Press Conferences

Press Conference by Foreign Minister HAYASHI Yoshimasa

Friday, October 21, 2022, 10:32 a.m. Ministry of Foreign Affairs

(Video) Press Conference by Foreign Minister HAYASHI
This is a provisional translation by an external company for reference purpose only.

Announcement of Resignation by Prime Minister Liz Truss of the United Kingdom

NHK, Iwasawa: I would like to ask about the election of the leader of the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom. Last night, Prime Minister Truss resigned as the leader of the Conservative Party, and announced that she will also resign as prime minister as soon as the next leader of the Conservative Party is elected. Please tell us your reaction to the situation in the UK and the responses by the Government of Japan from now on.

Mr. HAYASHI Yoshimasa, Minister for Foreign Affairs: I am aware of the announcement by Prime Minister Truss. However, as the Government of Japan, we would like to refrain from commenting on the internal affairs of another country. Having that said, Prime Minister Truss and I worked together as G7 counterparts when she was the Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs of the UK, and I was expecting her success as Prime Minister. Therefore, I personally feel it is regrettable.

In any case, the UK is Japan’s global strategic partner who shares fundamental values. We will continue to work closely with the UK in responding to the Russian invasion of Ukraine and realizing a “Free and Open Indo-Pacific.”

Situation in Ukraine (Provision of Drones to Russia by Iran)

Jiji Press, Tanaka: I would like to ask about the situation in Ukraine. With regard to the so-called kamikaze drones that the Russian Armed Forces have been using to attack the infrastructure in Ukraine, Western countries have criticized Iran for supplying them, which may also be violating the United Nations Security Council resolutions. Please tell us the view of the Government of Japan on this matter.

Minister Hayashi: We are aware that the Russian Armed Forces have attacked various parts of Ukraine, including Kyiv, using unmanned aerial vehicles and other weapons, causing injuries and deaths among Ukrainian citizens.

Japan takes it very seriously that many civilians have been killed or injured in various parts of Ukraine due to the attacks by Russia. Attacking civilians and civilian facilities is a violation of international law and can never be justified. Japan strongly condemns these actions.

Regarding Iran’s provision of drones to Russia, it is difficult to give you a definite answer at this point. Japan has been exchanging views with Iran on the situation in Ukraine, taking advantage of every opportunity including the Japan-Iran Summit Meeting held last month, and reaching out to Iran to play a constructive role towards the peace and stability of the region and the international community. We will continue to make these efforts.

Security Measures at the Embassy of Japan in Kyiv, Ukraine and Support for Japanese Nationals Living in Ukraine

NHK, Iwasawa: In relation to the previous question, I would like to ask about the Embassy of Japan in Kyiv. As you mentioned, there have been attacks by unmanned aerial vehicles in the capital, Kyiv, and various other parts of Ukraine. In such a situation, please tell us if the safety of employees of the Japanese Embassy are ensured and how they can continue to carry out their duties. In addition, could you tell us about the status of support including any injuries to Japanese residents living in Ukraine and whether the embassy has received any requests from them?

Minister Hayashi: Officials at the Embassy of Japan in Kyiv are carrying out their duties after taking sufficient safety measures based on the information obtained through coordination with the Government of Ukraine and the other G7 countries.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a recommendation to evacuate from all of Ukraine. Thereafter, we have been successively providing information to Japanese residents who still wish to stay in Ukraine despite the recommendation, reminding them that they take actions to prioritize their own safety. In addition, we are maintaining communication with all confirmed Japanese residents. As of now, we have not received any information from Ukraine about deaths or injuries to Japanese residents.

Announcement of Resignation by Prime Minister Liz Truss of the United Kingdom

Yomiuri Shimbun, Abe: I would like to ask another question related to the resignation of Prime Minister Truss. Prime Minister Truss, since she was serving as Foreign Secretary, has been known for advocating the idea of imposing tough economic sanctions against Russia. In response to the announcement of her resignation, please tell us your thoughts on the impact this has on how the G7 will respond to Russia.

Minister Hayashi: As I stated earlier, the UK is Japan’s global strategic partner who shares fundamental values. In terms of our response to Russia’s aggression against Ukraine, we will continue to work closely with the UK.

I would like to refrain from commenting on the internal affairs of another country, but essentially, Japan’s basic position will remain unchanged.

Working Condition of the Employees at Japanese Embassies, Consulates and Permanent Missions

Mainichi Shimbun, Miyahara: I would like to ask about the living environment of employees working at Japanese embassies, consulates and permanent missions. Amidst the yen depreciation and ongoing rapid price increases overseas, the livelihoods of employees working at Japanese embassies, consulates and permanent missions are under stain. Recommendations put together by the Liberal Democratic Party of Japan for the Government of Japan’s Comprehensive Economic Measures also included improving the working and living environments for employees working at overseas diplomatic missions. In addition to the Comprehensive Economic Measures that the Government of Japan has been considering, please tell us how the Ministry of Foreign Affairs intends to improve its situation.

Minister Hayashi: In addition to international price hikes, the impact of the rapid yen depreciation in the foreign exchange market is significant, which directly affects the employees of overseas diplomatic missions.

I believe that it is important to provide an appropriate level of allowance, so that the employees working at overseas diplomatic missions can fully demonstrate their abilities according to their responsibilities even under such difficult working conditions.

In August this year, we revised the amount of allowance for employees working at overseas diplomatic missions located in a country where exchange rate fluctuations are particularly high, so that we can pay allowances that reflect the impact of price hikes and yen depreciation. Considering the current exchange rate fluctuations, we will make further adjustments to increase the allowance.

Visit to Japan by President Hofmański of the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Asahi Shimbun, Nohira: There are reports indicating that the ICC will open its office in Japan. Prime Minister Kishida had a meeting with President Hofmański yesterday, but could you tell us the current status of coordination and future considerations regarding this?

Minister Hayashi: I am aware that His Excellency Judge Piotr Hofmański, President of the ICC, is currently visiting Japan to attend the 60th Anniversary Event of the United Nations Asia and Far East Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders. I am scheduled to meet President Hofmański today.

Japan is the largest assessed contributor to the ICC and has been collaborating with the ICC’s activities in various ways, such as through continuously sending Japanese judges. The ICC has a high interest in strengthening public relations in Asia, and I am aware that they are considering a range of possibilities including the establishment of its office in Japan.

Regarding the establishment of the ICC’s regional office, nothing has been decided at this point, and I would like to refrain from speaking based on speculation about this matter. In any case, we will listen to the views of the ICC side and their requests, and consider how we can cooperate with them.

Japan-China Relations

Hong Kong Phoenix TV, Li: The 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China is being held and is scheduled to end tomorrow. It has been reported that General Secretary of the Communist Party Xi Jinping stated about Chinese diplomacy that “China remains firm in pursuing an independent policy of peace” and that China “will never seek hegemony or expansionism.” What is the reaction of the Government of Japan to this statement? Furthermore, in his address, General Secretary Xi clearly stated that China would “never promise to renounce use of force” in relation to Taiwan. Please tell us once again Japan’s position on Taiwan, namely whether the Government of Japan still maintains the position to support China’s policy of “one country, two systems”.

Minister Hayashi: I would like to refrain from commenting on the activities of political parties in other countries and their impact on Japan-China relations based on speculation, but we are monitoring the development at the National Congress.

In addition, Japan’s consistent position is to say what needs to be said, to call on China to act responsibly, and hold dialogues on various issues of concerns time ang again, while both sides make efforts to build constructive and stable Japan-China relations in which both sides cooperate on various common challenges.

We believe that peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait are important for the security of Japan as well as the stability of the international community. Japan’s consistent position has always been to expect that the issues surrounding Taiwan to be resolved peacefully through dialogue.

Japan will continue to firmly convey the importance of peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait to the Chinese side. At the same time, we will ensure clear communication based on the position shared among many countries, while closely cooperating with the United States and other allies and like-minded countries. We will continue to steadily monitor how the cross-Strait relations develop.

Temporary Office of the Embassy of Japan in Afghanistan

Yomiuri Shimbun, Abe: There are reports indicating that Japan has reopened the Embassy of Japan in Afghanistan. Could you confirm if it is true?

Minister Hayashi: Due to the deteriorating local political situation, we decided on the temporary closure of the Embassy of Japan in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan on August 15, 2021. The embassy duties are being carried out at the temporary office of the Embassy of Japan in Afghanistan, which was set up within the Embassy of Japan in the State of Qatar.

Meanwhile, we are currently carrying out limited embassy duties in Kabul with a minimal staff. I would like to refrain from going into any further details in consideration of the security of the employees at the embassy.

Revision of Three Documents Including the National Security Strategy

Kyodo News, Ueda: I would like to ask about the revision of three documents including the National Security Strategy. The Liberal Democratic Party of Japan and the KOMEITO did not reach an agreement on the understanding of the situation regarding China at the first working team meeting. The Liberal Democratic Party side emphasized the serious security threat, while the KOMEITO side insisted that it should be in line with the United States’ National Security Strategy. Please tell us how the Government of Japan sees the situation regarding China.

Minister Hayashi: We understand that China has broadly and rapidly strengthened its military power mainly in the areas of nuclear and missile strategies as well as the maritime and air force capabilities against a backdrop of high growth in defense spending, while putting efforts in the strengthening of the capabilities in new domains such as space, cyber, and electromagnetic domains and the development of so-called game changer technology. Furthermore, China continues to expand and increase its activities in the East China Sea, the Pacific Ocean, and the South China Sea.

These Chinese military trends have become serious security concerns for the international community and the region, including Japan.

Through the past Japan-China Foreign Ministers’ Telephone Talks with State Councilor Wang Yi, I have directly and candidly expressed our concerns regarding China’s military activities.

In cooperation with relevant countries, we will continue to request China to improve the transparency of defense policies and military capabilities, and to comply with international norms of conduct through various dialogues and exchanges in the security field.

The Government of Japan will continue to respond firmly but in a calm manner based on its determination to resolutely defend our territorial land, sea, and airspace, while saying what needs to be said.

Situation in Ukraine (Provision of Drones to Russia by Iran)

TV Asahi, Sawai: Going back to the question from earlier, I would like to ask a question related to the use of Iranian drones by the Russian Armed Forces. Following the EU, the United States seems to be considering imposing new sanctions on Iran, while the Ukrainian Foreign Minister also seeks sanctions on Iran. In terms of cooperation as a G7 member, please tell us the current status of considerations by the Government of Japan on imposing new sanctions on Iran.

Minister Hayashi: As I stated earlier, regarding the case of drones, we are in the process of collecting and analyzing information on this matter. Therefore, it is difficult for me to give you a definite answer regarding the facts at this point.

I am aware that, in the afternoon of October 19 local time, this matter was discussed at the UN Security Council meeting in which the United States, France, and Russia stated their respective positions.

The Government of Japan will continue to monitor the situation and reach out to Iran to play a constructive role.

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