Press Releases
Japan-Finland Vice Ministers’ Meeting
September 5, 2024

On September 5, commencing at 11:00 a.m. for approximately 2 hours and 35 minutes, Mr. OKANO Masataka, Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, held a meeting including a working lunch with Ambassador Jukka SALOVAARA, the Permanent State Secretary in the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland, in Tokyo. The overview of the meeting is as follows.
- The two sides exchanged a wide range of views on regional and international affairs, with the point being that both Japan and Finland are in a severe security environment.
- With regard to bilateral relations, both sides concurred to expand cooperation in the area of security, including defense equipment and technology and civil protection, and to further enhance cooperation in the field of advanced science and technology including 5G/6G and supercomputing, where both countries possess strengths.
- The two sides affirmed that the security of the Euro-Atlantic and the Indo-Pacific are becoming increasingly inseparable and exchanged views on a wide range of issues including regional affairs in Indo-Pacific, Ukraine and Russia. They confirmed that Japan and Finland would further strengthen their partnership to address these issues through bilateral and Japan-NATO cooperation.