Diplomatic Bluebook 2015

Chapter 3

Japan’s Foreign Policy to Promote National and Worldwide Interests

Section 4 Efforts to Promote Understanding of and Trust in Japan



The environment surrounding public diplomacy is seeing major changes.

First, many countries have begun to mobilize large amounts of resources for policy outreach and cultural exchanges. This has in turn intensified competition among states in the field of public diplomacy.

Second, the amount of information in the world has increased rapidly, and information communication methods are further diversifying. In this context, new approach for disseminating information is required in addition to existing measures, in order to expand the base of well-informed people on Japan including the general public and opinion leaders overseas.

Third, not only governments but diverse actors with expertise, including think tanks, media, and individuals, have been more actively involved and have created networks that have international influence. Proactively engaging with these actors is indispensable for Japan to demonstrate its presence in the international community, and to gain trust and a positive impression.

Basic Policy

Over the 70 years since the end of WWII, Japan has contributed significantly to peace, development, and democratization in the Asia-Pacific region and the world. Based on Japan’s deep remorse over the war and the path it has walked as a peace-loving nation after the war, Japan will continue to contribute to peace and prosperity in the region under the policy of “Proactive Contribution to Peace” based on the principle of international cooperation. In addition, Japan continues to contribute to peace and prosperity in the world by addressing global issues, such as UN Security Council (UNSC) reform, nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation, climate change, realization of a “society where women shine,” and development challenges including disaster risk reduction. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) will effectively utilize the frameworks for disseminating information overseas to communicate Japan’s position to the world.

Enhancing Strategic Communication

The draft of FY2015 budget of MOFA includes considerable appropriation increases for strategically disseminating information overseas. MOFA will effectively utilize this budget to convey Japan’s views and diverse attraction so that more and more people overseas will be well informed about the country. MOFA will strengthen such efforts in this 70th year since the end of WWⅡ and beyond.

Cultural Diplomacy

In a world in which diverse cultures coexist, respect for cultural diversity and promotion of mutual understanding will lead to laying the foundation for peace and prosperity. Based on this view, Japan is engaged in efforts to deepen understanding of both its traditional and popular cultures, promote people-to-people and intellectual exchanges, and encourage the study of the Japanese language. In addition, in order to contribute to the success of the 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games in Tokyo, Japan will pursue its “Sport for Tomorrow” programme for making an international contribution through sports. Japan will also work with organizations such as United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) to protect the world’s tangible and intangible cultural heritage, as well as to inscribe more of Japan’s cultural heritage on the World Heritage List and the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage.