Press Releases

Meeting between Foreign Minister Motegi and Spanish Foreign Minister Borrell (High Representative-designate of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President-designate of the European Commission)

October 21, 2019
Foreign Ministers shaking hands
Foreign Ministers' Meeting
On October 21, commencing at 6:05p.m. for approximately 15 minutes, Mr. MOTEGI Toshimitsu, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, held a meeting with H.E. Mr. Josep Borrell Fontelles, Minister of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of the Kingdom of Spain (High Representative designate of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Vice-President designate of the European Commission), who was visiting Japan. The overview of the meeting is as follows.
1. Opening remarks
Minister Motegi welcomed Minister Borrell to Japan. Minister Motegi stated, “Let me extend my congratulations to you on your election as the next High Representative of the EU. I would like to express my gratitude to the condolence message to the Typhoon Hagibis (Typhoon No. 19) damages from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, European Union and Cooperation of the Kingdome of Spain. Japan and Spain as well as the EU are the important partners, sharing the universal values such as freedom, democracy, human rights and rule of law. I would like to continue working closely with you. ”In response, Minister Borrell stated, “It is my great honour to accompany His Majesty the King of Spain in visiting Japan for the historic occasion of the Ceremony of the Enthronement of His Majesty the Emperor. During the Japan-Spain summit meeting held just before this meeting, the King of Spain offered his deep condolences for the damages caused by Typhoon Hagibis, and congratulated on the success of the G20 Osaka summit.”
2. Japan-Spain relations
Minister Motegi stated, “We are pleased that the ‘Strategic Partnership’ between Japan and Spain has been implemented steadily.” Regarding Japan-Spain relations, both Ministers shared the view on continuing to strengthen their cooperative relations in a variety of areas.
3. Japan-EU relations
Minister Motegi stated, “’The Europa Connectivity Forum’, attended by Prime Minister Abe last month, represents one of the tangible joint works under the Japan-EU SPA (Strategic Partnership Agreement). I would like to welcome that Japan and the EU have confirmed the Japan-EU cooperation in terms of the connectivity in the areas including the Indo-Pacific.”, “The Japan-EU Connectivity Partnership document signed by the both leaders covers not only infrastructure development, but also other wide-ranging areas, including digital, energy, and education and research. I hope to deliver concrete outcomes.” Regarding the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, Minister Motegi stated, “Japan welcomes the new agreement between the UK and the EU. Japan keeps a cautious and close watch on the future process and strongly hopes that confusions caused by “no-deal Brexit” will be avoided. In response, Minister Borrell commented that Japan and the EU have close relations, and expressed his intention to coordinate with Minister Motegi for further deepening their relations.
4. Regional situation
Both Ministers exchanged views regarding the North Korean affairs. While Minister Motegi requested the understanding to the swift resolution of the abduction issue, they shared the view to cooperate on the issue.

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