Press Releases

Study Tour to Gunma Prefecture by the Diplomatic Corps in Japan

September 20, 2017

1. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan will organize a Study Tour jointly with Gunma Prefecture for the diplomatic corps stationed in Japan on September 27.

2. These Study Tours are held every year by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs together with local governments or bodies in order to showcase regional attractions such as culture, tourism, products and industries to diplomats posted in Japan.

3. During this Study Tour, the diplomatic corps will visit culture, and industry-related facilities of Gunma Prefecture, and it is expected that their understanding of the said Prefecture will be deepened through this Tour.

4. Expected participants : 25 diplomats (including their family members) from 15 countries

Liberia, El Salvador, Armenia, Malaysia, Cambodia, Philippines, Singapore, Norway, South Korea, Czech Republic, Belgium, New Zealand, Lithuania, Viet Nam, Mongolia

[Reference] Tentative Itinerary (Places of visit)
Textile Museu “YUKARI”, Riding Low-speed Electric Minibus “MAYU”, French Restaurant “Chocolat Noix”, Toyoda Products Co.,Ltd, Sanden Forest, Roadside Station “Tamamurajuku”

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