizer and applicant are different, documents showing the relationship between them (contract, etc.) For government offices, diplomatic missions, consular offices, international organizations, local governments, and independent administrative agencies under the jurisdiction of the Ministry, submission of (a), (b), and (c) may be omitted.
- (a) application form (Word)
- (2) The application will be reviewed based on the application in accordance with (1) above. The Oceania Division or the Embassy of Japan in Palau will then notify the organizer of the results. The official logo will be sent to the organizer after the approval of the event. The organizer then may use the official logo in the public media for the event after submitting the documents related to all the public media to be used to the Oceania Division in advance and obtaining confirmation.
3. Submission of the report
Upon completion of the event, the organizer should submit a project report (Word) addressed to the Oceania Division or the Embassy of Japan in Palau. The contents of the submitted report may be used in the public relations materials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
4. Notes
- (1) Please be aware of the points below upon the submission of the application:
- (a) The application documents will not be returned.
- (b) If the documents submitted for the application are insufficient, the Oceania Division may make inquiries or request for additional documents.
- (c) The application review may be rejected if the application be submitted just before the event is to be held, or there be significant deficiencies in the application documents.
- (d) The inquiries regarding the reviewing process will not be served.
- (2) Please be aware of the points below for preparation and implementation of the event:
- (a) Even if the event is accredited, all responsibility for the implementation of the event rests with the organizer. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan will not assume any responsibility as a result of the event being accredited.
- (b) If the event is cancelled, or if the event plan is changed from what it was at the time of application, please notify Oceania Division immediately.
- (c) Accreditation may be revoked if any of the following points apply:
- - In case that the event has changed from the contents at the time of application but the organizer did not repot it to the Oceania Division or the Embassy of Japan in Palau promptly.
- - In case that the details of the event which was not originally included in the application documents are later discovered, or that the project is changed from what it was at the time of application and falls under any of the categories in 1 (3).
- - When the logo's aspect ratio, color, or design is changed. When the logo is used for any purpose other than the approved business.
- (3) When the event is conducted outside of Japan, the Embassy of Japan with jurisdiction over the country of the location will be the contact point for submission of the documents and will communicate regarding the submission.
- (4) To apply for Ministry of Foreign Affairs sponsorship, please apply separately for the accreditation to use the sponsorship from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan.
5. Application and Inquiries
(1) Japan
Oceania Division, Asia and Pacific Affairs Bureau, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan
Address: 2-2-1 Kasumigaseki, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8919, Japan
Phone number: 03-5501-8269
Email: ayou@mofa.go.jp
(2) In Palau
Embassy of Japan in Palau
Address: Palau Pacific Resort, Ngarkebesang, Koror Republic of Palau
Phone number: (+680) 488-6455
Email: jpembassy.palau@kx.mofa.go.jp