Press Releases
Japan's financial contribution to the IAEA's NUTEC Plastics
June 11, 2021
On June 8, the Government of Japan announced at the IAEA Board of Governors that it would provide one million euros for the IAEA’s new project called “NUTEC Plastics” through the Peaceful Uses Initiative (PUI) in order to deal with the issue of marine plastic pollution.
- The objective of “NUTEC Plastics” is to assist the IAEA Member States both in promoting the use of nuclear and nuclear derived techniques, in such areas as monitoring of marine plastics, assessment of impacts on marine organisms, and in building capacities of the IAEA Member States in these areas.
- At the IAEA Roundtable meeting of the NUTEC Plastics for the Asia and Pacific Region virtually organized on May 18, Mr. Sasakawa Hiroyoshi, State Minister of the Environment of Japan, delivered a video message to introduce Japan's efforts to address marine plastic pollution. Mr. Kondo Tomohiro, Vice-Minister for Global Environmental Affairs of the Ministry of the Environment, further introduced Japan's efforts related to “Osaka Blue Ocean Vision” and discussed ways to develop cooperation with relevant stakeholders. In this regard, Japan will technically contribute to address marine plastic pollution and is committed to strengthening cooperation with the IAEA.