Press Releases

The 2nd Meeting of the Advisory Board for Promoting Science and Technology Diplomacy

January 22, 2021
The 2nd Meeting of the Advisory Board for Promoting Science and Technology Diplomacy3
The 2nd Meeting of the Advisory Board for Promoting Science and Technology Diplomacy2
The 2nd Meeting of the Advisory Board for Promoting Science and Technology Diplomacy1
  1. On January 22nd, the 2nd Meeting of the Advisory Board for Promoting Science and Technology Diplomacy was held online, with the participation of Mr. WASHIO Eiichiro, State Minister for Foreign Affairs, Prof. MATSUMOTO Yoichiro, Science and Technology Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan, and Dr. KANO Mitsunobu, Science and Technology Co-Advisor to the Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan.
    At the beginning, Mr. WASHIO pointed out that the role of science and technology and Science and Technology Diplomacy are becoming increasingly important in tackling the challenges including Covid-19. Moreover, he stated that Japan is determined to demonstrate its leadership in the international society by carrying out diplomacy utilizing scientific knowledge, while taking into account the changes in international affairs such as the inauguration of the new administration in the United States. In this regard, Mr. WASHIO asked for further cooperation by the Advisory Board, counting on their expertise.
  2. Prof. MATSUMOTO and Dr. KANO reported their recent activities, such as presenting Japan's Science and Technology Diplomacy and the latest trends in science, technology and innovation (STI), on several occasions including international symposia. Also, they shared with the Advisory Board the discussions regarding the response for the Covid-19 pandemic among the members of the FMSTAN (Foreign Ministries Science and Technology Advisors Network). 
  3. Along with the four themes: 1) Interlinkages between STI and security; 2) Planetary health: STI for food system transformation; 3) International collaboration in AI and the digital field; and 4) Strengthening the STI foundation in Japan to support Science and Technology Diplomacy; the policies and activities of the government and the relevant agencies were shared. Reflecting upon these policies and activities as well as the current situation, the Advisory Board members had an active discussion on the challenges and future directions to pursue. The Advisory Board is expected to deepen their discussions on the above-mentioned four themes.

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