Press Releases
Publication of the IAEA Report of Corroboration of External Exposure Monitoring for Workers as Part of the Review of Safety Aspects of Handling ALPS Treated Water
On November 11, 2024, the IAEA released a report titled "Review on the Handling of ALPS Treated Water at TEPCO's Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station: Supporting External Radiation Dose Assessments." This report is a compilation of the results of a survey to support the capabilities of individual dosimetry service providers contracted by TEPCO to assess the external radiation doses of workers involved in handling ALPS treatment.
- This IAEA review is based on the Terms of Reference (TOR) on reviews of safety aspects of handling the ALPS treated water signed in July 2021 with the IAEA.
- The report concludes the following conclusions;
- Japanese laboratories have demonstrated a high level of accuracy in their measurements and technical competence.
- Analytical procedures follow the appropriate methodological standards required to obtain technically valid results.
These findings provide confidence in Japan’s capability for accurate assessment of external radiation exposure of workers involved in handling ALPS-treated water.
- The independent review by the IAEA, an international organization with authority in the field of nuclear energy, is extremely important in ensuring reliability and transparency regarding the safety of the discharge of the ALPS treated water into the sea and fostering better understanding both domestically and internationally. The Government of Japan will continue to work firmly to gain further understanding of the ALPS treated water from both domestically and internationally.
The ALPS treated water is water which is processed by devices such as ALPS (Advanced Liquid Processing System) to ensure that the concentration of the radioactive materials other than tritium surely meet the regulatory standards for safety. In addition, the ALPS treated water is sufficiently diluted by seawater before the discharges into the sea so that radioactive materials including tritium is far below the regulatory standards for safety.
- IAEA Press Release
IAEA Says Japan is Accurately Monitoring Radiation Exposure of Workers Handling ALPS-Treated Water at Fukushima - IAEA Report
Corroboration of External Exposure Monitoring for Workers as Part of the Review of Safety Related Aspects of Handling ALPS Treated Water (PDF) - The 1st report (PDF) published on April 29th, 2022, describes the details of IAEA’s review mission to METI and TEPCO conducted in February 2022, related to eight different technical areas, including the characterization of discharge and source term, the safety-related aspects of system and processes for controlling discharges, and the radiological environmental impact assessment.
- The 2nd report (PDF) published on June 16th, 2022, describes the details of IAEA’s review mission to the Nuclear Regulation Authority conducted in March 2022, related to five technical topics, including the responsibilities and functions of the government, major principles and safety objectives, and authorization process.
- The 3rd report (PDF) published on December 29, 2022, describes the IAEA’s planned activities for the analysis and data corroboration of source monitoring of the ALPS treated water, environmental monitoring, and occupational radiation protection for workers at the FDNPS.
- The 4rd report (PDF) published on April 5, 2023, describes the details of IAEA’s review mission to METI and TEPCO conducted in November 2022, related to eight different technical areas, including the characterization of discharge and source term, the safety-related aspects of system and processes for controlling discharges, and the radiological environmental impact assessment.
- The 5th report (PDF) published on May 4, 2023, describes the details of IAEA’s review mission to the Nuclear Regulation Authority conducted in January 2023, related to the five technical topics, including the responsibilities and function of the government, major principles and safety objectives, and authorization process.
- The report “First Interlaboratory Comparison on the Determination of Radionuclides in ALPS Treated Water (PDF) ” published on 31May, 2023, summarizes the results of an interlaboratory comparison (ILC) on the determination of radionuclides in the ALPS treated water conducted under the IAEA’s safety review.
- The report “IAEA Comprehensive Report on the Safety Review of the ALPS-Treated Water at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (PDF) ” published on July 4, 2023, summarizes a series of review which was conducted by the IAEA before the start of the discharge of the ALPS treated water.
- The report “First Review Mission to Japan after the Start of ALPS Treated Water Discharge (October 2023) (PDF) ” published on 30 January, 2024, summarizes the results of first review which was conducted by the IAEA after the start of the discharge of the ALPS treated water.
- The report “Second Review Mission to Japan after the Start of ALPS Treated Water Discharge (April 2024) (PDF) ” published on 18 July, 2024, summarizes the results of second review which was conducted by the IAEA after the start of the discharge of the ALPS treated water.