Press Releases

Second Round of Negotiations on a Japan EU Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA)

July 8, 2013
  1. The second round of negotiations on a Japan-EU Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA) was held in Brussels, Belgium, from July 3 to 5.
  2. The meeting was attended by, on the Japanese side, Mr. Jun Yamada, Deputy Director General of the European Affairs Bureau (Chief Negotiator) and representatives from other relevant ministries, and on the EU side, Mr. Viorel Isticioaia Budura, Managing Director for Asia and the Pacific, the European External Action Service (Chief Negotiator) and other representatives from the European External Action Service and European Commission.
  3. At the meeting, the two sides had concrete discussions on the overall contents of the SPA sector by sector.
  4. The next round of negotiations should take place in Tokyo in October.


* The foregoing is a provisional translation. The date indicated above denotes the date of the original in Japanese.

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