Press Releases

Emergency Assistance to Mongolia in Response to the Dzud

March 21, 2024

Today, March 21, 2024, upon the request of the Government of Mongolia, the Government of Japan has decided to provide emergency relief goods (blankets, portable jerry cans, generators, etc.) through the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to Mongolia in response to the damages caused by the dzud (heavy snow disaster unique to Mongolia).

In light of the humanitarian perspective and the close relations between Japan and Mongolia, Japan has decided to provide emergency assistance to Mongolia to support people affected by the dzud.

In Mongolia, due to the dzud, many people have been affected, some resulting in death, livestock animals – lifeblood of nomads – have died in huge numbers and property damage has occurred since around January, 2024. According to the Government of Mongolia and the United Nations, as of March 19, 2024, there have been 13 deaths, 201 households (around 1,000 people) evacuated and 145,000 households (around 725,000 people) affected, as well as 4.8 million livestock loss being recorded in total.

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