Visit to Japan by Premier Zhu Rongji of the People's Republic of China
Joint Efforts for the 21st Century by Japan and the People's Republic of China
Results and Progress

13 October 2000

At the time of the visit to Japan in 1998 by President Jiang Zemin of the People's Republic of China, the Japan-China Joint Declaration On Building a Partnership of Friendship and Cooperation for Peace and Development was issued. At the same time, a Joint Press Announcement was issued outlining 33 cooperative areas between Japan and China. A continual review of progress in these areas has been made, and the following is the progress achieved in each of these categories since the visit to China by then Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi in July 1999, as compiled on the occasion of the visit to Japan by Premier Zhu Rongji.

1. Dialogue at the Leader's Level and Opening a Hotline

This visit to Japan by Premier Zhu follows the official visit to Japan by President Jiang Zemin in 1998 and the official visit to China by Prime Minister Keizo Obuchi in 1999. During this Summit Meeting Premier Zhu invited Prime Minister Yoshiro Mori to visit China at an appropriate time next year. Prime Minister Mori expressed his gratitude for this invitation. Both sides will discuss a specific schedule for the visit through diplomatic channels.

During the Summit Meeting both sides confirmed that the hotline between the Japanese and Chinese leaders, the establishment of which was decided during President Jiang Zemin's visit to Japan, had been opened.

2. Cooperation in Economic Sectors

There is a steady development in the economic relations between the two countries, as reflected in the value of trade between the two countries reaching an all-time high in 1999. Moreover, there is an increasing level of economic interaction between many of Japan's local governments and China's regional governments. Both sides will expand ongoing cooperation in economic areas, such as trade and investment, and in particular to consider the importance of cooperation in human resource development.

3. Japanese Investment in the People's Republic of China

Frequent and lively discussions have been made at meetings for promoting Japan-China investments, mainly by the business community. At this Summit Meeting the Japanese side requested that further improvements be made to the investment environment in China, and that adequate efforts be made to resolve outstanding issues, in particular the repayment of International Trust and Investment Corporation debt, the regulations of steel import, and authorization for local Japanese chambers of commerce and industry in various regions of China and strengthening of control over imitation products. In response to this, the Chinese side stated that it would take active measures. Furthermore, the Chinese side also indicated that it would promptly issue business licenses for Japanese insurance companies to operate in China.

4. Economic Cooperation with China

In order to elucidate a concrete direction for future economic cooperation with China, the Japanese side explained that during the course of the current fiscal year Japan would be formulating country-specific development programs for China, and was currently accumulating opinions from experts and eminent persons within Japan to this end. Furthermore, Japan explained that exchange of opinions would take place with the Chinese side through this process. At the Summit Meeting, the Chinese side explained the reception held on 8 October commemorating the 20th anniversary of Japan-China economic cooperation. The Chinese side also appreciated highly the role of Japan's economic cooperation over the last 20 years in contributing to China's development and explained its intentions to continue promoting effective utilization of this assistance and increasing domestic awareness.

5. Exchanges in the Sectors of Science and Technology and Industrial Technologies

In Beijing in August this year, the 9th Joint Committee Meeting on Science and Technology was held, based on the Japan-China Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement as well as commemorative events for the 20th anniversary of the Japan-China Science and Technology Cooperation Agreement. On that occasion, both sides shared the view that they would implement an arrangement on research into the effects of wind-carried dust (sandstorms) on the climate and environment. It is expected that on 16 October in Tokyo the arrangement will be formally signed by the Chinese Ambassador to Japan Chen Jian and Vice Minister of the Science and Technology Agency Yasuhiro Kato.

6. Cooperation for Development of Inland Regions of People's Republic of China

The Chinese side this year formulated basic guidelines focused on the provinces of Heilong Jiang, Jilin, Shanxi, Sichuan, and Yunnan. The cooperation of the Japanese side will be considered through the Council to Promote Inland Development in China, which consists of government and business communities, and it is planned that the Second Joint Meeting between the Council and the relevant counterparts on the Chinese side will take place during the course of this fiscal year. At this meeting details for concrete cooperation will be examined based on the basic guidelines for each province.

At the Summit Meeting, the Chinese side provided an explanation of the framework for "the great development of the West" and expressed its expectations for forward-looking cooperation from the Japanese side. The Japanese side responded by pointing out that it was important for the Chinese side to take drastic and concrete measures, such as the improvement of the investment environment. The Japanese side further explained that it was making preparations to dispatch a joint government-private sector mission to China with the aim of making on-site evaluations at an appropriate time during the first half of 2001.

7. Assistance for Corporate Reform

Progress is steadily being made in cooperation for the development of small and medium enterprises in China through such programs as the Japan-China Small and Medium Enterprises Policy Conference, Seminar on Financing for Small and Medium Enterprises, management technical advice through the dispatch of experts, and the model city project. In addition, the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) is providing support for study into the enhancing of telecommunications infrastructure in state-owned enterprises and for the enhancement of the economic legal system.

With regard to cooperation in the areas of labor and employment, which are associated with the reform of state-owned enterprises in China, progress is steadily being made, such as the implementation of the Seminar on Japan-China Exchange Program in Labour held in Beijing in December 1999, and cooperation is to continue in this field.

8. Beijing-Shanghai High-Speed Railway Project

The Japanese side provided a detailed explanation of the various Shinkansen bullet train technologies to date, and the Chinese side praised Japan's sophisticated and highly practical technologies and explained that it would use this information as a reference in the examination process. Additionally, Premier Zhu Rongji expressed his expectation to deepen his understanding of this technology with rides on the bullet train and linear car train systems during his visit to Japan.

9. Cooperation For Environment Protection

Japan-China cooperation in the environmental area is in progress, in such projects as the "Japan-China Environmental Development Model City Plan," the "Environmental Information Network," and the "Green Aid Plan" (activities to transfer and disseminate energy and environmental technologies).

10. Energy Issues

Progress is being made in the area of energy through the Japan-China energy consultations. As a direction for future cooperation, while cooperation will be strengthened in the area of improvement of the energy situation in China, efforts will also be strengthened to develop further energy security for Asia as a whole, not just in Japan and China, as well as in the area of promotion of the introduction of clean energy that will ensure the compatibility of environmental protection and sustained economic development. In September 1999 the 3E's (Energy, Environment, Economy) Research Institute was established between universities of both countries, and here cooperation is progressing in the soft areas of the energy field.

11. Agriculture and Food Issues

With regard to the Japan-China Sustainable Agriculture Technology Research and Advancement Center due to be established in Beijing, from the perspective of such issues as the future population of China and food supply of China, it has been decided that Japan will provide aid to accomplish technology development and diffusion for supporting the sustainable development of Chinese agriculture.

12. Measures to Respond to Flood Damage

The Japanese side has implemented a variety of types of cooperation, including the Project for Improvement of Dikes on Yangtze River, following the Yangtze River flood disaster in 1998 and assisted recovery and restoration efforts in China. The importance of afforestation activities from this experience was duly recognized, and concrete cooperation was crystallized in the project described below.

13. Afforestation and Preservation Forests

Last year a Japan-China Greenification Fund (10 billion yen) was formed on the proposal of Prime Minister Obuchi and a greenification movement started in China by Japanese citizens' organizations. The "China Greenification Commemorative Forest" establishment ceremony was held in Beijing on October 8 with representatives from both countries in attendance, at which a commemorative tree was planted and a commemorative monument was erected. At the Summit Meeting, the Chinese side mentioned their high evaluation of these activities.

In addition, in technical cooperation in the field of forestry development in Sichuan Province, which has been implemented from July this year, the Japanese side plans to make a contribution to the Chinese side for investment in flood control measures, in addition to the aim of improving afforestation technologies.

14. Youth Exchanges

Both sides agreed in 1998 to implement youth exchanges involving 15,000 young people over a 5-year period. In 1999, the first year of the program, a successful exchange of a total of 3,174 Japanese and Chinese youths took place. From this year trainees from the Central Party School will be sent to Japan, and in response, the youth representatives from government and private groups in Japan will visit China, and 50 Japanese high school students will be dispatched to China.

15. Exchange in Intellectual Fields

In 1999 both sides shared the view to promote an intellectual exchange project for conducting joint research on common themes between Japanese and Chinese think tanks, and six pairs of think tanks initiated joint research in September of this year. In addition, it has been decided that the expansion of the Beijing Center for Japanese Studies will be undertaken by the Japan International Exchange Foundation and the China Ministry of Education, both of which have jointly run the center for the last 20 years.

16. Promotion of Cultural Projects

The 1999 Japan-China Year of Culture and Friendship that launched last year during Prime Minister Obuchi's visit to China has come to a successful conclusion. At the Summit Meeting, it was decided that both a "China Year" and "Japan Year" (provisional names) will be held in the respective countries in 2002 as a way of commemorating the 30th anniversary of the normalization of Japan-China relations and promoting wider understanding among the people of mutual cultures and lifestyles.

17. Acceptance of Chinese Group Tours in Japan

In June this year, official notes on the implementation of group tours were exchanged between Japanese Ambassador to China Sakutaro Tanino and the Director of China National Tourism Administration He Guang Wei. Since the first Chinese group tour visited in September, more than 300 Chinese tourists have arrived in Japan. It was decided that the concrete implementation modalities, including the size of tour groups, would be adjusted within six months after the first visit.

18. Security Dialogue and Defense Exchanges

In June this year, the 7th Japan-China Security Dialogue was convened. In the area of defense exchange, in April this year Chief of General Staff Fu Quanyou made a visit to Japan, and in June Chairman of the Joint Staff Council Yuji Fujinawa visited China. At the Japan-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting in August both sides shared the view to strengthen dialogue in the areas of security and defense. At the Summit Meeting this plan was confirmed.

Both countries shared the view to realize as soon as possible mutual visits of naval vessels.

19. Disposal of Abandoned Chemical Weapons

Last year, both Japan and China officially established sections within their respective governments to deal with disposal of abandoned chemical weapons, and in September this year the first large-scale digging and collecting project in Beian (Heilongjiang Province) was undertaken. Both sides confirmed that future implementation would be promoted based on a united effort between the two countries.

20. Issues Related to the Law of the Sea

Regarding the delimitation of the exclusive economic zones and the continental shelves, Japan and China held the Consultations on Issues Related to the Law of the Sea in January and September of this year, but a conclusion has not been reached yet. It was decided that the consultation would be held at a pace of once every six months, with the next event scheduled for Tokyo.

At the Japan-China Foreign Ministers' Meeting in August, both sides shared the view that a framework for mutual prior notification would be created for scientific marine research activities of both sides until accomplishing delimitation. Subsequent working-level talks have been taking place. At the Summit Meeting it was decided that both sides would accelerate their work to establish the framework as soon as possible.

21. Fishing

The New Japan-China Fishery Agreement took effect in June of this year, and both sides have since conducted fishing activities in accordance with this agreement. It was decided that the Japan-China Joint Committee on Fisheries would be convened as soon as possible.

22. Preservation of Cultural Artifacts along the Silk Road

Joint survey teams have been dispatched by both countries and UNESCO to the Kumutula Thousand Buddha Caves and the Longmen Grottoes, respectively, in April and September of this year. As a result concrete preservation projects have been realized at both sites.

23. Information and Telecommunications Technology (IT)

In April this year the Japan-China Seminar on Information and Telecommunications Policy was convened. Both countries confirmed the importance for promoting human resources exchange among technical and research staff and developing technology, and decided to further proceed the cooperation, such as connecting experiment of next-generation Internet. In addition, in October of this year the Japan-China IT General Exhibition is to be held, introducing the newest IT and the results of the I-MITT 21 (the joint development program by Japan and China of leading-edge information systems in six fields, including on-line medical services and on-line education).

The Japanese side has explained the content of the Okinawa Charter on Global Information Society adopted at the G8 Kyushu-Okinawa Summit to the Chinese side. The Japanese side undertook to dispatch a mission to promote policy dialogue between the two countries during this fiscal year. Furthermore, the Japanese side stated that it would ease the procedures for issuing business visas to Chinese citizens for visits to Japan under certain conditions with the aim of promoting the activities of joint ventures between Japanese and Chinese companies, focusing on the area of IT.

24. Preservation of Japanese Crested Ibis

Three chicks have already been born to the crested ibis presented to the Japanese people as a gift by President Jiang Zemin on his visit to Japan. As a result of the Summit Meeting, the Chinese side graciously offered to send a new crested ibis as a mate for Youyou. Both sides decided to share future offspring from the pair. In addition, it was decided that in order to progress with the joint Japan-China preservation of crested ibis, the Japan-China Joint Crested Ibis Preservation Plan would be formulated through acquiring opinions from experts.

25. United Nations

At the Summit Meeting the importance of promptly realizing United Nations reforms so that the United Nations can play an effective role in addressing various issues facing international society was confirmed.

26. Regional Issues (Korean Peninsula)

Both sides recognized the progress of the relaxation of tension on the Korean Peninsula since the North-South Summit Meeting in June this year.

27. Human Rights

In January of this year the 3rd Human Rights Dialogue was held in Tokyo. It was decided that the next meeting would take place in Beijing at the director-general level.

28. Disarmament, Arms Control, and Non-Proliferation

Both sides shared the view to cooperate for the non-proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and their systems of delivery and have been cooperating with the promotion of international efforts at the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva and the United Nations. Furthermore, continuing from last year, it was decided to hold the Japan-China Arms Control, Disarmament and Non-proliferation Consultations in Tokyo during this year.

29. World Trade Organization (WTO)

While preparations aiming for China's accession to the WTO are coming to a final step, it is important for each country to further enhance efforts to accelerate the preparations for accession.

Additionally, the Japanese side decided to further actively cooperate in providing technological and intellectual cooperation for Chinese efforts based on a shared recognition of the importance of improving China's domestic legal system toward China's accession to the WTO.

30. The Asian Economy

In the wake of the currency and financial crisis of 1997, opportunities are heightening for regional cooperation in East Asia. In particular, in the area of finance, policies to strengthen financial cooperation in East Asia, including the "Chiang Mai Initiative" at the ASEAN+3 Finance Ministers Meeting held in May 2000, were announced, and several measures have been implemented in order to realize the policies. At the Summit Meeting, both sides welcomed these developments and decided to bolster cooperation through the ASEAN+3 framework. In addition, both sides shared the view that on the occasion of the ASEAN + 3 Summit Meeting in November, the leaders of Japan, China, and the Republic of Korea would take the opportunity to hold their dialogue following last year's dialogue.

31. The Eurasian Land Bridge Project

The significance of this concept for promoting peace and stability of the entire Eurasian continent was confirmed. Measures for proceeding the concept are currently under review.

32. Exchanges of Safety and Police-Related Field

Last year both sides shared the view that in order to respond to the spread of crime across both countries, in addition to bilateral consultations on consular affairs, a new security-related officials meeting would be held to bring together under one roof the officials in charge of security in both countries. In December 1999, the 1st Japan-China Public Security Authorities Consultations were held in Beijing. The 2nd Consultations are scheduled to take place in December of this year.

Furthermore, concerning measures against transnational organized crime, in August and September 1999 mutual visits took place between the Chairman of the National Public Safety Commission of Japan and the Minister of Public Security of China. On these occasions it was decided to further strengthen the cooperative relationship in police activities. Meanwhile, the 3rd Marine Regulatory Agencies Consultations were held in August 2000 to discuss the area of marine regulations, and both sides shared the view to establish contact points and strengthen cooperation in regulatory enforcement. The Commandant of the Japan Coast Guard and the Vice-Director of China's Ministry of Public Security are expected to sign a document recording the contents of consultations by the end of the year.

In relations between customs authorities, in May this year the Bilateral Meeting Between Japanese Customs and Tarrif Bureau and the General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China was convened in Beijing. Both sides shared the view that in the future: 1) cooperative relations will be strengthened between the national customs authorities of both countries; 2) a meeting would be convened each year; and 3) review would continue into the conclusion of a Customs Mutual Assistance Agreement.

33. Measures to Counter Illicit Narcotics

The Drug Law Enforcement Conference Tokyo 2000 was held in Tokyo in January this year. On this occasion it was confirmed that authorities of both countries would continue to actively work together for strengthening controls and positively participating in regional cooperative efforts, in order to find solutions to drug problems.

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