Japan-Cuba Relations

May 10, 2018

Basic Data

Diplomatic Relations:

  • Established in December 1929 (re-established in 1952)

Japanese Nationals:

  • Number of Japanese Nationals residing in Cuba: 94 (as of October 2016)

Trade with Japan (2017):

  • Exports: 1.55 billion yen (tobacco, fish and fish preparation, coffee, non-ferrous metallic ores)
  • Imports: 4.72 billion yen (electorical machinery, machinery, precision instruments)

Japan's Economic Cooperation (cumulative total as of the end of fiscal year 2015)

VIP Visits

From Japan to Cuba
Year Name
1997 Mr. Masahiko Koumura, Secretary of State
1999 Mr. Hiroshi Mitsuzuka, President of the Parliamentary League for Friendship Japan-Cuba
2000 Mr. Kabun Muto, Former Foreign Minister
2001 Mr. Tamisuke Watanuki, Speaker of the House of Representatives
Mr. Tsutomu Kawara, House of Representatives Member
Mr. Ryutaro Hashimoto, Former Prime Minister
2002 Mr. Yoshimi Watanabe, House of Representatives Member
2004 Mr. Takuya Hirai, House of Representatives Member
2005 Mr. Tsutomu Hata, Former Prime Minister
2006 Representation of House of Councillors Member (Head: Mr.Toranosuke Katayama)
Mr. Kiyohiko Toyama, Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs
2007 Mr. Midori Matsushima, Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr. Takahiro Yokomichi, Vice-Speaker of the House of Representatives
Representation of the Committee for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (Head: Mr.Koya Nishikawa)
2008 Mr.Takuya Hirai, Senior Vice-Minister of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism
2010 Mr. Hirotaka Akamatsu, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Representation of House of Councillors Member (Head: Mr.Hidehisa Otsuji, Vice-Speaker)
2012 Mr.Tsukasa Iwamoto, Senior Vice-Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries
Mr. Ryuji Yamane, Parliamentry Senior Vice-Minister for foreign Affairs
2013 Mr.Yoshiro Mori, Former Prime Minister
2014 Mr. Kenji Furuya, Minister of State for Disaster Management
Representation of House of Representatives Member (Head: Mr. Yukio Ubukata)
Mr. Kenji Furuya, Member, House of Representatives / Ms. Tomoko Abe, Member, House of Representatives
2015 Mr. Fumio Kishida, Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr. Kenya Akiba, Director, Foreign Affairs Division, Liberal Democratic Porty
Ms. Shinako Tsuchiya, Chairman, Committee on Foreign Affairs, House of Representatives
Mr. Antonio Inoki, House of Councillors Member
2016 Mr. Hitoshi Kikawada, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr. Natsuo Yamaguchi, House of Councillors Member, Head of Delegation of Komeito
Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister
Mr. Keiji Furuya, Special Envoy of Prime Minister (Official Commemoration of Mr. Fidel Castro Ruz, Former President of the Council of State)
2017 Mr. Kentaro Sonoura, State Minister for Foreign Affairs
Representation of the Committee on Audit and Oversight of Administration, House of Representatives (Head: Mr.Koichiro Gemba)
Representation of Vice-Speaker of the House of Representatives (Head: Mr. Tatsuo Kawabata)
Representation of the Committee on Rules and Administration, House of Councillors (Head: Mr. Junzo Yamamoto)
Representation of the Special Committee on Official Development Assistance and Related Matters, House of Councillors (Head: Mr. Toshiro Toyoda)
2018 Mr. Masahisa Sato, State Minister for Foreign Affairs
Mr. Mitsunari Okamoto, Parliamentary Vice-Minister for Foreign Affairs
From Cuba to Japan
Year Name
1999 Mr. Roberto Robaina González, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Abel Prieto Jiménez, Minister of Culture
2000 Mr. Carlos Lage, Vice President of the Council of State
Mr. Ricardo Alarión, President of the National Assembly of People's Power
2001 Mr. Felipe Ramón Pérez Roque, Minister of Foreign Affairs
Mr. Ricardo Cabrisas, Government Minister
2002 Mr. Ricardo Cabrisas, Government Minister
2003 Mr. Fidel Castro Ruz, President of the Council of State
Mr. José Ramón Balaguer, Member of the Council of State
Mr. Ricardo Cabrisas, Government Minister
2004 Mr. Humberto Rodríguez, President of the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation
Mr. Alfredo López, Minister of Fishing Industry
2005 Mr. Raúl de la Nuez, Minister of Foreign Trade
Mr. Jaime Alberto Crombet, Vice-President of the National Assembly of People's Power
2006 Mr. Ricardo Cabrisas, Government Minister
2009 Mr. Bruno Rodríguez Parilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs
2013 Mr. Julio Cristian Jiménez Molina, President of the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation
Mr. Bruno Rodríguez Parilla, Minister of Foreign Affairs
2015 Mr. Ricardo Cabrisas, Vice-President of the Council of Ministers
2016 Mr. Alfredo López Valdés, Minister of Energy and Mines
Mr. Miguel Mario Díaz-Canel Bermúdez, First Vice-President of the Council of State and Ministers of the Republic of Cuba
Mr. Rodrigo Malmierca Diaz, Minister of Foreign Trade and Foreign Investment
2017 Mr. Carlos Gutierrez Calzado, President of the Cuba - Japan Parliamentary Friendship League
2018 Mr. Antonio Eduardo Becali Garrido, President of the National Institute of Sports, Physical Education and Recreation

Cultural Grant (cumulative total as of the end of fiscal year 2016)

  • Cultural Grant Assistance: 340 million yen
  • Grant Assistance for Cultural Grassroots Projects: 28.52 million yen
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