Press Releases

Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida’s Visit to Hungary and Ukraine

August 16, 2013
1. If circumstances allow, Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida is scheduled to visit Hungary and Ukraine from August 22 to August 27.

2. In Hungary, in light of an invitation extended to Prime Minister of Hungary Viktor Orbán to visit Japan, which is scheduled to take place during the current fiscal year, Minister Kishida will discuss the enhancement of bilateral relations, including strengthening economic relations by supporting the large number of Japanese companies operating in Hungary, and the promotion of person-to-person exchanges. This visit will also provide a follow-up to the Visegrad Group (V4) plus Japan Summit Meeting held in June this year, as Hungary currently holds V4 Presidency.

3. In Ukraine, Minister Kishida will seek to promote Japan-Ukraine cooperation on aftermath responses to accidents at nuclear power stations, as both countries have experienced nuclear power station accidents. In addition, based on Ukraine’s considerable economic potential, Minister Kishida will also discuss improvement of the investment environment for Japanese companies. Furthermore, Ukraine is located in a geographically important position between the European Union (EU) and Russia, and Minister Kishida is also expected to discuss international affairs.

* The foregoing is a provisional translation. The date indicated above denotes the date of issue of the original press release in Japanese.

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