1998 Diplomatic Bluebook
Japan's Diplomacy toward the 21st Century-New Developments and New Challenges Facing the International Community
On Publishing the 1998 Diplomatic Bluebook
Chapter I. General Overview-The International Community and Japan's Foreign Policy in 1997
A. Overview
- The international community in 1997
- Toward the construction of a new order
- Utilizing new opportunities and responding to challenges
- Multiplying global issues
- Japan's foreign policy in 1997
B. Efforts toward a peaceful and prosperous Asia-Pacific
- Japan-United States relations
- Japan-China relations
- Japan-Russia relations
- The Korean Peninsula
- The economic situation in Asia
- Regional cooperation in the Asia-Pacific
C. Global efforts and the role of Japan
D. Seizure of the Japanese Ambassador's Residence in Peru
- Seizure of the Japanese Ambassador's Residence in Peru
- Response of the Japanese Government
- Lessons and challenges
Chapter II. Sectoral Analysis of the International Situation and Japan's Foreign Policy
A. Ensuring peace and stability
- Ensuring the security of Japan
- Arms control and non-proliferation, and anti-personnel land mines
- Efforts toward regional peace and stability
B. Securing global economic prosperity and development issues for developing countries
- Ensuring a prosperous world economy-Japan's policy efforts
- Development issues and Japan's Official Development Assistance (ODA)
C. Efforts toward the realization of a better global society
- Terrorism
- Transnational organized crime and narcotics
- Protection of human rights and promotion of democratization
- Ensuring nuclear safety and international cooperation in the area of science and technology
- Population and AIDS
Chapter III. Regional Developments
A. Asia and the Pacific
- The People's Republic of China and its vicinity
- The Korean Peninsula
- Southeast Asia
- Southwest Asia
- Oceania
B. North America
C. Latin America and the Caribbean
D. Europe
- Major progress in creating a new European order
- New developments in European security
- Progress toward European integration-deepening and enlargement of the European Union
- Economic situation in Europe
- Japan-Europe relations
E. Russia and the New Independent States
F. The Middle East
- Recent Middle East developments and the visit by Prime Minister Hashimoto to Saudi Arabia
- Iraq and Iran
- Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries
G. Africa
Chapter IV. International Exchanges and Public Relations Activities
A. Promoting international exchanges
- The importance of international exchanges
- A wider spectrum of international exchanges
- Further promoting national and regional exchanges
- Further developments in international exchanges
B. National public opinion and public relations; foreign understanding of Japan
Chapter V. Structures Supporting Japan's Diplomatic Functions
A. Structures to implement diplomatic functions
- The need to enhance Ministry structures
- Efforts in regard to organization, personnel and budgetary allocation
B. Consular functions and measures for the protection of Japanese abroad
- Protection of Japanese abroad
- Strengthening consular functions
- Measures to prevent passport forgery
- Responding to generational change in Japanese communities
- Foreigners in Japan
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