Press Releases

Agreement in principle on Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Croatia for Air Services

November 15, 2022
  1. At the fourth round of the intergovernmental negotiations held online on November 15, the representatives of the Government of Japan and the Republic of Croatia reached an agreement in principle on Agreement between the Government of Japan and the Government of the Republic of Croatia for Air Services.
  2. With the aim of establishing a legal framework for stable operation of scheduled air services between Japan and the Republic of Croatia, this Agreement mutually grants both sides the rights for the operation of scheduled air services and stipulates matters such as exemption of customs duties, basic principles for determining capacity and tariffs, ensuring measures for aviation safety and security, and establishing routes through which scheduled air services may be conducted.
    The agreement is expected to further promote personal and economic exchanges between Japan and the Republic of Croatia.
  3. Both sides will continue to work on necessary procedures such as finalizing the draft text of the Agreement, with the aim of early signing of the Agreement.

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