Press Releases

Expansion of Visa Quota for Japan-UK Working Holiday Program

April 1, 2024

In November 2023, expansion of the visa quota issued under the Working Holiday Program was confirmed between Japan and the UK.

  1. In light of the above, effective on April 1, the number of UK nationals (visa quota) eligible to use the Working Holiday Program has been increased from 1,000 to 6,000 annually.
    (Note: The number of Japanese nationals (visa quota) eligible to use the UK's Youth Mobility Scheme has been increased from 1,500 to 6,000 annually, effective January 31, 2024.)
  2. Expanding the visa quota for the Working Holiday Program further encourages exchange and mutual understanding between the youths of Japan and the UK and is expected to further strengthen the relationship between Japan and the UK.
(Reference2)Working Holiday Program

(1) The working holiday programmes are, based on bilateral arrangements, intended to make it possible for the youth of Japan and its partner countries/regions to enter each country/region primarily for the purpose of spending holidays while allowing them to engage in employment as an incidental activity of their holidays for the purpose of supplementing their travel funds.
The programmes are designed to provide the youth with wider opportunities for them to appreciate the culture and general way of life in the partner countries/regions for the purpose of promoting mutual understanding between Japan and its partner countries/regions.

(2) The Working Holiday Program was introduced between Japan and the UK in 2001.

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