Press Conferences
Press Conference by Foreign Press Secretary ONO Hikariko
Wednesday, June 14, 2023, 3:15 p.m. Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Ukraine Recovery Conference
Asahi Shimbun, Nagasaki: I have a question about the Ukraine Recovery Conference to be held in London next week. At the meeting of the Council on Preparation for Promotion of Ukraine’s Economic Reconstruction held at the Prime Minister’s Office in May, I believe Prime Minister Kishida gave instructions to establish support measures that are unique to Japan. What is the Government currently considering regarding these measures?
Ms. ONO Hikariko, Press Secretary: The conference you mentioned will focus mainly on encouraging the participation of the private sector in Ukraine’s recovery and on implementing reforms necessary to realize this. As the G7 Presidency, Japan intends to contribute actively to the discussions of the international community to support Ukraine.
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been undertaking preparations with relevant ministries and agencies through the Council on Preparation for Promotion of Ukraine’s Economic Reconstruction launched in May. Japan will proactively implement flexible and bold recovery support that is “unique to Japan” through an all-Japan approach, making use of opportunities like this recovery conference in London.
Japan-Palau Summit Meeting and Other Matters
Yomiuri Shimbun, Tanikawa: This evening, a Japan-Palau Summit Meeting will be held, and the leaders are expected to exchange views on the discharge of treated water from TEPCO’s Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station (FDNPS) into the sea. What outcomes do you expect at this meeting? While some Pacific Island countries have expressed their support for the discharge, China remains strongly opposed to it. How does Japan plan to obtain the support of China and the Republic of Korea (ROK)?
Press Secretary Ono: In answer to your first question about the Japan-Palau Summit Meeting, Japan has been providing explanations based on scientific evidence in a highly transparent and courteous manner on the discharge of ALPS treated water into the sea, while undergoing reviews by the IAEA.
In addition, after Japan and the delegation of the Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) concurred on the importance of intensive dialogues in February, Japan has steadily held dialogues at the political and expert levels by visiting Pacific Island countries.
We will explain such Japanese efforts at the Japan-Palau Summit Meeting to be held today. Furthermore, we hope that the meeting, together with President Whipps’ visit to TEPCO’s FDNPS yesterday, will offer the President an opportunity to further deepen his understanding on Japan’s efforts, which are intended to ensure the safety of discharging ALPS treated water into the sea based on scientific evidence.
Regarding your second question on how Japan plans to obtain the support of China, the ROK, and other countries, it is as I stated earlier. About the handling of ALPS treated water, Japan has been taking measures that give maximum consideration to the impact on the environment, human health, and safety, while complying with international laws and fully taking international practices into account.
Additionally, Japan has been explaining these measures to the international community, including China and the ROK, in a transparent and courteous manner based on scientific evidence.
In particular, whenever any remarks were made about the handling of ALPS treated water that are not based on scientific evidence, Japan refuted them appropriately and in a timely manner based on scientific evidence.
Regarding China, on various occasions including the Japan-China Foreign Ministers’ Meeting in April, Japan has explained its position to the country and strongly requested that China make conclusions that are based on scientific evidence. Furthermore, while Japan has repeatedly offered to provide expertise-based explanations to China individually, we have not received any response from Beijing. It is regrettable that China continues to make one-sided remarks.
For the ROK, about the safety of ALPS treated water, Japan has been providing information based on scientific evidence and explanations to the ROK in a courteous manner through various opportunities, such as director-general-level briefing sessions. In addition, following the outcome of the Japan-ROK Summit Meeting on May 7, a delegation of Korean experts observed TEPCO’s FDNPS last month. We hope that the latest observations will deepen the understanding of the ROK side.
Regarding the safety of discharging ALPS treated water into the sea, Japan will continue to provide explanations based on scientific evidence in a transparent and courteous manner to members of the international community, including China and the ROK.